Alien Life on Earth-Like Planets ‘Far More Widespread than Previously Believed’ (bibliotecapleyades.net)‘
Alien Life on Exoplanets may be ‘More Abundant and Active’ than on Earth – Say Scientists
Biodiversity on Some Alien Planets may Dwarf that of Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Alien Worlds – Most Stars have Planets in the Habitable Zone (bibliotecapleyades.net)
An Earth-like Planet Only 16 Light Years Away? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Tau Ceti e – Another Interstellar Target?
Another Earth Just 12 Light-Years Away? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
As Planet discoveries Pile Up a Gap appears in the Pattern (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Astronomers Estimate 100 Billion Habitable Earth-like Planets in The Milky Way – 50 Sextillion in The Universe (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Astronomers Estimate there are 6 Billion Earth-Like Planets in the Milky Way (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Astrophysicists find Rare Star spinning Backwards (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Biodiversity on Some Alien Planets May Dwarf that of Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net)
By 2020, we’ll ‘Finally’ have The Ability to Locate Life-Harboring Alien Planets (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Cosmic Vision (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Could Proxima Centauri Be Our Interstellar Getaway? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Discovery of a Nearby Super Earth with Only 5 Times Our Mass (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Earth-Like Planets Are Right Next Door (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Eight other Worlds in Our Solar System might have Life beyond Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net)
‘Exomoons’ Capable of Supporting Life May Be Common (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Exoplanets – Our changing Views of Habitable Planets – Oceans, Beaches, Cosmic Shorelines (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Exoplanets – The Several Newfound Alien Planets (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Extragalactic Exoplanet Found Hiding Out in Milky Way
Alien Planet May Have Come From Another Galaxy (bibliotecapleyades.net)
First Direct Photos of Exoplanets – Out Of This World Pictures – In an Astronomy First, Researchers Image Exoplanets Orbiting Two Stars (bibliotecapleyades.net)
First Potential Habitable Exoplanet in a Six-Planet Star System (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Forbidden Planets (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Found Exoplanet with Three Red Dwarf Suns (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Giant Exoplanets and a Huge Magnetic Field (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Gliese 163C – Newfound Alien Planet in Habitable Zone Might Be Able to Support Life (bibliotecapleyades.net)
James Webb Space Telescope meets the 7 intriguing Exoplanets of TRAPPIST-1 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Kardashev Scale – What it’ll Be Like when We Harness the Power of an Entire Galaxy (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Kepler spots ‘Four Rogue Earth-mass Exoplanets’ floating in Space, unbound to any Star (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Looking for the Lights of Alien Cities (bibliotecapleyades.net)
More Evidence That Gliese 581 Has Planets in The Habitable Zone
Is This the New Earth? – Astronomers Discover Planet Just 20 Light Years Away (bibliotecapleyades.net)
NASA Confirms 768 New Exoplanets Making Extraterrestrial Life More Likely (bibliotecapleyades.net)
NASA’s Kepler Mission Announces Largest Collection of Planets Ever Discovered (bibliotecapleyades.net)
NASA Telescope Idea could Spot Vegetation on Distant Exoplanets (bibliotecapleyades.net)
New Earth-Like Planet found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star (bibliotecapleyades.net)
New Study says Proxima b could Support Life (bibliotecapleyades.net)
New ‘Super-Earth’ discovered in the Sun’s Neighborhood (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Candidate spotted around Alpha Centauri ‘A’ in Earth’s backyard (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Red Dwarf Stars may be Best Chance for Habitable Alien Planets
Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Two Planets Identified As Most Similar to Earth – Both Orbit The Same Star, 20 Light-Years From Earth, Called Gliese 581 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Scientists Spend Truckloads of Taxpayer Dollars to Find Alien Life in Outer Space (bibliotecapleyades.net)
These Seven Alien Worlds could help Explain how Planets Form
Temperate Earth-Sized Worlds Found in Extraordinarily Rich Planetary System (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Ten Exoplanets that Could Host Alien Life (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Ten of the Strangest Exoplanets in the Universe (bibliotecapleyades.net)
There May Be 300 Million Habitable Planets in our Galaxy (bibliotecapleyades.net)
There May Be in the Milky Way more Earth-like Planets than Grains of Sand on all our Beaches (bibliotecapleyades.net)
These 24 Planets might be ‘Better Places to Live than Earth’ – Astrobiologists Say (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Two Planets Identified as Most Similar to Earth – Both Orbit The Same Star, 20 Light-Years From Earth, Called Gliese 581 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Webb Space Telescope snaps its First Photo of an Exoplanet (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Webb Telescope spots CO² on Exoplanet for first time – What it Means for finding Alien Life (bibliotecapleyades.net)
We were Wrong – All Stars don’t have Planets, after all (bibliotecapleyades.net)
What Are Extrasolar Planets? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
What does “Earthlike” Even Mean and Should it Apply to Proxima Centauri b? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Additional Information
60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life – Study Suggests (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Giant Alien Planet has 4 Suns in its Sky (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Has NASA Discovered Extraterrestrial Life?
