Work in progress…
666: The Mark of the Beast
Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a major Roman god of agriculture & harvest.
Saturn is the SIXTH (6th) planet from the sun & the second largest planet in the solar system.
Saturn is also the name of the SIXTH (6th) day of the week, which is Saturn-Day or Satur-Day.
It is also very strange that Saturn also has a six-sided polygon on its North Pole.
Summarizing all, we have:
- 6th planet
- 6th day of the week
- 6 sided polygon
which equals 666.
A very strange coincidence.
Going back to Saturn, we can derive a HEXAGRAM STAR SYMBOL from its HEXAGON.
Using Geometry, we find again another strange 6-6-6 combination.
6-sided star.
6 sided polygon.
6 mini triangles.
All of these Geometric patterns derived from the HEXAGRAM gives a strange combination of 6-6-6.
Adding to that, we can also derive another strange combination of 6-6-6 on its angles.
It is very strange that the number 666 is closely linked to Saturn, the Roman god of harvest.
Saturn in Southern Babylonian language is STUR.
In this language S is 60, T is 400 & U is 6 & R is 200, a total again of 666.
Having established the link between the number 666, the Hexagram mark & the god Saturn, whose mark does this belong to?
How does he look like today?
Take careful note on the HEXAGRAM mark on his image.
Take a closer look at all of these images.
You have all been brainwashed & deceived from the very beginning.
Are you really sure that this is the true image of Jesus?
Fact 1
Jesus was a Jew & Jews don’t wear long hair.
SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: The ENERGY of HAIR! – Library of Rickandria
Fact 2
It is a disgrace for a man to wear long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14
Fact 3
It is forbidden to depict God in the arts made to look like mortal man. Romans 1:23
Fact 4
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Exodus 20:4-5
Understanding all of these facts, it is very forbidden to worship anything made by hands.
Then, whose image does this belong to?
This is Saturnus, the god of the harvest which has the Hexagram symbol.
In Sumerian, the god of the harvest is called Ninurta which is Saturn in English.
Take a real good look at this Sumerian cylinder seal.
Seated on the throne is Ninurta or Saturn, the god of the harvest, holding a plough.
Take a good look at the upper left-hand corner, the planetary formation.
CIVILIZATION: Humanity’s Ancient History – Library of Rickandria
We clearly see a Hexagram symbol on Ninurta’s or Saturn’s cylinder seal.
Today, whose image & symbol does this cylinder seal belong to?
Without a doubt, this is Ninurta, Saturnus, his modern-day equivalent.
One has to take note that Saturn takes in many names across many cultures & civilizations.
He is known as:
- Kronos to the Greeks
- El in Phoenicia
- Saturnus in Rome
- Stur in Chaldea
& Ninurta to the Sumerians:
Although he has many names, he leaves his mark on all pagan (Gentile) religions.
Look closely at the “Sacred Heart” icon on his chest.
Now, look at this idol with the “Sacred Heart” icon on his chest.
The image is of Quetzalcoatl with the “Sacred Heart” icon.
According to the Mayans, Quetzalcoatl is a bearded white man with blue eyes & a tall stature.
In addition, we have the cross of Quetzalcoatl.
The cross was never a Christian symbol to begin with.
Graphical symbolism belongs only to the pagans.
The Aztecs were practicing the “Sacred Heart” sacrifice in the name of Quetzalcoatl.
They did this by removing the heart from their victims.
These are the knives used to remove the heart.
Today, whose “Sacred Heart” does this savage ritual belong to?
Observe really closely.
Why is he holding a heart?
Why are knives stuck in the heart of this “Sacred Heart” icon?
Are you really sure that these images belong to Jesus?
Why is he always pointing to his heart.
Or are you deceived into worshipping the image of the beast which bears many names:
- Saturnus
- Stur
- El
- Ninurta
- Quetzalcoatl
Having established the image of the beast and who he really is & having established his mark & the number of his name “666”.
Who is Saturn exactly?
Observe closely.
Jewish Temple?
What is the Hexagram symbol of Saturn doing in a Jewish Synagogue?
Is this really a Jewish symbol?
Pay close attention.
10,000-year-old Yantra (Hexagram) – Satkona
Yantra on the Hindu god, Kali.
Yantra on the Hindu god, Shiva.
Janardhana Temple, Varkala.
Yantra on a Hindu shrine in Kerala, India.
To be continued…
RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping the Cult of EL? – Library of Rickandria
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