by Susan Ferguson on May 23, 2016, from Metaphysical Musing Website / Spanish version
Mahar an ‘extraplanetary world’
The existence of many worlds is described in the ancient Sanskrit texts, the Mahabharata and the Puranas.
These worlds are termed LOKAS in Sanskrit.
The world where the humans live is formed by four spheres called:
- Bhur
- Bhuvar
- Svar
- Mahar
Bhur is the earth.
Bhuvar the atmosphere.
Svar the planetary world.
Where the Kabbalah Comes from & Planetary Control – Library of Rickandria
Mahar an extraplanetary world.
The French scholar and metaphysical author Alain Danielou in his classic ‘While the Gods Play‘ suggests that this extraplanetary world Mahar is the world we attribute to the extraterrestrials.
Alain Daniélou (4 October 1907 – 27 January 1994) was a French historian, Indologist, intellectual, musicologist, translator, writer, and notable Western convert to and expert on the Shaivite branch of Hinduism. In 1991 he was awarded the Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowship, the highest honour conferred by Sangeet Natak Akademi, India’s National Academy for Music, Dance and Drama.
Danielou says that it is in:
“Mahar that some men will find refuge at the time of the catastrophe that will destroy the entire species at the end of the Kali Yuga.”
He quotes from the Linga Purana:
“When the dissolution of the world seems imminent, some people abandon the earth during the last days of the Kalpa and take refuge in the world of Mahar [the extraplanetary world] and from there will return to the ‘world of life’ (jana-loka).”
Danielou states that these few humans who survive the holocaust will be the progenitors of the future humanity.
“Seven humanities must again succeed each other on earth, and when the Golden Age [Satya Yuga] reappears, seven sages will emerge to again teach the divine law to the survivors… [Shiva Purana]”
Thus, we are assured of ‘world without end’ and the continuation of the human DNA with its unique ability to achieve God-Consciousness Enlightenment through the activation of the seven chakras, which allow access to all the worlds, the spectrum of all frequency waveforms.
This chakra system mechanism permits us to enjoy and experience all the possible worlds – from the highest most pure immortal and angelic to the darkest vile demonic – and is said to be envied by the extraterrestrials.
The Chakras – Library of Rickandria
In fact, it has been said that the reason for the Grey’s hybridization efforts is the retrieve this capacity for all-inclusive spiritual experiences back into their own DNA, which they programmed out eons ago because of excess and abuse.
CHAKRA ALIGNMENT – Library of Rickandria
Connecting with God-Consciousness always necessitates purity, vigilance, and walking the Razor’s Edge.
Opening the Soul – Library of Rickandria
Endless Worlds
The Kashmir Shaivism Abhinavagupta [990-1015 A.D. Kashmir] was not only a great saint, but also an exceptional intellectual genius.
This is an excerpt from the 8th Chapter of Abhinavagupta’s Tantra Loka as illumined by the Kashmir Shaivite saint and scholar Swami Lakshmanjoo:
Swami Lakshman Joo (9 May 1907 – 27 September 1991), born Lakshman Raina and also called Lal Sahib by his followers, was a mystic and scholar of Kashmir Shaivism.
Swami Lakshmanjoo:
But Abhinavagupta afterwards concludes that,
“I have experienced in my samadhi one hundred and eighteen worlds, (but) I don’t know if there are more worlds also created, which are outside my consciousness, outside my reach.”
So, there is possibility of more worlds also, existing everywhere.
You must see what is created… (laughs)… you must see what is created by God and then you put your I consciousness in that and then you will come to know the vastness of that God consciousness.
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
He will experience the vastness of God consciousness.
Becoming a God – Library of Rickandria
So, this orbit of space is most necessary subject…
So, the point of the measuring this universe is to insert your consciousness.
Insert your consciousness in that.
In that vastness.
What is universe… what is everything?
You must know, what is everything.
Everything is not only your country in which you are existing.
Everything is everything!
Whatever is existing, whatever is not existing in your consciousness, that is everything.
What is existing in your consciousness?
One hundred and eighteen worlds.
What is not existing in your consciousness?
It is beyond one hundred and eighteen worlds.
Maybe more?
Maybe more, you can’t know.
