What is it?
an Energetic (mini) projection is an energetic construct of oneself that when linked to can be controlled the same as oneself.
- Walking
- running
- attacks
- shielding
etc. are all possible in this form.
What makes this a projection of sorts is due to the fact that for it to be done properly the focus must stay outside of oneself.
The focus stays on the mini construct instead, and you are present in that “body”.
Though you are still aware of one’s physical self.
If it helps you can think of it as playing as a video game character of yourself.
What can I do with it?
Energetic (Mini) projections can be used for many things.
You can actually meet up with friend through linking, travel around areas, go on missions, train, visit/experience any environment constructs you’ve made etc.
I personally typically use mini projections to go on missions.
Missions being where I get asked to detect, locate or get rid of entities for people.
I typically use this form as its easier to travel and i still have all of my normal functionality and abilities.
You can connect with other beings using this form of projection.
I also use it to travel to my safe space (my personal environmental construct):
- talk to guides
- chill out
- train
How do I Mini Project?
Technique 1:
Technique 1 is the more visual of the two.
Meaning it will require you to do some visualization.
Get relaxed and clear your head.
Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and picture yourself in your mind from head to toes in 3D space (as you aren’t a paper cut out).
You could think of this stage as you are being like a mannequin.
Go in depth add your features, and clothing.
Make sure to include things like color, textures, Etc.
Be sure to rotate your body around and look at yourself in 3D space as you do this.
You don’t want to be a supermodel on the front and blank on the back.
Now in your mind walk around as this mini you.
It might help if you picture yourself in an environment as you do this.
Just move all parts of your body as if you were currently in it.
Like let’s say if you picture yourself walking through a park you can feel your feet on the ground, smell the air etc. fresh air, feel your arms swinging back and forth.
While your physical body stays still.
Which doing this try to keep your focus on this mini you.
It might help to try looking in 1st person as of your mini projection was you.
So, if you are walking through this park what do you see, look around you as if you were in that body using your third eye.
Once you’re comfortable and can feel yourself become immersed with this mini you, create a link cord between your mini self and your physical self at the 3rd eye of both of them.
Once they are both connected it is time to walk out of your mind.
So, as your mini self, proceed to walk yourself out of your head through your third eye.
This may be hard to do, but you must try to keep your focus shifted on that of your mini projection and not your physical self.
You will probably bounce back and forth in between the two at first and that’s okay keep trying!
Once focus is completely outside of yourself, use your third eye to look around your room.
Walk around in your room as your mini self.
Once again trying to keep your focus outside of your physical self and on the mini projection.
Go ahead and explore around your room, and congratulations you have completed your first mini projection!
Technique 2:
Technique 2 differs from the first as in this one we will be working more physically with constructs.
It would probably benefit you to understand how to make complex constructs as your construct will be more functional.
Get relaxed and clear your head.
Now in your hands i want you to create a basic construct, being a cube, a sphere, etc.
This will be as our base for the construct.
Now I want you to either physically or visually mold this construct into a mannequin like the one we had in technique 1.
Make sure it is in 3d space, and not a flat form.
I suggest that you add things like joints, bones, and eyes inside just to make to process of moving later on a bit easier and smoother.
(They could mechanical, organic or mixed if you are doing complex constructs.)
You can check if you did this correctly if when touching the construct, you can feel all the forms you have made on the figure.
Solidify the Connection.
Now like in technique one, go ahead and customize the figure.
- hair
- clothing
- specific features
- textures
Solidify the connection once more.
Alright now that you have your mini you as a construct, it is time to link to it.
When linking to it ensure that the cord penetrates and spreads out into all parts of the construct.
You should be able to feel the construct as if it was physically you.
You can test it by if you move the construct around it your hands you should be able to physically feel it.
Once you got your link cord in place, try to shift your focus fully onto the construct, and try moving it slowly as if it was you in the physical.
Try moving your:
- hands
- fingers
- toes
- legs
etc. one by one and just get a feel for how moving in the constructs is.
After you’ve gotten accustomed to basic movements try walking.
Take your time this honestly might be a bit harder than you think.
You might clumsily fall over or not know where to place your feet etc.
(I know I have done it several times)
Slowly move up to:
- jumping in place
- jogging
- running
- skipping
flailing your arms around like a crazy person, idk. Just take your time move around and have fun.
Congrats you have successfully mini projected!
If you are struggling to hold focus, try to shift your focus for intervals of:
- 1
- 5
- 10
- 20
and 30 minutes.
Explore your room while mini projecting.
What is it like?
What can you see?
Change your appearance.
Try shielding or attacking while mini projecting (I typically might move physically to help me perform attacks in energetically projected state, but you might not have too.)
Create different constructs and interact with them all while mini projected (like if you make a spiderweb and climb it, or if you just want to sit on a chair).
Make an environmental construct of your choice and explore it in mini projection.
Try contacting guides in mini projection.
Try using other abilities.
Try linking with other people while you all are mini projected.
You can actually visit each other by doing this.
Simply link to one another and in your mini projected state walk across the link cord to the other person.
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