“What actually happened in Egypt and Babylon?
How did the Jews escape Egypt and did YHWH really kill all the firstborns?
Also why did those empires collapse if everyone there worshipped Satan?”
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
These are many interesting questions.
In regard to Egypt and Babylon, we know the enemy infiltrated them strongly.
The bible says how Jews stole constantly from the Egyptians, who were a generous people, and gave them riches alongside other things.
Primarily the enemy achieved destruction of Egypt through infiltration.
They even tried to infiltrate the Egyptian priesthood, and sources say they even managed to get a Pharaoh in for a very small duration.
All these were killed later, but they did a lot of damage until they fell.
After reading about Akhenaton in 2013, it seemed clear that this was a pivotal turning point for Egypt.
When “Akhenaten” took control, he suddenly threw all the Gods in the trash can and started to promote a first version of what would later become “Solar Jesus”, i.e., monotheism.
As Rabbi Laitman has said, Jews specialize in infiltrator as they are an “undercover agent” within mankind, in a literal secret mission.
However, all of these statements are not exactly real, as evidence shows Egypt did not fall out of natural circumstances, but a mix of political warfare, attacks from aliens, and natural causes.
Egypt did last far more chronologically than the enemy says, or traditional history approves.
Egypt didn’t really “die off”, but it was absorbed later in the Greco-Roman empire, and it went from there.
Egypt, evidence also suggests, was invaded.
In regard to all these curses your read on the bible, none of these happened in reality, they are just methods and codified knowledge of curses.
Before it was actually invaded [the Pyramids have damage which people who have looked into claim were struck by mass earthquakes or even laser warfare i.e., from hostile aliens], the enemy was already doing their utmost to create the conditions to make Egypt fail.
Nor Satan nor the Demons can prevent everything if humanity collectively collapses.
Binding of the Demons – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
They could be here trying to hold our hand but if our societies collapse on their own, they cannot be saved.
A typical example of this is present day United States.
If this corrosion of internal values of people exists, and everything that made the US, the US, is removed, it will simply collapse on itself, despite of manpower, military, or even the will of many people to keep it together.
For example, the enemy attacks the constitution, demilitarizes the US slowly, destroys its currency, promotes endless wars, shifts the political focus on bullshit sentimental issues such as George Floyd, and allows Jews to create internal strife, corrosion, and discord between all citizens of the US through the Media.
That’s exactly how one destroys an Empire.
The corruption has also gone that far, that the US that “hated communism”, now is worshipping the same ideals in the name of “Socialism”, and people are culturally brainwashed into becoming Marxists.
These are later rallied to destroy their own Empire.
- Egypt
- Babylon
- other Empires
have fallen through other means in the past, generally wars, over-expansion, internal disputes, added the Jewish factor, or fell from external force, due to politics.
The universe also has timelines for:
- destruction
- decay
- damage
and death, which can be difficult to ride out.
These are using metaphorical language, and these are code words for other things the enemy means, which tie into their internal scriptures and their oral torah.
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
These are elaborate curses, and they aren’t exactly real events.
But they however show how much hate the enemy has.
Empires from a technical standpoint can collapse on many reasons.
Some reasons can be lack of manpower, others can be race mixing [America is going down this route], expanding too much so they cannot hold the kingdom together [expansion creates strife in the internals of an Empire], and infiltration and sabotage are the main ways Empires collapse.
If one wants to understand from a more normal standpoint how let’s say, Egypt fell, or Rome, all they have to look at is the enemy today in the United States.
By progressive brainwashing and sabotage, whatever made an empire and actual empire, can be corroded.
American “Empire” – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
This includes the people, their soul, manpower, knowledge and everything else.
How the enemy takes down places of importance is also done through infiltration of royal families or leadership.
Some methods have to do with assassination, others have to do with disinformation, others with sabotage.
Lastly, we also have natural occurrences, such as:
- a meteor
- earthquakes
- natural disasters
- bad weather
and other things which can wipe out Nations and countries and are beyond human control.
Past empires have fallen due to these causes as well.
People back then didn’t quite understand this.
And even if select people did, such as let’s say a Roman emperor or a Pharaoh, these still cannot control every little village where a Jew impregnated someone secretly.
Still today our present-day Empires do undergo the same problems as people did back then, the only difference being that the Jews have for the late few centuries, far more political power.
Next up to fall will be the United States if people don’t gather their shit together.
In short, Empires fall like any other creation based on laws of spirit and matter, that if not sustained and resisted, will simply destroy something.
This does not have necessarily to be done by Jews, but Jews can accelerate these forces in the things Gentiles create to survive, such as Empires, Countries etc.
Yet, the main causes of fall, beside all the above, is also alien involvement.
In our recent past, the enemy has also physically invaded.
The study of both the creation and the strange fall of cultures like Egypt, does not show a lack of resources or power being the main problem, but also highly illustrates problems such as…
Pyramids being cut in half by lasers, in an era where we are told lasers did not exist.
It is for certain that if they hadn’t infiltrated the Earth, as the top Kabbalistic teacher Laitman said, Egypt, Babylon and all these great empires would still exist, be it if they were facing problems or not, but according to natural standards.
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