- Magick
- sorcery
- spells
- witchcraft
etc., are all powers of the mind.
The success of any working depends upon the strength and power of the operator’s:
- mind
- aura
- mental concentration
and his/her ability to sense and direct energy.
Understanding energy, discerning between different energies, invoking, evoking, and directing energy is the foundation of all “magick”.
This comes through Power Meditation.
How diligently and consistently one applies oneself to a program of power meditation will determine how powerful one’s workings are.
People who are new are encouraged to start out with white and grey magick, as black magick requires more knowledge and skill.
Some people are born with a gift for this, but for others, this comes in time.
Magic 101: “Witchcraft” – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
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