The modern word Angel is from the Greek “Angelos” and the Latin “Angelicus” which are from the Sanskrit “Angiras” which the Vedic seven Angirasa seers symbolize the lights of the seven chakras and are born from the fire of Agni.

“Archangel is Sanskrit Arhat Angiras, noble Angiras.

The Buddhists also called their ancient sages the Arhats, a Vedic word meaning noble, often applied to Agni.”

In Sumerian this also becomes An, which is also an ancient title of Shiva.

And what the seven Arch Angels of the Yezidi’s relate to the seven chakras.

Angel is an El which means the shining serpent as the An Gods are also the Anunnaki.

El is an ancient title of divinity the Jews stole later on.

The head god of the Pagan Canaanites was EL.

Note Enki is also called An.Ki.

The enemy has corrupted this term and used it for their Kabbalistic thought-forms they have created.

Such as the angel Metatron which is another name for their thought form of the Torah.


[1] Gods, Sages and Kings, David Frawley

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Gods, sages, and kings: Vedic secrets of ancient civilization – Anna’s Archive


Fallen Angels are Corrupted from Sumerian Sages of Enki – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

Where “Angel” Was Stolen From

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