There is no end to His expansion.
What is to be done then afterwards, when you know what actually universe is?
John and Denise Hughes have kindly given me permission to post this excerpt.
By this we understand that this universe is indeed inhabited by many beings in many worlds.
Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria
How can we deny this when 500 billion galaxies have now been seen by astronomers?
However, there is a balance, a fine subtle line of balance to be found in both the awareness that there are thousands of other beings and varieties of life forms throughout the universe – while simultaneously realizing that we are not to bow-down-and-worship these entities, no matter how much more advanced their technology may be.
We will not be served by worshiping beings with bodies of light who come in interdimensional spacecraft, or even on magnificent golden wings.
We are best served by loving and finding our sole refuge in the God-within our own Heart.
The ‘Pitaram’ the progenitors of mankind…
The sciences of the ancient Rishis, the Seers who composed the Rig Veda – and likewise the beings who colonized our planet Earth – was not mere physics, not Newtonian or quantum, and although the concepts of plasma may be getting closer, not even plasma physics as currently understood.
The science and physics of our progenitors, the Pitaram as they are known in Sanskrit, was and is based within primordial metaphysics.
The ‘Pitaram’ are the progenitors of mankind and are said to inhabit the Bhuvar region of the air and orbit the Moon as regents of the Naksatras Maghâ (29˚Sagittarius to 9˚Capricorn) and Mûla (29˚Leo – 9˚Virgo) in the heavens above us. – M. Monier-Williams Sanskrit to English Dictionary, Vol. 1, page 911-12.
Our Progenitors the ‘Pitaram’ Orbit the Moon – Library of Rickandria
Impenetrable protecting Veils
I do not believe that the ETs are all evil, neither are they all good.
Some definitely appear to have self-serving unpleasant toxic-to-humans agendas.
However, if they wanted to destroy us, they could have done so long ago.
The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda – Library of Rickandria
I do feel these secret black projects that were formed to build useless weapons to defend earth from these entities, have had unintended consequences and caused:
- real pain
- confusion
- suffering
to the very humans I hope they were initially meant to protect.
The need to accumulate incredible sums of money to fund these projects has resulted in a loss of trust, a proliferation of the worst kind of greed and malfeasance in economics, and perhaps the breakdown of western civilization itself.
In seeking to save us, have our misguided short-sighted leaders led us to the edge of the Abyss – and in the process, perhaps proving that we earthlings do not deserve this jewel of a planet after all?
Where the Kabbalah Comes from & Planetary Control – Library of Rickandria
God’s ultimate Secrets are eternally sealed and protected…
We need not concern ourselves that any group will ever be able to master a technology that could disturb the Creator’s Divine Plan, the warp and weave of this universe.
Contract with God – Library of Rickandria
For God’s ultimate Secrets are eternally sealed and protected in Veils that repel all lower states of:
- fear
- tyranny
- greed consciousness
Only those who have evolved to embrace the understanding that ‘All are the One’ can lift the timeless layers of Veils, the impenetrable Wall that keeps secret and safe ultimate Truth.
Spiritual Hierarchies:
“Far from being contained in any of them…”
“Beyond all the states”
- the Myriad Realms
- spiritual hierarchies
- angelic,
- astral plane entities
- ETs
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, I.iv.10:
And to this day, [those] who… know the self as I am Brahman [the One], become all this universe.
Even the gods [any other dimensional beings] cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self.
…if a man worships another deity thinking: He is one and I am another, he does not know.
He [who does not know] is like a sacrificial animal to the gods.
As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods.
Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away!
Therefore, it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this [that they are the One].
Rene Guenon explains the verse thus:
René Jean-Marie-Joseph Guénon[2] (15 November 1886 – 7 January 1951), also known as Abdalwahid Yahia (Arabic: عبد الـوٰاحد يحيیٰ; ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥiā), was a French-Egyptian intellectual who remains an influential figure in the domain of metaphysics, having written on topics ranging from esotericism, “sacred science” and “traditional studies” to symbolism and initiation. In his writings, he claims to hand down eastern religious traditions and adapt them to western readers “while keeping strictly faithful to their spirit”. Initiated into Islamic esotericism from as early as 1910 when he was 24, he mainly wrote and published in French, and his works have been translated into more than twenty languages; he also wrote in Arabic an article for the journal Al Marifah.
