
Perhaps the most appropriate words to describe the history of mankind on this planet are chaos or confusion.
Our history is full of discontinuities and the sudden, unexplained appearance and disappearance of entire races of people.
Perhaps the major one of these discontinuities occurs in the Christian Bible in Genesis itself, Chapter 3, for it seems like everything we know about the Universe comes somewhere after the fall of Adam.
What would happen though if the most influential occurrences happened, not only prior to Adam, but prior to the story of Genesis itself–things so major that they affect everything that has taken place since, and are still affecting things going on at this very moment?
It is the humble intent of this book to trace the history of mankind right from its roots in the heart of the Creator Father to its very present dilemma amidst the chaos of a world and a Universe run rampant.
It is not, however, the intention of this book to trace every minute detail of every event which has occurred in that history.
Rather it seeks to uncover those patterns which give life and meaning to that history; those patterns, some of which lie buried beneath history like the underground stream which is such a central metaphor to theme of the entire book.
It is important firstly, however, to understand the ubiquitous image of the Tree of Life and the significance it plays in world history and to all the world’s religions.
It is then necessary that we take a look at the major players involved in the Creation of this Universe Itself, as well as their subsequent roles in shaping the events of both world and universal history.
Though we tend to think of world history from grade school and high school days as being a disjointed series of events where people such as Columbus, or Sir Isaac Newton, stumbled onto some discovery or invention, thus causing a newer and better world to be opened for the rest of us, let me assure you in the beginning here, nothing could be further from the truth.
Bible Text Commentaries by Sir Isaac Newton
History is a lie we have been fed to make us docile and to keep us ignorant of the true intent of those who have manipulated events from the very beginning for their own benefit, and for the benefit of those whom they serve.
Miles Williams Mathis: A Study of History – Library of Rickandria
In the process of unraveling this puzzle and fitting the pieces together, it will be necessary for the reader to temporarily suspend belief in everything they know and have learned about both the Creation and about history in general.
It will be necessary to digest the material and watch as the picture grows before your eyes, and then to judge whether or not this picture which has been formed is justly valid or not.
No matter what racial or ethnic background the reader comes from, no matter what level of education or social strata they have achieved, or hope to achieve, and no matter what religion or denomination they were raised in or currently belong to, any preconceived notions of how history or the universe were created, will only prove to be a stumbling block to understanding the true story unfolding herein, and to the resulting expansion of consciousness it will bring.
As author Machaelle Wright says in relation to her work:
“During an expansion of consciousness, our intellectual understanding of what we are experiencing is challenged because it is new to us.
Like anything new, if we try to force an understanding of it through the framework of what we already know, we end up confused and possibly misinterpreting the experience.
If we truly wish to expand our consciousness, that expansion can only serve to render our old framework obsolete.
Any expansion we might have can actually be distorted if we try to force it through our old intellectual framework, such as would happen with a round handful of Play Dough squashed through a square shaping hole.
Some of the Play Dough may get through intact, but it is distorted, while much has been left behind on the other side of the screen, hopelessly lost for use in the new construction.
“If we attempt to use our old framework when tackling new material such as is here being presented, we will tend to experience what we think we are experiencing instead of what it is that is actually happening.
Or, worse still, we will tend to read into things what it is we want to hear, rather than getting the truth from what it is we are reading.
We need then just to put the intellect aside–to just be.Let this new experience, this new knowledge, integrate itself naturally into our being.
Like a Zen master would proscribe, if we just get ourselves out of the way, life will show us what we need to know and what it is we need to be doing.
“In this way, we can allow the formation of a new and more logical or intellectual framework.
As a result, we will then gain a completely different understanding.
The experience itself will build its own new logical framework.
So, as you read this work, just let the expansion or processing happen naturally.
As you do, you will be surprised at how much easier it is and how much more you really understand.”
Let it be known first then that there are some prerequisites needed before entering upon this particular voyage of expansion of your consciousness:
First, is the understanding of how language can be used to alter perception.
