Howard Ratcliffe:

Holy Ghost is used 90 times in the Authorized Bible aka King James Bible; in all instances Holy Ghost is changed to Holy Spirit in New Bible versions.

Holy Ghost is a proper noun and name of the living essence of a person; Holy Spirit is not.

Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin (Mat 12:31; Mar 3:29; Lk 12:10)

Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost

At death, Jesus was raised to Heaven and exists as JESUS (1Jn 5:7 KJV).

The authors of all new bible versions (1881 Bible Revision Committee) committed the Unforgivable Sin.

JESUS (Mat 1:25 and JAH (Psa 68:4 KJV)

Holy (Greek Ekklesia) means Called Out; To Separate, not Congregate, a word that is not part of the New Covenant.

The Holy Ghost is the only way for one to be

“Called Out”.

The first commandment in the Old Covenant

“Have no other gods before me”

is the same in the New Covenant

”Love God with all your heart, mind and soul”

Loving God is called:


the greatest virtue (1 Cor 13).

After Charity comes “Prophesy” (1 Cor 14), not Prophecy, but the ability to understand the Word of God.

Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the only way to be “Called Out” and the only source of Salvation in the New Covenant; JESUS is the Holy Ghost and Word made Flesh; the Word of God (Authorized Bible aka KJV) is the written Contract/Covenant (Jhn 1:1;14;1Jn 5:7 KJV) written at Creation and unchanged at the End.

JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) and JAH (Ps 68:4KJV), the only Covenant Name of God in the Old and New Covenants.