First published March 4, 2014, by Miles Mathis
I just came across this article from Glenn Greenwald.
Glenn Edward Greenwald (born March 6, 1967) is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer.
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations – The Intercept
It is so important and so relevant to all my papers—both my science and non-science papers—I rushed this announcement and link onto both my websites.
The picture under title is:
- Greenwald
- Edward Snowden
- Julian Assange
Edward Joseph Snowden (Russian: Эдвард Джозеф Сноуден, born June 21, 1983) is a former American NSA intelligence contractor and a whistleblower who leaked classified documents revealing the existence of global surveillance programs. He became a naturalized Russian citizen in 2022.
Although I have stated in previous papers (on my other site) that I suspect these three guys are in some faction of Intelligence, we won’t discuss that here.
Julian Paul Assange (/əˈsɑːnʒ/ ⓘ ə-SAHNZH;[3] né Hawkins; born 3 July 1971) is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. He came to international attention in 2010 after WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from Chelsea Manning, a former United States Army intelligence analyst: footage of a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, U.S. military logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and U.S. diplomatic cables. Assange has won multiple awards for publishing and journalism.
Not everyone in Intelligence is bad (I hope), and the Intelligence project I will discuss here seems to me to be a good one.
It involves leaking how bad factions in the government are running dirty tricks campaigns on the internet, to discredit and destroy people.
It is possible the trio above are not good guys, and that they have some sort of hidden plan to turn this entire project back to the dark side, but again, I am not here to discuss that.
I will reveal to you only the current phase of the project, which is good.
Since it is good, good guys like me can use it for our own purposes.
We will just have to wait and see what the guys above do with it in the long term.
The current phase of the project involves leaking documents from various government agencies— mostly in the US and UK, but also in:
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
(see documents below).
In the linked article, Glenn Greenwald starts off this way:
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.
It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Just from reading that, my readers will understand why I am here today quoting and linking this article.
They know that I have long been a target of just such a campaign.
Let’s look at some of the ways these agencies do this.
According to documents leaked by Snowden and Greenwald, government agencies hire agents to infiltrate forums, including:
(and, we must assume, the physics forums).
They create honey traps to lure unsuspecting targets into compromising situations, by which they can be blackmailed later.
They attack sites with destructive viruses.
They create fake blogs.
They email the target’s friends and associates, sometimes pretending to be the target.
They post negative and false information on forums.
They stop deals and ruin business projects, by any means necessary.
Greenwald admits:
Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spy craft…
These documents reflect the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats…
It is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want – who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes – with these sorts of online, deception-based tactics of reputation-destruction and disruption…
Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that.
In other words, various government agencies are using these tactics against a wide variety of targets, many of whom are just ordinary people in the private sector trying to share information.
They are using these tactics against me, and they may be using them against you.
Although this is completely illegal—being a bold form of libel with malice—it is almost impossible to prosecute.
Secret government agencies pursuing secret programs are very difficult to sue.
Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria
It is very difficult to link anonymous bloggers and commenters to the government, unless you have the help of the government.
You see the problem.
And even if you got one of these agencies in a court, they are so powerful they can influence the court.
So, the only remedy is knowledge.
KNOWLEDGE – Library of Rickandria
I have to educate my readers, so that they don’t believe the libel.
What if Everything You Were Taught Was a Lie? – Library of Rickandria
I will give you an example.
If you go to Amazon and look at the comments sections under my books, you find many examples of vicious slander from anonymous sources.
Most of it is from “readers” who obviously haven’t read the book.
They discuss things that aren’t in the book, and they never bother to discuss things I do bring up in the book.
Several comments claim that I am the same person as Steven Oostdijk, who is commenting positively and trying to defend me.
Since those comments are demonstrably false (just do a people search in the US and Netherlands), those comments are libelous.
It is amazing to me that Amazon allows anonymous commentary like this, which is why I don’t work with Amazon.
My publishers put those books up there, not me.
I even contacted Amazon, asking them to remove false and libelous remarks, but they totally ignored me.
You are supposed to be able to flag such remarks, but Amazon apparently has no one policing anything.
That would require hiring people.
So, short of hiring an attorney or filing suit myself, there isn’t much I can do about it.
However, any sensible person reading those remarks can see they are empty of content, libelous, and nonsensical, so I have to imagine they don’t do me much harm.
My readers tend to be sensible, you know, and aren’t fooled by that.
That said, I ask you to consider how strange it is that Amazon would allow:
- anonymous
- negative
- false
commentary on books it is ostensibly trying to sell.
Jeff Bezos looks like another CIA Front – Library of Rickandria
How does Amazon benefit from that?
Well, we have learned from other leaked documents that all these big sites, including:
and all the others, have either been forced to allow government agencies entry, or have allowed that entry without any force (other than money) being applied.
If There Was No Such Thing as Money… – Library of Rickandria
In other words, these large websites are working with the agencies on whatever programs are being pursued.
Some of them, like Facebook, were created to do just that, and do little else besides front various government programs.
But others like Amazon only front for the government part time, and possibly against their own will and better judgment.
Addendum, March 17, 2014:
I just ran across a petition on this very issue.
