UK Weather Control and Chemtrails

For Those Who Doubt the UK Government Would Deploy Chemtrails – They Have Form.

A READER WRITES TO HIGHLIGHT TO NAYSAYERS THAT THE UK GOVERNMENT, the UK Department of Defense and the Royal Air Force (“RAF”) have sprayed UK skies and modified the UK weather in the past. He points to the examples of Britain’s biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979, and ‘The Lynmouth Flood Disaster’ in 1952 that claimed 34 lives in Devon, England. Source

RAF Rainmakers ‘Caused 1952 Flood’

Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in Devon disaster. On August 15, 1952, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. Thirty-five people died as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands.

of tons of rock poured off saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels.

The disaster was officially termed “the hand of God” but new evidence from previously classified government files suggests that a team of international scientists working with the RAF was experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.

Squadron Leader Len Otley, who was working on what was known as Operation Cumulus, has told the BBC that they jokingly referred to the rainmaking exercise as Operation Witch Doctor.