This is especially true when it comes to historical texts which were written in one or more languages which have then been translated into English or the language we understand.
The structure of many languages allows for alternate meanings of a single word, or shades of meaning that can vary so greatly as to throw off our understanding of an entire event or reason for something happening.
Just as a teenager may use the word `cool’ to mean something is `wonderful,’ so too might another person use the same word `cool’ to express the temperature of their bath water as being “tepid” or “not warm.”
Language can also be used as a means of encoding certain information that we wish to transmit, while still making it impossible to understand for those who we do not wish to understand our true meaning.
During World War II, the BBC broadcast innumerable such encoded messages into Occupied France and Europe in this form, usually in the simple guise of a valid news story or meaningless phraseology.
When setting out to write this book, it quickly became evident that language would be the key to unlocking many of the clues to what was really taking place in the history being uncovered.
The word ‘God‘, for instance, is actually a relatively new term in the annals of history to describe those Beings some people worship as their creator.
It has now become a generalized term in English speaking countries for something “which was in the Beginning” and is responsible for both our presence and possibly also for our current dilemma.
As Zecharia Sitchin explains in his works, the word most commonly used in ancient Sumeria for these gods was “lord,” and this crops up again and again in various translations of names used for the ancient gods.
A serf in medieval England also called the owner of the estate, `My Lord’, and even though that owner may hold a great deal of power over the life and death of the serf and his family, the lord was certainly not a god to be worshipped.
This is true of many places in history, and many historical texts where the title used to indicate a person’s role or station in life has come down to us more commonly understood as that person’s name, rather than as their title.
Jesus Christ is a good example of a title being used as a name.
A second prerequisite before reading this book is an understanding that everything in the universe is made up of atoms, tiny particles vibrating at a certain frequency within a seemingly empty mass of space.
As explained in the chapters on creation, not everything which exists can be seen with the physical eyes.
Every day we are getting more and more confirmation of this very fact, both on an individual level, and in the general area of public events.
Higher dimensional beings such as angels and ascended masters simply have a higher vibration which allows them to be “on Earth” without being visible to the human eye.
As we become able to `raise’ our vibration as well, many of these things become `visible’ to us and more of the other worlds can be known.
Consequently, it is also necessary to understand that all life in the universe does not vibrate at the same frequency as the life-forms here on Earth.
The Universe is made up of many multidimensional levels on which Beings have existence, either similar or dissimilar to our own.
Many of these Beings interact and have interacted with our own dimension since its inception.
Each race or group of entities has its own agenda, and many of these agendas can be discerned through the channeled writings of certain entities who claim to be friendly to the planet Earth and who have only our best interest and welfare at heart.
In some cases, this is true, in others, it is definitely untrue.
Discerning which are true and to what extent, and which are not, has been a real challenge to writing this book.
It must be realized that there are elements of truth at some level to all the writings, yet truth is a major element in good propaganda for it allows one to accept the greater message and intent with so much less questioning.
Partial truth is the tool with which our history has been manipulated until now and robbed us of our rightful heritage.
Ferreting out those little fragments of truth and assembling them into one coherent, all-encompassing and logical story has been my assigned task.
Each of these individuals and groups of entities who have and still do interact with this planet and with its inhabitants also cannot see the bigger picture.
Like we humans, they often cannot see the forest for the trees.
On the dimensional level at which they exist, they too are only somewhat aware of the higher spiritual dimensions and the spiritual hierarchy working there, except as they are interacted with by these Beings, much as many of us do when working with our angels and other spiritual guides.
These higher spiritual dimensions or vibrations are what are commonly referred to as `the levels of Heaven’ and will be dealt with in the chapters on Creation.
Next, it is necessary to understand that the basic spiritual purpose behind the creation of various levels of existence, was to give the individual atom of Soul that each one of is, a school in which to learn and grow, to develop our awareness to a point where we too can become the teacher rather than the student.