I found it while reading Naturalnews.com, but it is linked to a petition at change.org.
The petition concerns asking Amazon to discontinue the practice of allowing anonymous reviewers, since it encourages harassment by trolls— many of whom may be in the service of government agencies.
If you have ever wondered why I don’t link to:
or any other mainstream site, you now know why.
SoSHHial Media: The Jewish Hand Behind the Internet – Library of Rickandria
If you have sent me an invitation to join any forum or social network, this is why I haven’t done so.
It has nothing to do with you.
It is because once you are on their site, you are under their terms of service.
If you want to talk with me, just send me an email.
We don’t need Facebook or LinkedIN in order to talk.
One of my newer readers recently asked me,
“Who are all these strange anonymous people attacking you all over the web?
And why are their arguments so weak?”
Well, now you know.
Many or most of them are government hires.
And the reason they are so weak is that the government can’t afford to hire specialists.
It apparently uses the same people it hires to make sophomoric comments on Mel Gibson’s YouTube appearances to make commentary on my papers.
WHY I THINK MEL GIBSON IS JEWISH – Library of Rickandria
I assume most of these people haven’t studied physics at all; many of them probably don’t even have degrees in anything.
They certainly don’t know what they are talking about, since they never address any real issues.
Like Sean Hannity and all the talking heads on TV, they are hired only because they are known for being loudmouths.
They are hired as specialists of the poison pen, that is, but we find they aren’t even that:
when I take time to notice them, I whip them like the pups they are.
Although it is sometimes fun to strike back like that, the better long-term plan is education, as I said above.
Notice that Snowden and Greenwald apparently agree with me.
Supposing that their leaking of these documents is indeed an example of one part of Intelligence (probably CIA) attacking another part (possibly DHS), notice that they are not attacking via lawsuits.
In this case, they are attacking by leaking information.
They are informing the public about what is going on.
They aren’t even counter attacking by using similar dirty tricks.
Telling the truth is not a dirty trick.
Lying is a dirty trick; leaking true information is not.
Like me, they realize this is the most powerful and efficient method of doing battle.
Lawsuits are expensive and inefficient, and my opposition probably wishes I would waste my time filing papers in court.
But I don’t need to file papers in court.
I can file them right here, on my website, for all the world to read for free.
The truth is the most important paper you can file, since it immediately destroys any number of previous lies.
One lie tends to counter only one other lie, but a single truth can obliterate a century’s worth of lies overnight, as I have proved over and over and over.
Just as one real equation can obliterate 300 years of fake equations, one true statement can obliterate thousands of lies.
One truth-teller can single-handedly defeat any number of liars hired by government agencies.
This is why although I am keen to send you to this link of Greenwald—to confirm to my readers what we had suspected all along—I am not too worried about my opposition.
We have seen that although they have me outnumbered a hundred or a thousand to one, it hasn’t helped them
What they have failed to recognize all along is that neither science nor polemics is determined by the size of your team.
Neither are team sports.
One good man can defeat a team of any size.
A thousand bad arguments don’t outweigh one good one.
One good argument approaches infinite mass; while a thousand bad arguments weigh nothing and can be blown away by the smallest puff of air.
All the mainstream psychology gambits are also easy to destroy, once you know they are there.
Just study the last leaked figure above, where they give you their matrix of diversions.
“Control attention,”
“Target looks where you look,”
All those gambits assume that they can control your response.
So, to defeat any one of them or all of them simultaneously, you just remain in control of the argument all along.
I encourage you to study my battle with the physics forum, where I took on many opponents at once.
You will discover that those guys tried to divert the argument with many of those gambits, including, “repackage,” “present story fragments,” “create alternate cues,” “exploit prior beliefs,” “big move covers little move,” and several others.
To win, all I did was ignore all their diversions and continue attacking on my own plan.
I either exposed their gambit, or just overpowered it with my stronger statement.
Since any deceptive gambit is a weak statement, it can be defeated immediately by either exposure or a strong statement.
All these gambits rely on a very weak opponent, one with little or no sense of self.
Notice that all these tricks are psychology tricks.
Well, psychology tricks only work on those that can be hypnotized.
They work only on those who are suggestible.
I have never been suggestible.
I drive right around any suggestion and have since I was a child.
There is actually a line in my baby book that my family has always chuckled over.
It is in the section called “baby dislikes.”
My Mom has written, “ANY suggestion.”
So, I didn’t have to take a course in psychology in order to learn how to defeat these gambits.
I just naturally defeat them because they have no power to turn me.
Any weak statement just exasperates me, and therefore loses any power it had to deceive.
But it is possible to learn this skill, even if it isn’t one you were born with.
If you think that applies to you, I encourage you to study closely the document above and all the documents leaked by Snowden and Greenwald.
If you can’t immediately spot a weak statement, study all the categories above, and then practice fitting forum statements into the matrix.
The Real Matrix – Library of Rickandria
You can go to physics forums, YouTube comments, or just about anywhere.
You can even go to mainstream textbooks or Wikipedia, which you will find jam-packed with all species of gambits.
Mainstream speech and writing are dominated by this matrix and other matrices of lies, and a majority of it is little else.
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