Candle Colors
Black is an all-purpose color and when available, black should be used with other colors in every ritual.
Different colors attract different energies and stimulate certain vibrations in the chakras.
Using candles of specific colors can help to amplify the energies in ritual and spell work.
Black Candles
All-purpose for any Satanic rituals.
Black candles used in workings of destruction are used to incite the slower destruction of enemies, opposed to accidents or sudden attacks associated with the color red.
Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion to enemies.
Black can be used for protection, binding negative forces, and breaking up obstacles and blocks.
Black can also be used to reverse and break up negative thought-forms.
- absorbs
- conceals
- creates confusion and chaos
is used for new beginnings and obtaining knowledge of hidden things.
Black is the container of light and is one of the most powerful of colors.
Saturn rules Black.
Black influences:
- self-control
- endurance
- patience
Spells using black energy are best performed during a waning Moon, or on a Saturday when the planet Saturn is strongly placed and waxing.
Spells using black need the power of the Root Chakra.
Grey Candles
Used in spells for inducing death, illness, and/or to incite mourning and sadness.
Saturn should be strongly placed.
White Candles
- cleansing
- purity
- innocence
The Moon should be strong.
For workings of black magic, white can be used to incite corruption, bring impotence, and to destroy the sex drive.
White can also be used to create weakness, neurosis, and fear.
The Moon rules White.
Workings using white energy should be performed on a Monday and need the energy of the Third Eye.
Red Candles
Used for:
- energy
- vitality
- inciting passion
- arousing anger pure lust and for physical gratification
Red is inflammatory and is used in spells for:
- revenge
- anger
- courage
- determination
and dealing with enemies.
Red can be used for protection against psychic attack and for self-confidence.
Red incites:
- accidents
- fires
- injuries
It is used in spells to invoke power and intensity before workings of black magic.
Red is physical and bestows:
- energy
- strength
- dynamism
- passionate love
- physical desire
- will power
and athletic ability (especially competitive).
When used in black magic, red as opposed to black brings on:
- sudden attacks
- accidents
- bloodshed
- violence
and hatred.
Red can also be used to incite:
- wars
- anarchy
- cruelty
Mars rules Red. Workings using the color red need the power of the root chakra and should be performed on Tuesdays when Mars is strongly placed and waxing.
Orange Candles
Used for creativity.
Orange helps in spells for:
- adaptability
- sexual attraction
- sexual stimulation
- sex magick
- enthusiasm
and energy.
Orange helps with:
- attraction
- sudden changes
- energy stimulation
- gaining control
- changing luck
and inciting justice.
The Sun rules Orange.
Workings using orange energy are best performed on a Sunday when the Sun is strongly placed.
Spells using orange need the power of the Sacral and/or Solar Chakras.
For inciting lust and sexual attraction, use the Sacral and Root Chakras.
Brown Candles
Can be used for communicating with nature spirits and for grounding and centering oneself.
Brown is used in spells for:
- solidity
- neutrality
- practicality
In workings of black magic, brown is used for inciting:
- indecision
- hesitancy
- sadness
- dullness
and uncertainty.
For working with brown energy, the feet chakras are used.
Energy should be absorbed from the earth through the feet chakras.
Saturn rules Dark Brown.
Yellow Candles
Used in workings for passing exams, and for increasing one’s intelligence and intellect.
Yellow energy rules over the logical conscious side of the:
- brain
- computers
- communication
- audio
- video
- TV
- electronics
- books
- literature
and the will.
Yellow is used to improve the mind, to deepen concentration, for mental (left-brained power), to enhance learning ability, and for speech, writing, and publishing.
Yellow rules over:
- media concerns
- gossip
- slander
- interviews
- brothers
- sisters
- neighbors
- rumors
- theft
and all areas of study and communication.
Spiritually, yellow can be used for astral travel (along with blue and purple).
Yellow is also used to overcome addictions, and to break habits.
Yellow is good for friendship.
In workings of black magick, yellow is used to incite:
- infidelity
- cowardice
- decay
- disease
- dying
- insanity
and inconsistency in others.
Mercury rules over the color Yellow.
Workings using yellow energy need the power of the Solar and Throat Chakras.
Both of these chakras work as a pair.
Yellow energy is best used on Wednesdays and Sundays.
For anything pertaining to intellect and communication, do the working on a Wednesday.
For workings using the force of will, these are best performed on a Sunday.
Green Candles
Used in spells for:
- beginnings
- growth
- abundance
- fertility
- healing
- success
- general good luck
- harmony
and influencing generosity.
In workings for health and healing, green is an anti-inflammatory.
Green can also be used alone or with brown for communicating with nature spirits.
Green is used in spells for:
- love
- marriage
- making love
Green influences affection, opposed to red, which is used for passionate:
- love
- lust
- sex
Green also influences:
- renewal
- fidelity
- reconciliation
- justice
- balance
- beauty
- youth
- friendships
- attraction
- harmony
- financial gain
- earnings increases
- social functions
- possessions
- riches
- indulgence
and pleasure.
Green is good for beginnings and growth.
In workings of black magic, green is used for inciting:
- jealousy
- greed
- suspicion
- resentment
- sickness
- disease
and disharmony.
