President of the Human Potential Foundation.
(Former?) assistant – Menelika McCarthy.
Former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell for seven years, worked almost exclusively with the paranormal.
Was paid nearly $50,000/yr.
Born 1928.
Joined the Navy around 1946.
Career officer, served as a fighter pilot in the Korean War.
“He served in Naval Intelligence for approximately 15 years, including assignments with Carrier Division 14, and as Assistant Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, and Kathmandu, Nepal in the 1960s.
He collected intelligence and provided intelligence support throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.”
“Jones has briefed the President’s Scientific Advisory Committee, and has testified before House and Senate committees on intelligence matters.”
Retired from the Navy around 1976 due to a parapsychological experience.
After retiring, he worked for several companies, including R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd., and Kaman Tempo, a division of Kaman Sciences.
This work involved development in projects sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).
Helped behind the scenes at the TREAT II conference (1/90, Blacksburg, Virginia campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University).
TREAT was/is organized by Rima Laibow.
“As late as the summer of 1991, Jones and Laibow were planning a yachting excursion together with Col. John Alexander … to investigate anomalies in the Bahamas.”
“In 1989, MUFON appointed Jones as a Special Consultant in International Relations”
Involved in parapsychology conferences since (at least) the mid 70s.
“Scott has been on the Board of Trustees of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) since 1985, and now [1992] serves as its President.”
Formed the Human Potential Foundation in 1989. Board members include Clark Sandground and Claiborne Pell.
“Scott often escorted Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, a very wealthy European with a long-standing interest in the paranormal.
Together, they visited parapsychological laboratories and UFO conferences.”
“Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with Colonel John Alexander and Theodore Rockwell, a prominent (Who’s Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear propulsion systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association.”
In his paper “Government UFO Connections” (included in “Phoenix in the Labyrinth”), he claims to have no knowledge of government involvement in UFOs.
“Laibow, [Gen. Albert] Stubblebine and ufologist Victoria Lacas (with Jones in the shadows) toured Europe and the Soviet Union, where they have established a prodigious UFO/Psi network.”
(Durant, Robert J., “Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?”, 1992)
Brother Scotty – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Hosted a symposium for his employer, Kaman Tempo, entitled “Applications of Anomalous Phenomena” (Leesburg, Virginia, 11/30-12/1/83).
The symposium was intended to bring government, academic, and military officials’ up-to-date information on private psi research. (Geller, Uri and Playfair, Guy Lyon, The Geller Effect, Johnathan Cape, 1986, pg. 224-5)
The Geller effect – Anna’s Archive
“[Eldon] Byrd told me [Dick Farley] about it [Byrd’s lawsuit w/ Randi] over dinner at C. B. “Scott” Jones home one evening of several we spent together back in ’92 and ’93 there.”
Michael Persinger “is/was a big buddy of C. B. Jones (Jones says)”. (Farley, Dick, “False Memory Syndrome”)
Navy pilot and intelligence officer for forty years.
Retains his security clearance.
While a Navy attaché in India, he experienced an unknown paranormal event that,
“Enabled me to do my intelligence assignment with much greater speed than one ordinarily expected.”
A believer in UFOs since he saw one duting the Korean war.
His book Phoenix in the Labyrinth reportedly deals with PSI-TECH a great deal.
Phoenix in the Labyrinth – Anna’s Archive
(Gardner, Martin, “Clairborne Pell: The Senator from Outer Space”, Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996)
On the registration questionnaire for the 5/28/95 “When Cosmic Cultures Meet“ conference, Jones asked attendees if they would consider taking a drug that would result in telepathic contact with aliens.
(Chevalier, Remy, “When Cosmic Cultures Meet”, Paranoia, Issue 10, pg. 11)
While working for Sen. Pell, Jones was in contact with many psychics, and often put them in touch with intelligence agencies.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg. 273)
In 1989, Scott claimed that the government probably didn’t have a large parapsychology program (large meaning funding in the millions) apart from occasional application of research in the open literature by individuals with strong personal interests.
(Jones, C.B. Scott, “Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?,” Journal of Parapsychology, 6/89, pg. 147)
This was after he himself was involved in such a program, so he would have known better.
In this essay, he also seems to doubt that the US could carry on a mind-control program (again), due to the checks and balances of our democratic system.
Jones has attended conferences in the former Soviet Union, where he was in contact with Christopher Bird (Jones, 1989, pg. 144).
His foundation is also involved with the research of Russian scientist Dr. Igor Smirnov.
Human Potential Foundation: Founder and President
Center For Applied Anomalous Phenomena: Founder
American Society for Psychical Research: On Board of Trustees since 1985. President as late as 1992.
Parapsychological Association: Associate member since 1984.
MUFON (Mutual UFO Network): appointed Consultant in International Relations in 1989.
Mid-Point: On Board of Advisors. Deals with dolphins. (Jones has a dolphin imprinted on his business cards.)
R. F. Cross Associates, Ltd.: Research Director
Atlantic University: On board of directors. Unaccredited new-agey college.
Quest Institute:
On board of directors.
New Age educational institute.
Aviary, codename:
(Durant, 1992)
Author of:
Phoenix in the Labyrinth, Human Potential Foundation.
This is a collection of speeches, and reportedly a lot deals with Psi-Tech.
“Essay Review of Psychic Warfare: Fact of Fiction?“, Journal of Parapsychology, 6/89
“…And Paul is Dead”, Harper’s, 1/91, pg. 25.
This is a portion of a letter to Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, which warns Cheney that a speech he gave regarding the Gulf War may reveal secret code words when played backwards.
“UFOs and New Frontiers: Connecting With The Large Reality“
Collection: C. B. “Scott” Jones papers | Rare and Distinctive Collections – University of Colorado Boulder
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