by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D on December 2, 2017
Julia Cannon, daughter of past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, explains how we not only chose to be here in this 3rd dimensional reality, but in order to incarnate to this planet, we all had to be ‘master manifestors’.
Julia paraphrased the following from Julie Hanson’s book, “Awakening to Your Creation”
“This is the densest, most challenging planet of all of the planets in the Universe to live in and live on.
This is the most challenging universe of all of the universes to live in and live on.
So right there, you know there’s something special about this little planet.
It’s not by accident, it’s by design.”
“In order to get the “Golden Ticket” to step foot on this planet… just to be here… you have to be a “Master Manifestor”.
Not just anybody can come here and handle what’s going on here.
You have to be a Master Manifestor.
We aren’t just anybody.”
Julia describes the incarnation process similar to playing a game in which she calls, “Game Board Earth”
Basically, in order to incarnate to this planet, we each had to master the process of manifesting.
The ultimate proposition in this game is to incarnate to the most challenging planet, where it feels like you’re wearing “lead boots” while “walking in quicksand”.
Julia stated,
“We’re used to flying.
We’re used to just zipping around doing whatever we want.
We come into this (planet) and its heavy and it’s dense.
We create(d) this.”
What we also created were the rules, but these were man-made and imposed upon us.
Ultimately, there are no rules in this game, which Julia describes as free will.
We can create whatever we want.
To make this game more challenging, we forgot about our abilities to manifest and create when we incarnated here, so it’s up to each of us to re-remember our true abilities and gifts as creators and to use those in the best interests of humanity.
To add to these challenges, we play this game while moving though dimensions.
Parallel Worlds Exist & Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says – Library of Rickandria
How is that for challenging?
“We are great and powerful beings.
As the veil (of forgetfulness) thins, we are remembering because we are able to see that part of us… (to) see who we really are.
As that happens, we have abilities coming in.”
Your mind is much greater and capable of so much more than you think.
Many of us are going through challenges right now in life, but this is also part of the game that we agreed to play before we came here while making our soul contracts.
When we were on the other side ‘creating’ our soul contracts (while being the “Master Manifestors” that we are), all challenges seemed like easy tasks to overcome on this planet.
Some of us made a few more challenges than others and chances are, these people were the “best of the best” at manifesting on the other side of the veil, but we forgot how to do this.
As the veil thins and as we re-remember, “new” abilities will arise.
These abilities will seem “new”, but we’ve had these abilities ever since we incarnated to this planet.
And while this game will become easier as we move toward the 5th dimension, remember that each dimension has new challenges to overcome.
How many challenges are you facing right now?
Are you starting to re-remember how powerful you are?
Has anyone experienced any new abilities?
In Order to Incarnate to Earth, You Had to Master Manifestations – In5D
Incarnation & Reincarnation (Transmigration) – Library of Rickandria
In Order to Incarnate to Earth, You Had to Master Manifestations (basecamp.com)
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