Stargate (artificial or natural subspace Wormhole) is a portal device that allows practical, rapid travel between dimensions or two distant locations in the Universe.
Why are the bearded savior gods of every world religion portrayed as serpents?
My research reveals it’s because they are either revealers of the knowledge of the (star) gates or wormholes leading to the stars, or because they themselves are the actual wormhole.
Join me in a survey of artwork displaying a remarkably consistent concept: the gods delivered the knowledge of wormholes or are the wormholesthemselves.
In the designs below from Egypt and Europe, the little souls is emerging jubilantly from the mouth of a Serpent (or worm hole).
These express the passage:
“Osiris enters the tail of a great serpent, was drawn through its body and came out through its mouth and was then born anew.”
The story of Jesus/Jonah and the whale mirrors this story.
Are the Mayans telling us that in 2012 a stargate or wormhole will open and that it is connected with Nibiru?
Will the figure(s) that emerge from it be the long-awaited Teachers of many of the world’s religions?
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