There are people who have extraordinary abilities.
By this, I mean things most average everyday people disregard.
- telekinesis
- pyrokinesis
- extreme clairvoyance
- way above average perceptions
- clairaudience
- the ability to put thoughts in or will the minds of others
the ability to use one’s bioelectricity to:
- shut down
- disable
- affect
sensitive electrical equipment:
- computers
- televisions
These & other abilities are all examples of extraordinary ability.
These gifts can also result from power meditations.
If you find you have these abilities, keep them to yourself.
Unbeknownst to many, the CIA, NSA, and other world powers have programs where they use people with these abilities.*
People who have these abilities are a serious threat to the powers that be, because they cannot be controlled.
The movie “Hearts in Atlantis” though a work of fiction, has much basis in fact.
Gifted people who are under their thumb are able to sense others with the same abilities.
There aren’t too many people with extraordinary abilities just walking around freely out there.
For those with abilities, you know what I am saying – when you come into contact with another person who has these abilities – they could be in the:
- drugstore
- supermarket
- restaurant
you can sense them, and they can sense you.
You are aware of each other.
This is because you both have an open energy field.
You must program your aura (which is usually very large) to go about undetected if you wish to maintain your privacy.
You can also program your aura not to affect electrical equipment unless you intend it to do so.
You do this simply by telling it to stop doing what you don’t want it to do.
This may take several times but should be effective.
The same goes for thought reading.
You program your aura so others cannot pick up on your thoughts.
Of course, one with a much stronger energy field can overpower someone who is weaker, regardless of programming, but programming to go undetected should serve its purpose here.
The USA, world powers, even China have programs where they employ psychics and those with abilities that one only sees in the movies.
These people do not have freedom.
They are used and many times murdered when they no longer serve a useful purpose to their employers. ¹
Satan works with and protects those who have abilities.
He protects us and when we are ready, he works to show us how we can empower ourselves to our fullest extent.
Those who are without go it alone and their lives usually end in disaster.
Those in power deny the existence of this kind of thing, making public statements that it was a “failure” and so on.
This is not true. ²
For those of you with exceptional ability (very few in this group- you know who you are) I strongly encourage you to dedicate your abilities to Satan in a ritual.
He will protect you, work with you, and guide you.
This can be a lonely road, as others freak, are shocked, and/or become frightened.
When others know our secrets, they have power over us.
Remember this.
Keep your secrets and you never have to worry.
Above all learn to develop control.
Don’t ever brag or show off.
You can come to the attention of the wrong people.
*Secret, Don’t Tell; The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism, by Carla Emery, 1997
Secret, don’t tell: the encyclopedia of hypnotism – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
¹ Ibid
² Ibid
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