Venus rules the color, Green.
Workings using green energy should be performed during a waxing moon on a Friday when Venus is strongly placed.
Spells using green need the power of the Center Chakra.
Blue Candles
Good to use in spells pertaining to:
- spirituality
- meditation
- summoning Demons
- healing
- sincerity
- obtaining the truth
- fidelity
- loyalty
- bringing inner peace
and for knowledge and wisdom.
Blue can also be used for establishing harmony in the home, for increasing occult power, and for spiritual protection.
For workings of black magic, blue can be used for inciting:
- depression
- sadness
- hopelessness
- lack of sympathy
- coldness
and gloom.
Jupiter rules Royal Blue.
Workings using Blue Energy should be done on a Monday or Thursday.
Spells using Blue need the power of the Crown and/or Throat Chakras.
Violet/Purple Candles
Used for enhancing psychic ability, bringing wisdom, for divination, to remove curses, for healing, business success, and for influencing people in power.
For workings of black magic, purple can be used to incite tyranny, abuse of power, and for bringing sadness and treachery to others.
Jupiter rules Purple.
Workings using the color purple should be performed on Thursdays.
Workings for psychic power need the energy of the Sixth Chakra and the Third Eye and should be performed on Mondays when the Moon is strongly placed and full.
Additional Information
More than one color can be used in rituals.
The candles should be anointed with appropriate scents and oils before ritual.
Oil should be applied with both hands in a stroking motion.
Candles represent the element of fire in rituals and are also used for concentration and focus.
They attract Demons and spirits.
Always make sure to check your candle as a test, as you would with incense before beginning a ritual.
Bad odors or burning the wrong way as with cheap incense can ruin a ritual.
Incense varieties correspond to the planets.
If you are summoning a Demon, performing a spell that is related to a planetary sphere, or a ritual that requires a certain type of incense, the listings below should be of help.
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
success in gambling
securing popularity/charisma
- health and vitality
- healing
- protection
- success
- magickal power
and riches.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Candle Colors:
- Yellow
- Orange
- Gold
- White
- The Sun rules Sunday
- The Sun is of the Element of Fire
- The Sun rules the Solar Chakra
Incense of the Sun contains spice(s).
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
For easing (Libra Moon; Moon in close aspect to Venus) or inciting (Aries Moon; Moon in hard aspect to Mars) domestic problems.
The Moon rules fertility, the home and immediate surroundings, the imagination, the memory, and psychic awareness/dreams, spirituality, and meditation.
For psychic related rituals/spells, the Moon should be in a water sign, preferably Pisces and in close aspect to Neptune.
Candle Colors:
- New Moon – White
- Full Moon – Red or Green
- Waning Moon – Black
- The Moon rules Monday
- The Moon is of the Element of Water
- The Moon rules the 3rd Eye and 6th Chakra
Incense of the Moon is meditative and hypnotic.
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
- passing exams
- improving the mind
- concentration
- mental power
- learning ability
- speech
- writing
- publishing
- media concerns
- gossip
- slander
- interviews
- brothers
- sisters
- neighbors
- rumors
- theft
- all areas of study and communication
- astral projection
- overcoming addictions
- breaking habits
Candle Colors:
- Yellow
- Light Blue
- Mercury rules Wednesday
- Mercury is of the Element of Air
- Mercury rules the Throat Chakra
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
- Love
- making love, (affectionate; Planet Mars is for lust/sex)
- fidelity
- reconciliation
- beauty
- youth
- friendships
- attraction
- harmony
- financial gain
- earnings increases
- social functions
- possessions
- attracting money
- indulgence
- pleasure
Candle Color:
- Venus rules Friday
- Venus is of the Element of Earth
- Venus rules the Center Chakra
- Rose
- Myrtle
- Jasmine
- Benzoin
- Apple
- Chamomile
- Cardamom
- Gardenia
- Hyacinth
- Lilac
- Magnolia
- Vanilla
- Licorice
- Musk
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
- Revenge
- anger
- pure sexual lust, and physical gratification
- courage
- determination
- dealing with enemies
- accidents
- fires
- injuries
- self-confidence
- athletics
- strength
- magickal energy for Black Magick
and intensity.
Candle Color:
- Mars rules Tuesday
- Mars is of the Element of Fire
- Mars rules the Sacral Chakra
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
- Luck
- expansion
- abundance
- long distance travel
- higher education
- legal matters
- taxation
- investments
- foundations
- prosperity
- opportunity
Candle Colors:
- Royal Blue
- Purple
- Jupiter rules Thursday
- Jupiter is of the Element of Fire
- Jupiter rules the Crown Chakra
- Cedar
- Nutmeg
- Honeysuckle
- Mace
- Lemon
- Saffron
Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
- Death spells/rituals
- Black Magick
- Career matters
- self-control
- endurance
- patience
- land dealings
- longevity
anything that has to do with the Earth, inflicting long-suffering through Black Magic, as opposed to Planet Mars (accidents).
Candle Color:
- Saturn rules Saturday
- Saturn is of the Element of Earth
- Saturn rules the Base Chakra
Candle Colors & Magick – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
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