Why should you learn how to shield?

Well, shielding like any other type of protection on useful. 

It’s made in order to protect the user from things like:

  • psychic attacks
  • attacks from entities
  • negative energies


Shielding in particular can be very versatile like most things in energy work so it can be used for healing and replenishing energy etc.

Protection is very important to learn in any practice.

Reflective Shield

Offensive shield

The reflective shield is a way to reflect/deflect outside attacks.

To bounce it back at whoever sent the initial attack.

How to:

Technique 1:

Picture yourself being surrounded or cover in a rubber or a substance in which you consider being bouncy or really stretchy.

Now picture an attack bouncing off and reflecting back.

Solidify this picture in your mind.

Solidify the connection with the shield.

Technique 2:

Make a shield of your choice.

Program the shield to reflect attacks.

You can do this in the form of saying it in your head/out loud.

Or visualizing the attack like we did above.

Solidify the connection with the shield.

Energy Regeneration Shield

This shield is used to regenerate one’s energy when your either being drained or being attacked etc.

Technique 1:

Relax your mind and take a few deep breaths.

In your mind envision something that you associate with holding like a battery.

Make a shield.

Now either at the side or the top of the shield picture there being one to two batteries.

Now we can charge the batteries!

There are 2 ways to do this:

Take your hand and place it near the battery, then go to envision the energy coming off your hand to fill the battery.

Picture the energy radiating off your being pulled into the battery.

Solidify the connection.

Picture wires, cord, vines etc. coming off the battering and wrapping around the shield.

Solidify the connection.

Lastly picture the energy in the batteries flowing throughout the wires, cords etc., and when the shield begins to weaken release for energy from the batteries.

Solidify the connection.

All done!

Technique 2:

Relax and clear your mind.

Make a shield of your choice.

Link to the shield, you could do it anywhere, but it might be better if you do it right above you.

Now in your mind envision your energy flowing up through the link cord, into the shield, travelling all the way down the sides of the shield and back to you.

Make it a cycle.

Do this a couple of times until you really got it stuck in your head.

Then go ahead and recreate that process by means of moving your energy around by hand, visualization, or both.

Solidify the connection.

The mirror shield/camouflage shield

This type of shield is one which doesn’t allow enemies or other entities to see you.

But they only see the environment you’ve camouflaged yourself in or a mere reflection of themselves!

How to:

Technique 1:

Make a shield around yourself.

Picture your shield having a reflective mirror like surface all around you.

Solidify the Connection.

Technique 2:

Imagine yourself going invisible into the environment…or melting into the environments.

Do this until you can’t visualize yourself into the environment.

Shield yourself.

Solidify the connection.

Sticky Shield

A type of shield that allows things of your choice to stick to it.

That might sound strange but at closer range its easier to locate, attack, and understand what’s happening.

Technique 1:

Relax and clear your mind.

Think of something that you associate with being sticky like:

  • honey
  • glue
  • gum
  • spider webs


Now picture this sticky material surrounding you in a shield like shape.

If it helps you can create a normal bubble shield and put the material around that.

Solidify the connections.

Now picture or program the shield to cause things to stick to it by picturing an object, entity, energy etc.

Sticking to it.

Solidify the Connection

Elemental Shield

A shield that works with the elements and can be used in conjunction with any of the other shields above.

They can also embody the energy and properties of the elemental shield.

For example:

  • water and healing
  • fire and the burning away of negative energies
  • or earth and growth and grounding

Technique 1:

Relax and clear your mind.

Pick which element you would like to work with, and what you want it to do.

Like fire could be used to burn away negative energies but also will burn any attacks that come your way or anyone of negative intent that comes in.

Now that you have your element of choice lets now decide how you would like it to look, as elements can take many forms.

Like with Earth you can have:

  • rocks
  • dirt
  • sand
  • roots
  • plants
  • trees

Air could be a tornado etc.

Now as if you were making a basic bubble shield, picture the element of your choice surrounding you in a ball or bubble around you.

Make sure it’s not static, you should picture it moving and flowing, as you see fit.

Now that you have the shield you can add the properties!

At this point you can visualize the shield in action like the water absorbing your negative energies as they swirl around you.

Do this until you can clearly picture this in your mind.

Solidify the connection.

You’re all done!

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