What is it?
A complex construct is like any other construct, but it requires mechanism in order to function.
To allow it to sustain itself and be fluid in both motion and functionality.
There are three main types of complex constructs:
- organic
- mechanical
- conjoined/mixed
What can you do with it?
Well, with complex constructs being able to work and sustain themselves.
By programming them they can use the mechanisms be it natural or not, to perform task in different ways.
Like a flower construct blooming and releasing positive energy before you go to bed, or an entity construct that you can give the task of attacking you for training purposes.
It should be taken into account that complex constructs are made with your energy, they aren’t separate from you despite being able to perform task on their own.
An organic construct is a construct that resembles a physical counterpart.
This could be anything from a person to a flower.
In turn they will have the functionality and mechanisms of said counterpart.
Though they don’t have to be 100% exact.
Some examples of mechanisms associated with organic constructs could be muscles, the heart, root’s ability to suck in water, or plants taking in sunlight (aka PHOTOSYNTHESIS!!)
Some examples of functions would be:
- walking motions
- eating
- punching
- blooming
- dancing
Organic constructs are good for less complex task, or when using specific functions of their counterparts to your benefit.
Like using a tree’s ability to release oxygen to help someone who sick or is having a bit of trouble breathing (Should not replace medical help…) though if working on things like detailed anatomy it may get very complicated.
They can also give things a more realistic or life like feel!
How do I make an Organic Construct?
Technique 1:
Relax get into a good head space.
Choose the object of choice.
I suggest keep it simple for now, so a tree, a flower, grass, even a rock.
Yes, a rock.
Create a base/ sketch construct either by visualization or physical means (or you can combine the two.) in 3D Space.
Think of the mechanism(s) that would need to be in place in order to allow the object to function.
You can look it up or see a picture if need be.
Picture the construct you chose and add on the mechanism.
This could be roots, chloroplast, add those along to your construct.
Now program it to do the functions you want it to.
Like if you want the roots to dig into the ground, them absorbing water, the leaves absorbing the sunlight and transferring it into food.
You can modify these functions to your benefit, like if you want if you want it to absorb earth energy in order to rejuvenate itself or connect it to you through a link cord to rejuvenate energy.
At this point you can add:
- color
- textures
- form
to help bring it to like.
Bring it all together and solidify the connection.
A mechanical construct is one that has many or few nonorganic systems.
They don’t have to have a natural counterpart, but they can like a car.
They do have mechanisms, but they need a lot more programming and smaller constructs attached in order for them to work properly, as they don’t have natural ones in place, and you may have to create them on your own.
Unlike organic they kind of limitless on functions, as they aren’t limited to physical counterparts.
Some examples for mechanisms, would be like a car using gas as fuel.
The chains and gears on a bike, a pulley system etc.
Some functions could be a car speeding down the street, a machine pumping out gas etc.
Mechanical constructs are good for simplifying more organic structures, like making organs into simplified part so you aren’t worried about veins, nerves, etc.
Though they can also be used for more complex things.
Like transferring large amount of energy, or you need to make something that isn’t limited.
Like a box construct that you want to send to your friend.
That upon reaching them will open, attach to their chakras and release positive energy.
Though they can also be used in place of organic constructs to simplify them into basic tools.
How do I make Mechanical Constructs?
Technique 1:
Relax get into a good head space.
Choose the object of choice. (try something simple and grounded at first like a bike or a car).
Create a base/ sketch construct either by visualization or physical means (or you can combine the two.) in 3D Space.
Think of the mechanism(s) that would need to be in place in order to allow the object to function.
You can look it up or see a picture if need be.
Though remember for mechanical constructs they don’t need to be super complex unless you want them too.
This could be:
- gears
- metal bars
- tubes
- wheels
- pulleys
Add these mechanisms to the construct as you see fit.
Now program it to do the functions you want it to.
Picture the parts moving the construct how’d you like in all directions.
When you do this make sure you can clearly picture the motion, though whatever programs you add make sure that the construct has the mechanisms in place to carry it out
So, it can’t shoot fire out of its hands without a mini flamethrower etc.
