Six thousand years ago, astronaut/pioneers from the planet Nibiru dictated Enuma elish — the Creation Epic — to the Sumerians.
The Creation Epic says our Sun, a solitary star at this time in its history, first created a planet the Nibirans called Tiamat.
Tiamat was the proto-Earth.
It orbited Sun counterclockwise.
Next, the Sun, called Apsu, created Mercury and propelled Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat.
- Venus with Mars
- Jupiter with Saturn
- Uranus with Neptune
formed as pairs and orbited the Sun counterclockwise too.
Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged.
Kingu was about to become Tiamat’s partner planet and orbit the Sun, rather than Tiamat.
But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could attain planetary orbit around the sun, Nibiru entered the Solar System clockwise and split off a piece of Neptune.
That chunk of Neptune became its moon, Triton.
Triton, unlike other moons in the System, orbits Neptune clockwise.
As Nibiru passed through the Solar System, it lost three moons, tore four moons from Uranus and tilted Uranus’ orbit.
Then Nibiru ripped eleven moons from Tiamat and pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon, into clockwise orbit (between Neptune and Uranus) where Gaga is now Pluto.
Some of Nibiru’s moons hit Tiamat, creating the Pacific Basin in what was left of Tiamat.
That intact remainder of Tiamat is Earth. In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together.
The shards of Tiamat (from the Pacific gouge Nibiru’s moon made) are Asteroids and comets.
Nibiru’s gravity took all Tiamat’s moons but Kingu.
Nibiru’s invasion left Kingu lifelessly orbiting Earth.
Tiamat’s other moons became satellites of Nibiru.
Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit (equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun).
In the Creation Epic, the Sumerians knew and wrote of an advanced civilization on a planet in a different solar system.
They had the concept of a pulsar, the star around which Nibiru had orbited before that star collapsed.
The Niburan astronauts, the Lords, had their Sumerian scribes write–only lately being confirmed by our scientists–of the composition and movement of the astronomical bodies of Solaris’ system.
The Lords told the Sumerians that there was water on:
- asteroids
- comets
- Neptune
- Uranus
- Venus
- Mars
- Saturn
- Jupiter
also, on the rings of Saturn and Saturn’s and Jupiter’s moons as well.
Our astronomers recently confirmed what the Lords dictated.
The Sumerian Creation Epic lends compelling evidence for the extraterrestrial settlement of Earth by Nibiruans, the human astronauts who came to be regarded as the gods of Earth.
Sumerian seal depicting (in background, upper left, between the two Nibiruans), long before Copernicus, our solar system, including planets beyond unaided human eyesight. [Sitchin Cards 8 of Spades]
Enki Speaks: 01 – The Celestial Battle: Nibiru meets Solaris & Tiamat (Proto Earth)
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