June 9, 2019
Here’s a short list of the benefits that come from a daily meditation practice.
Drunvalo Melchizedek: The 17 Breath MER-KA-BAH Meditation – Library of Rickandria
1. Your life becomes significantly clearer and calmer.
The hustle and bustle of everyday life is choking our minds of the peace we deserve!
Our technology advancements shouldn’t suffocate our minds, it should allow us to achieve more peace.
Meditation helps put those events in perspective for our daily tasks.
2. Your blood pressure is lowered
Science has proven it, meditation lowers the blood pressure, which in return is related to your stress levels and stress management.
Medical Astrology – Medicine by the Stars – Library of Rickandria
Much better than taking pills to lower your blood pressure!
3. People around you enjoy your company

So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends – Library of Rickandria
Regular meditation leads to higher/positive energy that you are consistently tapping into.
100 Benefits of Meditation – Library of Rickandria
This effectively makes you very pleasant to be around, and people like that!
Organic Portals – Library of Rickandria
People naturally gravitate to the people that make them feel good.
4. Your connection with God is strengthened
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
Spiritual awareness is strengthened with a daily meditation practice.
You naturally become more aware of your surroundings, and higher awareness always leads to a deeper connection with God.
Contract with God – Library of Rickandria
The trees begin showing personalities, and the landscape takes on different meanings … all through a deeper awareness.
5. You achieve several hours of sleep in one 20-minute meditation session
Another scientific fact is that meditation is known to put you into a deeper state of rest than deep sleep.
Deep sleep is associated with a delta brainwave.
Ascension Symptoms – Have Your Sleep Patterns Changed Lately? – Library of Rickandria
Deep meditation can drop you into that delta brainwave rapidly, achieving the effects in a shorter amount of time.
How to Overcome the 6 Biggest Obstacles to Meditation – Library of Rickandria
6. Problems that seemed very difficult suddenly have clear solutions
For every problem a solution exists.
When your mind is clear and you’re in a state of peace, solutions appear.
Being in a state of peace just naturally attracts solutions and pathways into your field of view.
7. Your productivity skyrockets because of your ability to have clear focus
If solutions to problems appear more frequently when meditating daily, then imagine what happens to your everyday tasks.
Solutions to everyday life become more and more obvious.
And you begin to take note of these subtle changes as your spiritual vision grows clearer and wider.
Quiz Yourself! 28 Signs You Are Awakening – Library of Rickandria
8. Your life expectancy increases
Science has shown that regular meditation will increase your life expectancy.
It’s pretty obvious to see … less stress and more peace promotes healthy cells and healthy cells regenerate healthier cells.
And likewise, stressed cells regenerate more stressed cells.
So, live longer by choosing more peace in your life.
9. You effectively reduce stress in your life
Speaking of stress, meditation has a profound effect on reducing stress in your body.
Because meditation promotes peace and inner calm, stress dissolves dramatically from this meditative process.
Again, science has proven it.
10. You can visualize powerfully when combined with positive affirmations and meditation
Meditation is powerful at clearing the mind and focusing on simple things … like breathing … or a flower.
But it can be used for so much more!
To powerfully manifest your desires, you must get into a clear connection with the source of manifesting (God/Universe/Ethers).
If your spirits are on high while you visualize then the communication channel for manifesting positive events in your life is strengthened.
While meditating I like to repeat affirmations, otherwise known as mantras, to help focus my energy into the positive.
5 Steps to Shift from Fear to Love – Library of Rickandria
These statements can be as simple as “love” or
“I am love, I am joy, I am peace.”
11. You feel fantastic throughout your day!
And finally, when you meditate on a regular basis, you just feel fantastic.
Plain and simple.
You feel good.
Everything else is details.
Meditation Techniques – What to Do BEFORE You Meditate! – Library of Rickandria
11 Reasons to Meditate Daily – In5D