by Margi B. in 2004-2005, from LilithGate Website
Lilith’s origins most likely come from ancient Sumerian beliefs of night spirits that preyed upon humans while they were sleeping. Of the four classes, Lilith probably most resembles the Ardat Lili [1], who seduce men at night and steal their sperm to procreate demonic children.
Some scholars relate Lilith with the Lilitu, winged night spirits that preyed specifically on women, women in childbirth, and their newborns.
Lilith’s name is also revealing of her characteristics. “Lil” means both “air“, “breath“, and “spirit” in Sumerian, most likely connoting that the substance of air was synonymous with the substance of spirits [2]. This relates the the original spelling of Liloth (LILOTh), translated to “the spirits” in Hebrew [3].
Lilith’s name has also be attributed to Kramer’s translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh [5] (ki-sikil-lil-la-ke) [4]. Although, Kramer’s translation means “Lila’s maiden, beloved, companion, or maid,” which implies that a demon or spiritual companion of “Lila” was in the tree. “Lila” means “night,” and “mist,” and is associated with night monsters. [6]
Lila’s maiden tore down the tree and fled into the wilderness. Lilitu, one of Lilith’s predecessors, is associated with desolate places. [7] In later Biblical works, Lilith is predicted to “find a place of rest” in the ruins of desolation.[8]
Lilith is also related to Lamashtu, whom Pazuzu made flee back to the Underworld [9]. Lamashtu is a demi-Goddess of the Babylonians, known for strangling and drinking the blood of infants [10].
Lamashtu is described as “the Daughter of Heaven,” which corresponds to Lilith’s creation directly from God. [11] She is described as having the head of a lion and her breasts being suckled by a puppy and a piglet. She rides upon the back of a donkey to the Underworld, where the bow of the boat ends in a serpent’s head.
The space between her legs is a scorpion, which corresponds to the astrological sign Scorpio – that to this day is called “the genitals” of the body of the Zodiac [12].
Another entity Lilith is related to is Lamia, whom attacked pregnant women, seducing men, and devouring internal organs.
Lamia also shares the phenomena of “child killer” similar with Lilith – she killed human children because her own supernatural brood was murdered off. Lamia had a love affair with Zeus, and in jealousy Hera proceeded to murder her children. In retaliation, Lamia began to kidnap and murder human children [13].
Like Lilith, she was represented as a serpent from the waist down [14]. Another source likens Lamia to an adrogynous spirit that has a woman’s breasts and a man’s organ [15]; similar to Lilith and Samael [16].
When the Hebrews adopted these myths, the actual name “Lilith” or “Liloth,” most likely dates back about 600 BCE during or after Hebrew captivity in Babylon [17].
Hard physical evidence, such as a Hebrew incantation bowl (click below images) for protection dates back to only 600 CE [18], which dates Lilith back to at least three hundred years before the creation of the Ben Sira.
The Babylonian demon bowls (above image) unearthed in Iraq date only back to 600 to 800 CE at the earliest and were used for “trapping” malevolent spirits or demons – which may have been used to conjure them on a desired victim.
However, these bowls are also used in protective magick, to ward curses and manner of ill will from sorceries [19]. Lilith is mentioned on at least two of them meant to exorcise her [18].
Also, before the Alphabet of Ben Sira, there is another Jewish folk tale about a woman who used the Ineffable name of God to fly away from sexual domination:
“When the angels came to earth, and beheld the daughters of men in all their grace and beauty, they could not restrain their passion. Shemhazai saw a maiden named Istehar, and he lost his heart to her.
She promised to surrender herself to him, if first he taught her the Ineffable Name, by means of which he raised himself to heaven. He assented to her condition.
But once she knew it, she pronounced the Name, and herself ascended to heaven, without fulfilling her promise to the angel.
God said, “Because she kept herself aloof from sin, we will place her among the seven stars, that men may never forget her,” and she was put in the constellation of the Pleiades.”
(The Legends of the Jews)
This legend of Istehar/Istahar is propertied to come from the story of the Greek Goddess Astraea, whom was probably adopted by the Hellenic Jews to recreate this story about the Nephilim and the great flood of the Earth.
[1] “Thus with R. Campbell Thompson, who in this lil-la sees Sumerian lil-la, Akkadian lilu, ‘the demon equivalent to a male vampire. There are four demons of this class – the idlu lili, the ardat lili, the lilu, and the lilitu. The ardat lili is well known as the female vampire or succubae who visits men by night and bears [them] ghostly children: the idlu lili must be her male counterpart who can visit women and beget offspring by them, just as demiGods are created'” (Thorkild Jacobsen “The Sumerian Kinglist”, The Epic of Gilgamesh)
[2] In Sumerian, the word “Lil” means “Air.” Enlil, for instance, was the Sumerian Lord (En) of Air (Lil). The oldest known term which we might suggest relates to Lilith would be the plural word “Lili” (feminine “Lilitu”), which was simply the same in Sumeria as our modern generic word “spirits.” In fact, it was quite common in ancient languages for the same word for “air” or “breath” to be used for “spirit,” as the breath was thought to be the evidence of life; the spirit of the person. Disembodied spirits, therefore, were themselves composed of the same substance. The very word “spiritus” is one such example- Latin for “to breath.” The Hebrew “ruach” is another identical example. This suggests, therefore, that the Sumerian Lilitu were either a specific type of demon, or were simply “spirits” in general. (Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess, Khephera)
[3] The Hebrew lettering is Lamed (L), Yod (I), Lamed (L), Vav (O), Tau (Th). The “-ith” should be spelled “-oth,” which is the Hebrew feminine plural suffix. It may be that the earliest Hebrew references were not to “Lilith,” but to “the liloth” (the spirits)- a curious cross of a Sumer-Babylonian word with a Hebrew suffix. More specifically, it referred to female spirits, and thus was probably little more than the Hebrew version of the Sumerian term Lilitu. (Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess, Khephera)
[4] Apparently, the misunderstanding arises from a mistake in translation made by the historian and scholar Samuel Kramer. In the Epic, the demoness in the Tree is described as “ki-sikil-lil-la-ke,” which Kramer suggested meant “Lila’s maiden, beloved, companion, or maid.” (I assume this is also the origin of Merlin Stone’s mistaken suggestion that Lilith was the “maiden” of Inanna.) While the word for air/spirit is obviously present, there is no indication of a Lilith- anymore than the presence of the word “ki” (Earth) indicates the Earth Goddess Ki. Perhaps Kramer was concentrating on the two syllables “lil-la.” (Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess, Khephera)
[5] But in the meantime, she found to her dismay that her hopes could not be fulfilled. Because during that time a dragon had built its nest at the foot of the tree, the Zu-bird was raising its young in the crown, and the demon Lilith had built her house in the middle.
