May 17, 2015, from DreamCatcherReality Website
Do you think you are an old soul?
Have you felt alienated from your peers?
Read on to learn more about old souls…
There are those amongst us who simply do not share the same experiences as the rest of the people.
These people always tend to have their own perspective on things, perspective that generally does not conform to those of the majority.
Such people usually find themselves in solitary situations and derive pleasure from it.
Why Very Smart People are Happiest Alone – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The pleasure is neither born out of an antisocial temperament nor a preference towards avoidance. It’s simply because these people were born old.
We have come to call such people “old souls”, and we do so in reflection to their mature nature and perspective on life.
Such people are old at:
- heart
- mind
- soul
When considering old souls, it is no surprise that they seem to find solace within themselves rather than those around them.
For that, the interest shared by most hold no real significance for such people.
Having an outlook such vastly different has a strong alienating effect and experiencing another old soul would probably have similar influence as most have when socializing with their peers.
A child who is simply unable to befriend his or her peers because of the prevailing differences does not generally have to be considered as a social outcast or socially different.
Most of us know such a person from school or from somewhere else.
Such people are old souls, who simply enjoy a different perspective on life.
Are you an old soul…?
The following are some of the pleasures enjoyed by old souls.
If you enjoy these things, chances are that you too are an old soul…
A Few Pleasures Enjoyed by Old Souls
You Enjoy Your Solitary Time
Since most old souls are not interested in the same goals as their peers, such relationships can be dissatisfying for them.
Without the ability to relate to one another, no one, especially not old souls, can enjoy such relationships.
Consequently, old souls tend to find pleasure in the company of themselves.
Spiritually Aligned
Old souls generally exhibit a more sensitive demeanor towards more spiritually inclined things.
Things that seem like a lifelong struggle for most, such as overcoming one’s ego or seeking enlightenment, come naturally to these awakened souls.
Old souls are matured souls in younger personas.
They usually derive pleasure in pursuing peace and fostering meaningful relationships where there is an actual connection.
To them, there is no wiser way to spend one’s time.
An Inherent Love for Knowledge and Truth
Old souls are naturally more gravitated towards the intellectual aspects of life.
Although, no one inherently possesses wisdom, old souls have a natural inclination towards acquiring knowledge for pleasure and in the process, a significantly more accurate and educated perspective on life.
For example, understanding the theory of attraction would seem more appealing to them than reading the current edition of some popular tabloid that has all the spicy secrets of everyone’s – supposedly – private lives.
A Holistic Perspective on Life
Old souls are more likely to be reminded of the fragility of life and implications of mortality.
This causes them to develop the pessimist’s loop thinking about the unknown and make them to withdraw.
However, such a perspective on life also helps them to decisively and wisely dictate the trajectory of their lives and try to find pleasures in even the smallest of things.
For example, instead of taking pictures of an event or experience, they will choose to experience it in its entirety and engrain it within themselves once and for all.
An Introspective Nature
Thinking and contemplation are acts that come naturally to old souls.
In the moments of silence, when one can truly hear their own thoughts, an aspect that one needs to delve deeper into their consciousness and examine life and other things introspectively.
It is also these dissective thought processes that allow old souls to learn so many lessons and acquire insights into such varying life situations.
A Rebellious Outlook
Since most people are more inclined to conform and comply with the herd mentality, old souls on the other hand are more rebellious in the context.
Whether it is religion or utilitarian laws, if you are able to dissect the supposedly natural order of things and form your own causations and find pleasure in the process, than you are more likely an old soul.
The Pleasure of Feeling Old
There is no better feeling to an old soul than to simply feel older in relation to the majority of people that surrounds them.
What I mean by this is the feeling of wariness that forces one to sit down and enjoy the idyllic beauties that surround us.
The watchful patience that is necessary to observe and understand.
The feeling of calmness one gets from detaching oneself from the fast-paced nature of life.
This is also one of the main reasons why old souls are generally viewed as aloof or cold, which are just one of the many myths surrounding old souls.
Although not an actual representation of what an old soul might be, these are some of the things old souls do and find pleasure in life.
If you feel like you conform to some of these stranger pleasures, you might be an old soul…
If you possess the drive to acquire more information and develop your own understanding, you might actually be one yourself…
Some Earthly Pleasures of an Old Soul
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