At this level of brainwashing, one has to be very retarded.
With these very retarded people, you cannot do much.
These people block all reality.
They are not fit for anything greater or in any case, to be a “Satanist” or move away from this thinking.
The programming and other weaknesses are deep.
One’s only hope, if any, to turn these around, or get them to do anything functional for the survival of our species or our Nations, is to merely deceive them or bend their own facts to no end.
In short, infiltration.
For example, what many people attempted in the past, was to try to steer these people against the Jews, by telling them bogus shit that Jesus was not a Jew.

The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria
This method didn’t really work or do much because these people are stupid to a great extent.
This worthless twist started with Luther, who created the Lutheran wing of Christianity.
But since people were so retarded and these liars who lied to them so incompetent, they only managed to create a second monstrosity, that essentially made people equally braindead as the first form of the virus they tried to “Change”.
But even this would be a very difficult task to do nowadays and have any actual results, as many are heavily infiltrated by Jews already, who articulate arguments to these idiots on why they need for example, die for Israel because this is what Jesus said.

The Modern State of Israel: A Hegelian Paradigm – Library of Rickandria
We can only inform these people, and hope for the best.
That is the good side.
Alternatively, people of our own can skillfully infiltrate them, but this will take a lot of Jewish beating in the process of gaining control of any said movement.
Then again, these people are so stupid and so controlled by the enemy, that even if this may be a bad investment of Satanic time and resources at this point.
Back in the Middle Ages, many Satanists who understood in the secret where this situation with the enemy was at, and was going to, did not have much hope that things would change.
Philip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rickandria
Change came slowly, and many had given up.
They therefore tried to subvert Christianity from within.
Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria
There was nowhere else to go.
What these people did was try to hijack the enemy from the inside, and try to add seeds of decay, hoping to turn the movement of Christianity against the Jews, or cause a self-implosion of this movement, so that it would collapse.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
Jews also were into Christianity doing atrocities, and this was used skillfully by some people like Voltaire to collapse these things faster.

But this took around 2-3 centuries to achieve.
All this work for a Christianity free world, at least to some extent, took like almost 20 centuries of hard, repetitive work.
The Real Tetragrammaton: Further Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
These people that started the first assault against Christianity felt like they had no hope for freeing society.
Breaking Free of Christianity – Library of Rickandria
In the beginning, they subverted this thing from the inside heavily.
In fact, for even anyone knowing how to read or study, one had to be with monks, Christians, or clergy, or Christian nobles.
The situation of enemy control was totalitarian.
An example of this seeding of information that has been problematic of Christianity, is the addition of the verse about the “Number of the Beast”, which has been a meme sore in the ass of the enemy for this late century, which many idiots parallelized with the microchip.
This created a little resistance, but it did not really derail the larger plan.
This addition to this odious book, was added by Bacon, which is purported to have edited corrosive verses in the Bible, while he was a covert Satanist.

Shakespeare: Intel Project – Library of Rickandria
There are numerous things in the Bible that were added later on, such as in the 15th or 16th century.
As one can see, this generated breeds and generations of full retarded and stupid Christians, who only sit there and whine about these things, to the point these are called “Conspiracies” and “Kooky shit”, so when these happen, people outside of this context, will actually want to get chipped because they want nothing to do with the kook basket case Christians.
Christians have posed no serious opposition to the enemy.
One can argue this stopped the torrent of stupidity to some extent, but the reality is, it did not.
These bogus unscientific Christians have no reason to explain anything, other than,
“God Doesn’t Allow That!”
and other stupid arguments.
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
People of the present age look at this with scorn, and the reaction to that is:
“Well then, why not a microchip?
We also anger the Christians while we are doing that!”
The real problems here are however far higher than simply “God said so” arguments.
Is Your God a Devil? – Library of Rickandria
It’s about social rights, freedoms, and not turning our world into a deadly dystopia.
1984 Tech Dystopia is Already Here – Library of Rickandria
That aside, many Christians charged this verse and other verses with psychic energy, because they consider these in their stupid religions, as “necessary” for the return of “Christ”.
So, since they want “Christ”, and pray for his “Return”, on the program, which is called the Bible, this pings strongly on the line of code about the “Mark of the Beast”.
Those who know programming will understand here.
These nutcases have also charged other curses like for example, 1/3rd of people dying etc.
Part of this curse manifested in the Middle Ages, and actually, Europeans got 1/3rd of people killed through the Bubonic Plague, exactly as this verse stated.
Now on a less spiritual level, it is generally far more difficult to explain people, or brainwashed masses such as Christcucks, a full Truth.
Look at how stupid these people are, everything they don’t like, they just heap on Satan.
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria
And that’s it.
Thought stops there.
Nothing more to it.
So many people or leaders because they wanted to go another way but were obstructed by social Jewish norms such as Christianity, they decided to instead twist Christianity to their advantage, or adjust it.
This always failed and had disastrous consequences of social decay.
As a last result and proven by the times, since now we have the Truth, there is no point to engage in this behavior anymore, but just push and promote the Truth instead for the higher minds that will understand it.
Even a small percent of these people can achieve way greater things than the retarded cattle can do.
Healthy minds will be attracted on their own to Satanism and won’t need incessant bending of reality to accept some obvious things.
Dabbling in Satanism – Library of Rickandria
We no longer need Christcucks in to deceive them, like old Satanists did, as Christianity is already falling rapidly.
We just need to accelerate this fall, and make sure we catch the smart people who want to join us and have had any actual seed of intelligence into them.
The enemy in the meantime is trying to instate Islam in Europe in a race against time, against this awakening, but it looks like it will all fail.
The Real Truth: Jews Promote Christianity & Islam – Library of Rickandria
Christians no longer pose any threat, but they are generally as they always were, a brainless mob.
The Muslim mob is more deadly and dangerous.
Both can be defeated in this time, and subversion of neither is required.
The times in front of us do show that the time for freedom of the enemy’s systems of mind washing and oppression is at hand.
This is why it’s so important to disseminate our information now, and do our Rituals, to simply crash this ship with all of the enemy programs and continue on without them.