When listening to entities from one level higher up than you, it is much like listening to a 10th grader when you are only a lowly 9th grader.
They may know more than you do, or then again, maybe they don’t.
But then again, the 11th grader knows still more than the 10th grader does.
The whole question is from what level do you wish to receive your truth?
At what level do you seek to settle back and say,
This is high enough?
The work in this book comes from the highest levels of Truth available to mankind, in His interest, and for His benefit alone.
Take it as you will. In terms of the functioning of this school, planet Earth was created as a plane of experience on which these individual atoms of Soul could learn to master a balance between their physical and spiritual natures.
In some religions, this idea is expressed as walking with your feet on the ground, and your head in the clouds or heaven.
To do this, however, takes more than one lifetime.
In the eternity of nows, the number of lifetimes each Being will spend on this world and on other worlds and in other existences is 6 certainly almost infinite.
The individual soul progresses from one new learning experience to another, and from one lifetime to another.
Eventually too, it becomes a Master of every world, then able to be of service to Creation by acting as a guiding hand, assisting other up-coming `souls’ in their individual learning process.
This cycle of births and rebirths is known to some as reincarnation.
It is important for you to remember as you progress through this book and discover the more negative effects of what has happened in the past, that you realize that Soul exists in eternity, and, as all of us must do in overcoming adversity in our lives, we must look at these events as a part of the endless series of “nows” in which we have existence.
If we choose to drag our past along with us, we will always bear a heavy load.
Eventually this load will become a weight too heavy to bear and will cause us to stumble and fall.
We will be victims of the abuse that has been perpetrated on us for eons, and we will never recover to move on from there.
To understand our past and learn from its lessons will then instead become a way of freeing ourselves from these past injustices, to go on from here, clear and in command of our own power–fully conscious of who and what we are.
In chalking up the lesson of this history to experience and going on from there, we will have learned a valuable lesson.
As Alex Haley once embarked on a search for his own ancestral roots, so too is this a voyage of discovery for the roots to which all of us CAN and MUST lay claim.
Every new moment affords us the opportunity to share in ultimate Creation by recreating ourselves.
We can only do this, however, if we are willing to let go of who we thought we were and move into the new paradigm of who it is we are becoming, or who we have always been.
The voyage into the `past’ and into the `future’ that you are about to take has already occurred at one level or another.
It has created the present reality in which we all live, for we create our own reality.
Whether we allow it to also create the future we are about to undertake is the choice that each and every one of us now must make as we step forward into the coming paradigm shift and either flow with it or leave once again to take up anew our old patterns of learning and of simply existing.
The last element to the whole puzzle of this history is the presence of Darkness in this Creation of Light and of Love.
Free Will is the essential ingredient in all of Creation so certain mechanisms were instituted at its inception which would give man the lessons he would need in learning to use this right use of will.
Know, however, here and now, that Darkness as it exists in this Universe was never meant to be.
Worlds of duality were created to give Soul the lessons it needs to progress through the various levels of existence, but Darkness as it is now, was a flaw in the system, an anathema to what we think of as a perfect God creating a perfect Universe.
How it all came about has to wait for a later volume, for much has been learned along the way in the manifesting and living of these writings.
Not all was revealed at one time. Instead, only enough was shown so that the work could move forward with an understanding of what was taking place at one particular time.
Along the way, your worlds of understanding opened up, even to the very existence of something that existed long before this initial understanding of Creation.
This is not only a true history of the Light of Creation itself, but more so it is a history of the Darkness, and how it came to rule.
One last thing to keep in mind before we board this vehicle for interstellar flight into the very heart of Consciousness itself is that the Spiritual Hierarchy want us all to remember how very grandly and very dearly, we are all loved.
As we become aware of our own inherent spiritual nature, we will become aware of ourselves also as Co-creators of the Universe—manifesting either the Darkness of an unloving heart, or the True Light and Love of who we really are, children of the Eternal Creator Himself.
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