The being who has become Liberated from the bonds of temporal illusion, possesses all states of the Absolute [the One] in all their degrees ‘because they are integral elements of his totalization.’
In reality those who have reached Union and are Liberated are really ‘beyond all the states and far from being contained in any of them, contains them all within himself’ and in no way is affected by their conditions.
This is precisely what Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita IX.4 and 5, in his rather puzzling riddle-like statement:
“This whole universe is strung on Me [the One] and pervaded by Me in My Unimanifest aspect. All beings abide in Me; I do not abide in them.
And yet beings do not abide in Me. Behold my divine supernal power of yoga!
The False Teachings of Modern Yoga – Library of Rickandria
While sustaining the creatures and giving them being, my Self is not confined to any of them.”
Swami Muni Narayana Prasad translates these two mysterious verses as:
“This changeful world is pervaded by Me; I am the one reality that is here described as ‘indistinct’ (avyakta).
However, though all has come into being exists in Me, my being is not found in them.
Yet beings have no existence in Me.
This all-reigning yoga-state of Mine, you will have to perceive intuitively.
Though reigning over all-apparent forms causing their emergence, my self-being is not in them.”
Become the Liberated!
Rene Guenon concludes his reflections on the Spiritual Hierarchies by saying that the being who has achieved Liberation in life, jivan mukta, becomes essentially unconditioned, since all conditions exist for him in their illusory mode and have no effect on his consciousness, which is joined in God-Consciousness.
The appearance of form may continue, in other words we may remain in our data-collecting vehicle for a time.
The Samkhya Karika of Ishvara Krishna compares this period to a potter’s wheel that continues,
‘to rotate for a while even though the potter has ceased from action, owing to the momentum of past impulses of the action.
When, however, in the course of time, the impulse is exhausted, it becomes inactive…
Because of the momentum of this impulse, the Spirit continues to inhabit the body for a while.’
Rene Guenon:
“[The Liberated ones] remain equally ‘unaffected’ by all the other contingencies, to whatever state, individual or supra-individual, that is, formal [meaning in form] or nonformal, they refer in the order of manifestation, which in itself is fundamentally only the sum of all contingences.”
The Liberated become the Self of All!
ET-Astral Manipulation of Third-Dimensional Planet Earth Through the Cycles of Time
Keep mind that everything is Isness, the One, the Presence, everything is a temporal illusory hologram, and no Loka world is more real than another.
A War in the Heavens – In the Far Reaches of Outer & Inner Space – Library of Rickandria
As we move through the Cycles of Time, these beings that are invisible to our current five-sense perception play their part in holding us in the illusion that becomes more powerful, solid and dense as time moves throughout the cycles leading up to the Twilight of the Kali Yuga – now.
Cycles of Time – The Kali Yuga & Time as a Function of Consciousness – Library of Rickandria
There are many beings of varying states of consciousness that for literally millions of years have interacted with this planet.
Some might call them gods, while others may know them as etheric beings or perhaps extraterrestrials – a word that only means not of this earth, extra-terra.
The Sanskrit Puranas describe these worlds.
“The stars in the form of constellations are mentioned along with the planets wherein are situated the residences of the gods who have performed meritorious acts.” [VAYU PURANA 1.93]
There are seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds in Hindu metaphysics.
These LOKA worlds reflect a wide spectrum of consciousness, as they are made up of specific frequencies of waveforms.
Perhaps the demon worlds of the Sanskrit Puranic texts, the anti-gods, the Asuras and Raksasas, are reptoid or Borg-like extraterrestrials.
The VAYU Purana contains amazingly detailed descriptions of an eighth world, dazzling and bejeweled, inhabited by hybrid beings, meaning for example half-lion and half-human.
Chapter 39
[230] Beyond Brahmaloka and beneath the upper crust of the Cosmic Egg – in between these two is the PURA (Shiva’s city), his divine abode MANOMAYA (consisting of the mind).
[238] The city shines much with scattered diamond dust.
These worlds are light from within, meaning their reality does not consist of reflected light, as does our solid five-sense material world.