You can modify these functions to your benefit, like if you want if you want it to absorb earth energy in order to rejuvenate itself or connect it to you through a link cord to rejuvenate energy.
(It needs an energy source!)
You can also add things like healing, attacks, etc.
Mixed/ Conjoined
A mixed/ conjoined construct contains both physical and mechanical aspects.
This could be an organic flower with mechanical gear mechanism in order for it to functions.
Or a mechanical flower that with organic mechanism.
A conjoined/ mixed construct like mechanical isn’t limited.
These types of constructs are great when you want the best of both world.
Like you might want to make cat dummy, but don’t want to go through the work of all the blood vessels heart etc.
So instead, you make a simple mechanical mechanism for it to run.
For beings I would certainly recommend a mixed.
The thing i personally use these constructs is for training, protection.
As like any construct it can be programmed for many functions.
Like once a group of students and I made energetic constructs of beings living or fictional and programmed them with shielding and attacking abilities.
And worked with our reaction time in more realistic situations.
It was a lot of fun, and if things ever get out of hand, it’s your energy absorb it and try again.
Though at the end of the day, you do you!
Have fun and just enjoy the process of doing energy work.
How do I make a mixed/conjoined construct?
Now mix/conjoined constructs are special in the sense that you can decide the ratio of mechanical to organic constructs you use.
For example:
You could make a mechanical cat with an organic heart…
Or an organic cat with mechanical limbs.
It just depends on what you want.
Technique 1:
Relax get into a good head space.
Choose the object of choice. (try something simple and grounded at first like a bike or a car).
Determine what percent of each part you want to make your construct.
Do you want it to be all mechanical with an organic heart in which it pumps out energy?
An organic tree with mechanical leaves?
A human on the outside with mechanical organs?
Honestly the options are limitless.
Create a base/ sketch construct either by visualization or physical means (or you can combine the two.) in 3D Space.
Think of the mechanism(s) that would need to be in place in order to allow the object to function.
You can look it up or see a picture if need be.
This could be:
- gears
- metal bars
- tubes
- wheels
- pulleys
etc. or:
- roots
- chloroplast
- organs
- petals
Add these mechanisms to the construct as you see fit.
Now program it to do the functions you want it to.
Picture the parts moving the construct how’d you like in all directions.
Here you can add things like all functions you want it to do, abilities (attacks, shields, linking), motions, and if you want a specific purpose, like protecting you do that as well.
When you do this make sure you can clearly picture the motion, though whatever programs you add make sure that the construct has the mechanisms in place to carry it out.
So, it can’t shoot fire out of its hands without a mini flamethrower or can’t absorb water without roots etc.
You can modify these functions to your benefit, like if you want if you want it to absorb earth energy in order to rejuvenate itself or connect it to you through a link cord to rejuvenate energy.
You can also add things like healing, attacks, etc.
Make 5 different organic constructs.
Make at least one more complicated organic construct like a small animal.
Make 5 mechanical constructs.
Make at least one more complicated mechanical construst.
Make 3 mixed/conjoined constructs or your choice!
Have fun playing around with the amount of mechanical or organic features you use.
Attempt interacting with your constructs!
This could be playing with a toy car construct or battling with your cat construct.
Have fun!
Incorporate elemental energies in the mix and see what happiness.
Try putting your constructs into an environmental construct.
Choose a weapon (fantasy or real) and craft it using:
- organic
- mechanical
- mixed conjoined
This is simply an exercise to get you thinking in different ways and have fun.
I don’t suggest hurting anyone.
In your own words define:
- organic
- mechanical
- mixed/conjoined
If you are struggling with visualizing the parts coming together, try physically molding your energy into the desire shape, program it and place it on.
Think of it like building blocks instead of mind Tetris!
Take your time and ensure that each piece is how you want it.
Don’t rush it.
Speed will come with time.
Don’t stress about everything being absolutely 100% perfect.
Do the best you can right now and work your way up to perfecting your technique.
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