The ‘aliens’, the ‘ETs’, and the Nature Spirits somehow largely waned and recessed after the Patriarchal takeover over multi-millennial history.
The aliens took a step back into the larger circuit of nature to let us more independently cultivate and evolve, but only after adding some Messianic spice here and there, it appears.
However, the aliens don’t recognize the human religious Institutions as the exclusive representatives of the people and are establishing mostly private relationships with individuals and sometimes small groups of people.
The aliens recognize the institutions and their leaders as local Earthly petri-dish apotheosis gods.
They don’t recognize their say-so authority over the right to check the flock and set up connectivity directly for themselves.
And why not?
They were involved with helping and creating many religious figures that inspired the religious institutions of our Judeo-Christian Western World.
Whether it be Jesus, Moses and YHWH, Mohammed and the One God Allah, or Joseph Smith and Archangel Moroni, or for that matter, certain activities in ancient India, it is now secretly admitted that ET had a role in all along the way.
That role was kept covert, removed, behind a curtain.
Involvements suggest just enough alien to human contact to support certain cultural developments in the Petri-dish globe at critical points, often of spiritual consequence as much as occasional war involvement by ET over human history.
Now today, effectively the last fifty years, with this sudden resurgence of:
- direct
- intimate
- active
contact, the institutions do realize something big is afoot.
The intensive programs of contact between the once recessed ET custodians of the Earthly experiment, and their remotely herded, spiritually ‘guided’ flock, appear to be accelerating in a radical manner.
The possible endgames developing of this set of complex historical and current ingredients range from optimistic to cynical, and from hysterical to tragic.
A key integrative insight is the threading in all this between
“Who controls the hearts and minds of humanity”
and who is the custodial authority of matters of their soul and status in our universe.
Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria
So, realize the very human institutions that were ultimately spawned by activities of ET aliens are very much at odds with the thought of alien custodial return.
These institutions are so much at odds with the very idea, they are finding they may well have to knuckle under and adapt to the populace getting a new, higher authority than them.
Some of this ET activity is the ‘higher divine authority’ the institutions have supposedly been humanly praying and invoking for a long time.
The heavenly authority prayed to come back and return and save the faithful and help restore the world to paradise.
Now when the authorities in the heavens have indeed begun in our modern time to come back, ET, representative of the divine, is rejected and discouraged.
ET is rejected roundly by the institutions governing the dollar, the soul and the sword.
ET is rejected as a divine authority, and only admitted as another creature of God’s universe.
When approached by ET to develop open contact with Earth citizens, and the Institutions denied them, then ET indicated they would contact people:
- individually
- directly
- subliminally
- surreptitiously
- deceptively
- privately
- intimately
– whether the authorities liked it or not.
Horrified authorities realized the only recourse was know-thy-enemy by engaging them enough to keep track of what the hell they were doing with our populace on the sly.
Hence all the partnerings, the deals, the associations, the cooperation, the working relationships.
They are all are designed to give us an edge in figuring out the whole deal.
The deal that has been figured is two-fold – there are good and there are bad aliens.
It is not that obvious to tell who is who, dammit.
These ET (extraterrestrials) and ED (extradimensional) entities have been masters of perception and deception for millennia, so we can expect a formidable display of camouflage, subterfuge and psychological manipulation skills.
This means some unscrupulous ETs could take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the situation, just as we would.
Therefore, unholy and holy alliances have developed, from angelic to satanic, and some escape routes are being readied to avoid any ET integration at all by some science worshipping factions.
Some groups are closely spiritually partnering with certain aliens.
And other groups, still uncertain, want to keep the whole issue wrapped in levity and fantastic folklore of modern pop culture.
Human institutions are NOT being demanded by ET to integrate and be assimilated as subordinates in an open public forum.
ET supports keeping the wizards behind the curtains.
Human institutions ARE, however, being faced with ET bypassing them anyway to get to the flocks.
And this has institutional folks very worried, as they should be.
Four secret states of Alliance relationship:
- “If you can’t beat em join em” – is about to be the only survival strategy for some parties.
- State I: Alliances with good aliens (secret state of divine apotheosis).
- State II: Alliances with bad aliens (secret state of demonic possession).
- “Don’t tread on me” – is the only survival strategy for some parties.
- State III: No alliances, except expedient, temporary (secret state of war).
- “Family secrets” – is the dominant status quo between aliens and human institutions of the dollar, the soul and the sword – that is – keeping the wizard’s curtain up.
- State IV: Ironic alliances (secret state of alien presence suppression and gradual societal assimilation).
- State IV: Ironic alliances (secret state of alien presence suppression and gradual societal assimilation).
The aliens, or some of them, or one of them, has decided to bypass institutional mass human contact quarantine by engaging in communicating in a new language of symbols called crop circles.
This has the authorities quite worried since they do not how to decipher the symbolic cryptograms.
They do not know what effect they could have on the masses.
Until they do, crop circles are highly debunked, marginalized and excluded from the human public awareness assimilation program that is bringing the alien presence more and more out into the open in a plausibly deniable manner.
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