[239-42] … there are divine lotuses… made of gold… their inner surfaces are very tender.
The lotuses covering up the whole place seem to be so many umbrellas.
Are these gold umbrellas some sort of protective technology?
Are these beings vulnerable to:
- Cosmic Rays
- Gamma
- X-Rays
as we are?
[260-263] Some [of the inhabitants] are… horse-faced… a few have the faces of the lord of the beasts; other have faces and bellies like those of elephants, others are elephant-faced; a few are lion-faced and tiger-faced… others can assume any form they wish.
If this had been translated before today’s science began to fool around with genetic manipulation, naturally these creatures would have been seen as ‘mythology’.
The same images of human bodies with animal heads are sprinkled on the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform tablets.
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
[264-266] Lord Mahesvara [the transcendent Lord Shiva] of ten arms sports therein…
He is being respected and diligently worshipped by those people moving about in aerial chariots.
Evidently these gods have their own spaceships!
The Phantasmal Hierarchies
As the frequencies continued to fall through the Cycles of Time, there emerged beings of both a higher and lower consciousness.
The various entities, some who are very compassionate and others tyrannical, began to project astral-world realms out into the hologram.
I have named these worlds the Phantasmal Hierarchies from the word phantasm, which according to the Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1974, means a specter.
A phantasm-agora is a collection of specters as shown by a magic lantern.
These hierarchies are temporal illusions.
Down though time, the elaborate rituals of the Treta and Dvapara Yuga turned into belief systems.
The beings involved projected an assortment of hierarchical worlds related to the specific frequencies generated by their thoughts.
THOUGHTFORMS – Library of Rickandria
Keep in mind that everything is a temporal illusory hologram, and no world is any more ‘real’ than another.
Only Oneness is REAL.
With the creation of these Phantasmal Hierarchies, certain individual gods came to dominate others – and in a way, utilize their energy.
Obviously, these are not all beings of the highest consciousness, but they are a part of Oneness nevertheless and we have moved out of the golden era and the collective understanding and memory of our Oneness.
I suggest that many of these entities are the so-called extraterrestrials and are from lower Loka Worlds.
By exploiting the use of ritual, the manipulative tyrant beings pass themselves off as gods and trick us humans into worshipping them and giving them our energy.
By this occult, a term that simply means hidden, means these entities thus generated an abundant energy source that has been used to build the so-called astral worlds and enhance the splendor of the Phantasmal Hierarchies.
Astral Plane – Library of Rickandria
Perhaps you can equate this bow-down-and-worship practice with the act of giving up your own hard-earned money.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
When you worship another, you literally give up:
- your power
- your energy
- your ability
to think for yourself to whatever you worship.
God is within us all.
The SELF/ATMA dwells in the Heart of everyone.
So even though we may respect and love many – why would we worship any other than the God-within?
Now I would suggest that the idea of BHAKTI and the term devotion, as it is used by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, are very different from the concept of worship.
To me Bhakti Yoga implies Union, the act of becoming one with that which you already are.
Worship might be defined as an act limited to energy focused on external entity – not the SELF/ATMA within – to achieve certain results.
Rituals can be very beautiful and can unite us in feeling, giving us an opportunity to express our Love for the Supreme Being.
But rituals are not meant to be a substitute for the experience and knowledge of Oneness.
Rituals will tie you into the temporal illusory hologram, but not liberate you from it.
To make way for the return of the Golden Age, the Satya/Krita Yuga, we need to remember that God lies within the Heart of every man, woman and child.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna very clearly disdains the practice of making sacrifices to achieve certain worldly results or to spend time in any of the heavenly realms.
He says that he cannot be seen with the aid of the Vedas, austerities, gifts, and sacrifices.
He can only be seen through the practice of BHAKTI [Bhagavad Gita 33.11.52-55], which to me implies UNION, the act of becoming ONE with that which you already are and have always been.
To become One with the Self/ATMA that dwells in your Heart, you do not have to perform ritual sacrifices.
In the Uddhava Gita Krishna says that the wise understand that the rewards of heaven, which are promised by religious rituals are as transient as pleasures on earth. [Dialogue 14.18]
Even the higher heavenly worlds of the gods, rishis, seers, saints and angels are temporal:
…the rewards of those of little wit are ephemeral: God worshippers go to the Gods. [Bhagavad Gita 29.7.23]
As an artist, I have loved and studied religious iconography all my life.
