Before concluding this investigation, it is worth returning to consideration of the Rothschild family in relation to one final issue:
Transhumanism – Library of Rickandria
Why is this important?
Throughout this investigation, I have endeavored to document a few basic facts:
The Global Elite is intent on reshaping world order by killing off a substantial proportion of the human population and enslaving those left alive as transhuman slaves imprisoned in ‘smart’ cities.
As part of achieving this outcome, the global economy is being ransacked and destroyed:
This is intended to deprive people of the sustenance necessary to resist the entire Elite program that, among other outcomes, will concentrate virtually all remaining wealth in Elite hands.
This program has been planned in detail by elite agents in organizations like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization and is being implemented by relevant international organizations and multinational corporations (particularly those in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and the corporate media), as well as national governments and medical organizations.
But, as I have pointed out, every organization, corporation and government are composed of individual human beings who make decisions (consciously or unconsciously) about what they do in any given circumstance.
And while structural power is not something that can be ignored, individuals do have agency.
To illustrate this point, I have used the House of Rothschild as one example of a family of individuals who make decisions about how to act in the world and how the decisions of this family exercise enormous influence over world events.
Rothschild Bloodline – Library of Rickandria
Consider another brief example of the decisions made by Rothschild family members and what has transpired as a result.
The Rothschild influence over world banking and the global economy, and thus political systems, is heavily documented and illustrated above.
Who are the Rothschilds? – Library of Rickandria
So, given the current Elite push to substantially reduce the human population and introduce a technocratic state populated by transhuman slaves, one question that inevitably suggests itself as worthy of further investigation concerns the possible involvement of the Rothschilds in the research and development of the technologies and biotechnologies that make this all possible.
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, GBE, GM, FRS (31 October 1910 – 20 March 1990[1]), was a British scientist, intelligence officer during World War II, and later a senior executive with Royal Dutch Shell and N M Rothschild & Sons, and an advisor to the Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher governments of the UK. He was a member of the prominent Rothschild family.
An investigation soon reveals that Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, the 3rd Baron Rothschild, was born in 1910 and attended Trinity College, Cambridge, where he read physiology, later gaining a PhD.
After working for MI5 during World War II,
‘He joined the zoology department at Cambridge University from 1950 to 1970.
He served as chairman of the Agricultural Research Council from 1948 to 1958 and as worldwide head of research at Royal Dutch/Shell [as noted above, a family business] from 1963 to 1970.’
Beyond this, however, articles in ‘The Financial Times’ in 1982-1983 reveal that N.M. Rothschild, of which the biologist Lord Rothschild was head, had established a venture capital fund called Biotechnology Investments in 1981 to attract £25m investments for biotechnology research.
However, the fund, registered in the tax haven of Guernsey, had such exacting scientific and financial standards that it was having trouble identifying companies that could meet those standards despite the rapidly growing field.
According to one news report in 1982:
‘City [of London] estimates put the number of new technology companies established in the last five years at about 150, mostly in North America.
At least 70 are practicing genetic engineering.’
Newsclippings re. Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) owned by N.M. Rothschild Asset Management’.
But lest you are concerned that the Rothschilds failed to establish a firm foothold in this fledgling industry, you might be reassured, but no wiser, to read the entry on the CHSL
Archives Repository (that focuses on ‘Preserving and promoting the history of molecular biology’) titled ‘Rothschild Asset Management – Rothschild, Lord Victor’.
Rothschild Asset Management – Rothschild, Lord Victor · CSHL Archives Repository
You will be no wiser because the archive is marked ‘Closed until Jan 2045 – Suppress all images for 60 years’.
As it turns out, however, the Rothschilds, whose business acumen is never questioned, are still raising funds and investing heavily in biotechnology.
It’s just that, as usual, while you are hearing from elite agents (such as Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari and Elon Musk) who publicly promote transhumanist endeavours, you are hearing very little from those, like the Rothschilds, who prefer control and profit to publicity.
Consequently, the Rothschilds are playing a key role both in the ongoing ransacking of the global economy and in profiting from the control they are helping to make possible through introduction of transhumanist technologies.
It goes without saying that the family has heavy investments in many other technologies too, including those that will be critical to the success of the imminent technocratic world order, such as the Internet of Things.
See, for example,
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Rothschild Technology Limited.
Of course, the Rothschilds and other Elite families with whom they are interconnected in various ways are also heavily involved through investments in major asset management corporations such as Vanguard and BlackRock.
BlackRock & Vanguard – Library of Rickandria
But again, it is not just about wealth concentration; it is about control and depopulation too.
So, for example, the Rockefellers, another family closely connected to the Rothschilds, are also well-known for their longstanding involvement in social engineering and eugenics.
Eugenics – Library of Rickandria
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