The New Agers who dabble in magic are imbalanced. The Ancient Egyptians knew that to be adept, one must be versed in both the white and black aspects of magic. Black magick is suppressed and controlled by the few in power at the top who make liberal use of it. The average person is not only ignorant to this fact, but helpless against it.
The denigration and exclusion of women in RHP (Right-hand path) religions is also for a specific purpose. As Thoth stated, everything comes in twos for balance and harmony. Two is the creative force. The female energy within us all is the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects us to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two ideally, should work together in harmony.
The kundalini energy is of the female part of the soul. By attacking and denigrating women, this further suppresses this energy subliminally. Destroying this female energy is fundamental to the enemy agenda. Once this feminine energy is completely subdued, the intuition and higher consciousness are switched off and become dominated by the lower consciousness.
The chakras below the heart, which is the switch off point and connector of the seven chakras, remain disconnected and a serious imbalance results. The Church and its controlling cohorts are well aware of the imbalance that occurs when this female energy is cut off. The chakras all work together. What then occurs is a total loss of a much-needed sense, also known as “the sixth sense.”
Humanity is spiritually blind and through this, have become total victims. This is the goal of the Christian Church, to prepare Gentiles to be ignorant and unquestioning slaves who are unable to fight back at the hands of Jewish masters [the communist state]. For example, when an adept Jew throws a curse, the Gentile victim who has been indoctrinated with the lies of Christianity is helpless and succumbs to it. He/She can’t even see it coming and doesn’t even know. This way, the Jews become “God“.
Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”
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