But Gilgamesh, who had heard of Inanna’s plight, came to her rescue. He took his heavy shield killed the dragon with his heavy bronze axe, which weighed seven talents and seven minas. Then the Zu-bird flew into the mountains with its young, while Lilith, petrified with fear, tore down her house and fled into the wilderness (Alan Humm’s Lilith Page)
[6] The lilu, in Sumerian lila, is generally regarded as “the night- monster,” the word being referred to the Semitic root lil or layl, whence the Hebrew layil, Arabic layl, “night.” Its origin, however, is Sumerian, from lila, regarded as meaning “mist.” To the word lilu the ancient Babylonians formed a feminine, lilithu, which entered the Hebrew language under the form of lilith, which was, according to the rabbins, a beautiful woman, who lay in wait for children by night. The lilu had a companion who is called his handmaid or servant. (The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, Theophilus G. Pinches)
[7] The male is called Lilu, and the two females are called Lilitu and Ardat Lili, the ‘maid of desolation.’ Lilitu was a frigid, barren, husbandless demon who roamed the night searching for men as a succubus for she would drink their blood. (Heart 7’s Spirit Pages)
[8] The name of Lilith is mentioned only once in the Bible, in Isaiah 34:14, where she is listed along with hyenas and jackals as those who dwell in the ruins of God-forsaken Edom. (Lilith – Legendary Early Woman)
[And also:]
When the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring about the destruction of the wicked Rome, and turn it into a ruin for all eternity, He will send Lilith there, and let her dwell in that ruin, for she is the ruination of the world. And to this refers the verse, And there shall repose Lilith and find her a place of rest (Isa. 34:14). (Alan Humm’s Lilith Pages)
[9] The two sides of Lilith had already been personified in Babylonian literature, in the two Goddesses Lamashtû and Ishtar, out of which the figure of Lilith crystallized. For this reason, I have designated them as the Lamashtû aspect and the Ishtar aspect. (Lilith – The First Eve)
[10] The bronze plaque on the lower right shows Lamastu being forced back into the underworld by the demon-God Pazuzu. […]Babylonians and Assyrians also believed in the demi-Goddess Lamastu who especially preyed upon infants and women in labor. Slithering quietly like as snake into a home, she could snatch a baby out of the womb or out of its cradle. She also could also inflict disease upon both men and women. Her father is the primordial sky-God Anu, the prime-mover at the beginning of creation, who took over Heaven and separated it from Earth. (Neo-Vampires Gods, demons, and fairies)
(Professor David Bernat, Religion Department, Wellesley College)
Great is the daughter of Heaven who tortures babies
Her hand is a net, her embrace is death
She is cruel, raging, angry, predatory
A runner, a thief is the daughter of Heaven
She touches the bellies of women in labor
She pulls out the pregnant women’s baby
The daughter of Heaven is one of the Gods, her brothers
With no child of her own.
Her head is a lion’s head
Her body is a donkey’s body
She roars like a lion
She constantly howls like a demon-dog.
[12] (Medieval woodcut of the body of the Zodiac)
[13] Lamia was a beautiful woman whose children were taken away in jealousy by Hera because Zeus had loved her. In revenge, Lamia began to steal and kill the children of others. She became a hideous creature. Because Hera had condemned her to sleeplessness, Zeus gave Lamia the ability to remove her own eyes at will in order to sleep. In later legend the lamia was a vampire that seduced young men; this version of the story inspired the poem Lamia (1820) by John Keats. (Grolier Encyclopedia)
[14] She was represented with a woman’s face and a serpent’s tail. (1911 Encyclopedia)
[15] “scaly, four-legged creature, with hoofs behind and paws in front, with a woman’s face, a hermaphrodite with a man’s organ and woman’s breasts” (Briggs, Katharine; The Encyclopedia of Fairies. New York: Pantheon Books. 1976)
[16] Lilith is called the Northerner, because Out of the north the evil breaks forth (Jer. 1:14). Both Samael, king of the demons, and Lilith were born in a spiritual birth androgynously. (Alan Humm’s Lilith Page)
[17] Yet, Lilith may have finally become a proper noun during or right after the Captivity. This is possibly indicated in the numerous Hebrew inscriptions, painted upon bowls, dated to around that time. These inscriptions picture a particularly nasty looking demoness by the name of Lilith, and the words are for protection against Her. […]Lilith appears to have lived on in oral tradition until the Talmudic times, where the popular mythos of Lilith is first presented in response to a contradiction in the Torah. The work in question is a tenth-century folktale called “The Alphabet of Ben Sira,” where Lilith is presented as the first wife of Adam. (Lilith: From Demoness to Dark Goddess, Khephera)
[18] (Lilith Incantation Bowls)
[19] (Babylonian Demon Bowls)