Giant Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar System’s Edge (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Global Risks 2013 and X Factors – The Disturbing Report by The World Economic Forum (bibliotecapleyades.net)
How Aliens we’ve Never Met could Help Humanity escape Self-Destruction (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Humanity is Not even a Type 1 Civilization – What would a Type 3 be Capable Of? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Jupiter’s Europa Moon ‘Likeliest to Have Life’ (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Just How Small We Really Are in The Universe – Videos that Will Shift your Perspective (bibliotecapleyades.net)
New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Scientific Study Claims there are Up To 8,000 Alien Megastructures in the Universe (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Search for E.T. Should Extend Beyond ‘Alien Earths’ – Astronomer Says (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Hunt for Rogue Planets Just got Tougher (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Kardashev Scale – Classifying Advanced Technological Civilizations (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Search for Alien Tech (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Were There Aliens Before Us? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Exoplanets & Water (basecamp.com)
Books & Treatises: Exoplanets (basecamp.com)
Alien Earths and Worlds
by Discovery channel on August 03,2015
Join leading astronomers on a visual journey beyond our solar system in search of planets like Earth.
Using CGI animation, we’ll explore bizarre worlds that stretch our imagination: planets with iron rain and hot ice, with diamonds everywhere, and endless oceans of gas.
Planets with abnormal orbital patterns and planets with no pattern at all that drift alone in the Milky Way. Planets so strange we never could have predicted them before.
Could life exist there?
In the search for another Earth, astronomers hope to discover other terrestrial planets. These bodies may have a rocky terrain and may even hold water on their surfaces.
The most Earth-like planet discovered thus far is Gliese 581c, which orbits near the area known as the habitable zone.
This elusive zone, also called the “Goldilocks Zone,” lies between the star and its planets, and may allow life to survive – it is not too hot and not too cold – on the surface of a planet.
Are There Other Earths?
by SpaceRip on January 04, 2018
The universe plays host to a surprising number of planets that appear quite similar to our own.
Is it possible that humans could occupy any of these planets in the future?
Remarkably, recent astronomical discoveries have pinpointed thousands of potential candidates.
The engrossing documentary ‘Are There Other Earths?’ examines the probable conditions on a handful of these planets and their parallels to the place we call home.
For a planet to be inhabitable by humans, it must rotate around a parent star much like our Sun, be temperate and shows signs of liquid water on its surface. Many possess a rocky landscape much like our own.
Each of the planets profiled in the film meet this minimal criteria, but they still pose serious obstacles for human sustainability.
The film calls upon the efforts of several of the most revered observatories in the world, including NASA and the La Silla Observatory in Chile.
La Silla Observatory – Wikipedia
Their most recent discovery is the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system, a dwarf star around which seven planets rotate in close proximity to one another.
Temperate Earth-Sized Worlds Found in Extraordinarily Rich Planetary System (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Nearly 40 light years away, the star is significantly less luminous and massive than our own Sun, but at least three of its host exoplanets exist within a habitable zone.
One of these planets – TRAPPIST-1f – is close to Earth’s size and is thought to contain 20% liquid water content.
There’s Ross 128b, a planet that orbits its red dwarf star once every 9.9 days as it inches ever closer to Earth.
Almost 500 light years away lies Kepler 186f, a planet distinguished by a size, gravity and terrain much like Earth.
In these instances, and others, the conditions might exist that would allow biological processes to flourish.
They may already harbor life forms of their own, which would finally resolve the question of whether we are alone in the universe.
The notion that humans can truly thrive on any of these exoplanets is more than a bit far-fetched at this stage.
Each of them presents its own set of potential dangers and uncertainties.
Regardless, ‘Are there Other Earths?’ offers an intriguing glimpse into an alternate reality that might await humankind tens of thousands of years into the future.
NASA’s Map with ‘One by One’ of 4,000 Exoplanets
July 10, 2019, from NASA Website
Over 4000 planets are now known to exist outside our Solar System.
Known as exoplanets, this milestone was passed last month, as recorded by NASA’s Exoplanet Archive.
The featured video highlights these exoplanets in sound and light, starting chronologically from the first confirmed detection in 1992.
The entire night sky is first shown compressed with the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy making a giant U.
- exoplanets detected by slight jiggles in their parents-star’s colors (radial velocity) appear in pink.
- those detected by slight dips in their parent star’s brightness (transit) are shown in purple.
- those exoplanets imaged directly appear in orange.
- those detected by gravitationally magnifying the light of a background star (microlensing) are shown in green.
The faster a planet orbits its parent star, the higher the accompanying tone played.
The retired Kepler satellite has discovered about half of these first 4000 exoplanets in just one region of the sky, while the new TESS mission is on track to find even more, all over the sky, orbiting the brightest nearby stars.
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite – Wikipedia
Finding exoplanets not only helps humanity to better understand the potential prevalence of life elsewhere in the universe, but also how our Earth and Solar System were formed.
Red Sky Paradox in an Electric Universe

by Thunderbolts Project on April 09, 2022, from ThunderboltsProject Website
Our Solar System is highly unusual, and our Sun is a yellow dwarf star – which together with white dwarf stars should be common elsewhere – but instead red dwarf stars are by far the most common stars in the Milky Way by a factor of five.
Dramatic Changes in Our Sun (bibliotecapleyades.net)
This presents rather an interesting problem that has been dubbed the ‘Red Sky Paradox’.
The Red Sky Paradox Will Make You Question Our Very Place in The Universe : ScienceAlert
Red dwarf stars emit less energy in comparison to our sun which mean any planets orbiting them need to be closer to the star to reach habitable temperatures.
Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds (bibliotecapleyades.net)
EU advocate, Gareth Samuel, creator of “See the Pattern”, expands on how red dwarf stars are an attractive prospect for the search for extraterrestrial life.

Life in the Universe (basecamp.com)
The Detailed Universe
Laniakea – The Immeasurable Universe
Hubble: The Most Important Images Ever Taken
Water Beyond Earth (bibliotecapleyades.net) – Main File
Life in the Universe (basecamp.com)
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