The Horrible Truth About Religion – Library of Rickandria
I love the images of religious faith and passion.
And as someone who is naturally drawn to practice BHAKTI yoga, I love the representations of the gods in Hinduism and Buddhism.
The False Teachings of Modern Yoga – Library of Rickandria
I myself have many of these, but from my own experience I realize how easy it is to project my feelings into these images and then over time forget that they are only:
- stone
- wood
- metal
I leave a part of myself there, waiting, and having thus externalized my consciousness, I neglect the SELF/ATMA within my own Heart.
A similar process takes place with the winners of fame, although perhaps on a less perilous level.
These days the public worships a wide spectrum of famous people from those who are rich and powerful, to rock stars and athletes.
For example, with film stars, people tend to see themselves in these wonderful actors and either love or hate them accordingly.
What I Finally Understood – Library of Rickandria
But in truth, the public does not know the actor – you only know what the directors and writers have projected into them, along with what you see of yourself in them.
Star Salaries are Fake – Library of Rickandria
This ability to perform a wide spectrum of human nature is the actor’s talent – but it is not who they are.
Only their close friends and family ever know them.
While it is lovely and uplifting to have ceremonies, rituals, and prayers to higher beings – it is crucial, especially in this moment in time, to remember the God-within, the SELF/ATMA.
We become as little children, to regain our primordial innocence – we do not wish to remain childish, forever waiting for parental care and handouts.
The nature of the Golden Age, the Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth, is that we all Remember who we are, we know that we are Oneness, and thus there is no reason to worship anything or anyone.
The Four Yugas – Library of Rickandria
How can we move into a Golden Era when we are still externalizing our own God-SELF?
I hope I have made some clarification for you regarding the Myriad realms, the astral planes and the ETs.
They are all temporal and cannot give you your own Enlightenment.
Light & Enlightenment – Library of Rickandria
Thus remove your focus in consciousness from them and turn within to the One that you are and have always been.
This One God-within you, that simultaneously pervades and permeates the entire universe, is waiting patiently to Love you and be Loved by you in sweet moments of Return Home.
This is Truth.
Everything else is dissolving temporal Illusion.
- magic
- occultism
- sacrificial rites
for personal gain fall into the category of manipulating the Temporal Illusory Realms and are a complete waste of your time.
Unless you enjoy being one of those little silver balls in a pinball machine.
Just as laboring to acquire the Siddhic powers, that will unfold quite naturally as you evolve, is a waste of time and effort.
Just as channeling:
- ETs
- spirits
- angels
is nothing more than a time-pass.
Channelers & Channeled Information – Library of Rickandria
How can they gift you with the enlightenment they themselves do not possess?
Only the God-within you can bring you Home.
Withdraw from the objects of the senses, and turn your complete and total attention to the God-within your Heart.
Sacrificing and renouncing your attachment to the temporal illusory hologram based on Knowledge of the Real will bring you liberation.
What is “Real”? – Library of Rickandria
Why settle for the small results today or tomorrow, when the Eternal Oneness of Union awaits your call!
While the Gods Play, Shiva Oracles and Predictions of the Cycles of History and the Destiny of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, 1987.
The Multiple States of Being, by Rene Guenon, 1932; Larson Publications, Inc, 1984.
The Multiple States of the Being – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The Bhagavad Gita in the Mahabharata, A Bilingual Edition, translated by J.A.B. van Buitenen; The University of Chicago Press, 1981.
The Bhagavad Gita, translated by Winthrop Sargeant; State University of New York Press, 2013.
The Bhagavad Gita – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Life’s Pilgrimage Through the Gita, by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad; D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2005, 2008.
SAMKHYA KARIKA of Ishvara Krishna, translated by Swami Virupakshananda; Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras, 1995.
The Samkhya karika of Isvara Krsna [microform]; – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Astral Plane – Library of Rickandria
The Astral Planes and Extraterrestrials in the Sanskrit Texts (bibliotecapleyades.net)in the Sanskrit Texts (bibliotecapleyades.net)
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