These meditations are very advanced.
The instructions should be obvious without having to go into unnecessary details.
These meditations are what is known as Alchemy/Hermeticism.
Kabbalah, Hermeticism & the Occult – Library of Rickandria
They clean out the chakras and burn the seals, getting rid of the dross that blocks knowledge and power.
Step One – Calcination
To circulate Fire.
- Invoke the Element of Fire into your whole body.
- Condense the element into your Base Chakra.
- Circulate the fireball through each of your chakras as for the Circulation Meditation..
- You should feel the searing white-hot ball pass through each chakra. If you don’t feel it right away, imagine it. This will come in time.
Step Two – Distillation
To circulate the Element of Water after circulating Fire.
- Invoke Water
- Condense it into your Second chakra and perform as above.
This will produce searing steam that will deep clean your chakras, burning out and dissolving dross.
Step Three – Solution
To further clean the chakras and to cause the elements to separate.
The separation is passive and will occur naturally and is known as “separation.”
- Invoke the Quintessence/Ether element.
- Condense it into your Third Eye or Sixth Chakra and circulate it.
Step Four – Conjunction
- Invoke the Earth Element and heat it by Invoking the Fire Element.
- Condense the energy into your Base Chakra and circulate it.
Step Five – Putrefaction
To apply moist heat through the Invocation of the Air Element.
- Invoke the Air Element.
- Condense it in your Throat Chakra and then circulate it.
Step Six – Congelation
Invoke the Earth Element.
- Invoke the Earth Element.
- Condense it into your Base Chakra and then circulate it.
Step Seven – Cibation
- Perform steps one and two above and gather and condense the liquid produced from each chakra into the Sacral (Second) Chakra and circulate it.
Step Eight – Sublimation
Reheating with the Fire Element to further burn away impurities.
- Invoke the Fire Element.
- Condense it into your Base Chakra.
- Circulate it and vaporize each of your chakras with it.
- Immediately following, invoke the Earth Element.
- Condense it into your Base Chakra and circulate it, cooling down the vapor and causing condensation into solid form.
Step Nine – Fermentation
This is done by breathing in Gold Energy.
You can reap the best results from doing this directly from the Sun.
- Breathe in Gold Energy
- Condense it into your Solar Plexus Chakra
- Circulate it.
Step Ten – Exaltation
This is done by Invoking Fire as with step one, only this time, concentrate on making the Fire as hot as possible.
Step Eleven – Multiplication
This is done to amplify the energy and is done by Invoking the Quintessence as with step three.
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