Immanuel Velikovsky (/ˌvɛliˈkɒfski/; Russian: Иммануи́л Велико́вский, IPA: [ɪmənʊˈil vʲɪlʲɪˈkofskʲɪj]; 10 June [O.S. 29 May] 1895 – 17 November 1979) was a Russian American psychoanalyst, writer, and catastrophist. He is the author of several books offering pseudohistorical interpretations of ancient history, including the U.S. bestseller Worlds in Collision published in 1950. Velikovsky’s work is frequently cited as a canonical example of pseudoscience and has been used as an example of the demarcation problem. His books use comparative mythology and ancient literary sources (including the Old Testament) to argue that Earth suffered catastrophic close contacts with other planets (principally Venus and Mars) in ancient history. In positioning Velikovsky among catastrophists including Hans Bellamy, Ignatius Donnelly, and Johann Gottlieb Radlof [de], the British astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier noted “… Velikovsky is not so much the first of the new catastrophists …; he is the last in a line of traditional catastrophists going back to mediaeval times and probably earlier.” Velikovsky argued that electromagnetic effects play an important role in celestial mechanics. He also proposed a revised chronology for ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, and other cultures of the ancient Near East. The revised chronology aimed at explaining the so-called “dark age” of the eastern Mediterranean (c. 1100–750 BC) and reconciling biblical accounts with mainstream archaeology and Egyptian chronology.  In general, Velikovsky’s theories have been ignored or vigorously rejected by the academic community. Nonetheless, his books often sold well and gained enthusiastic support in lay circles, often fuelled by claims of unfair treatment of Velikovsky by orthodox academia. The controversy surrounding his work and its reception is often referred to as “the Velikovsky affair”.

“In the fields of archaeology, geology, and astronomy the last few years have brought a vast array of facts to corroborate the claims that there were physical upheavals of a global character in historical times; that these catastrophes were caused by extraterrestrial agents; and that the nature of these agents may be identified.

The memory of the cataclysms was erased, not because of lack of written traditions, but because of some characteristic process that later caused entire nations, together with their literate men, to read into these traditions allegories or metaphors where actually cosmic disturbances were clearly described.” – Immanuel Velikovsky

Additional Examples of Correct Prognosis – from “The Velikovsky Affair – Scientism Versus Science”

Egyptian History and Cosmic Catastrophe – The Ideas of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky

Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries

My Challenge to Conventional Views in Science – Velikovsky’s Challenge to Science

The Secret of Baalbek – from Collected Essays

Three Essays on the Dinosaurs

Immanuel Velikovsky – Myth Versus Mathematics

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Worlds in Collision – Will the Controversial Theories of Immanuel Velikovsky Be Proven Right?

Additional Information

Dinosaurs and The Gravity Problem

Earth In Upheaval – Excerpts

Immanuel Velikovsky and his Worlds in Collision, 50 Years After…

NASA Searches For A Snowball In Hell – Why Velikovsky Matters – Today, More Than Ever

The Great Comet Venus

The Lately Tortured Earth – Exoterrestrial Forces and Quantavolutions in the Earth Sciences
The Passage of Change – What is Happening and What is Going to Happen?

Venus Isn’t Our Twin!

Worlds In Collision – Excerpts


Books, Reports & Treatises: Immanuel Velikovsky

Multimedia: Immanuel Velikovsky

Other Velikovsky Web Links

The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive

Related Reports

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Immanuel Velikovsky

The Work of Immanuel Velikovsky


2 throughts on "RESEARCHER: Immanuel Velikovsky"

  1. Et tu?
    Velikovsky’s books are heavily footnoted so readers can check his sources for themselves instead of relying on your derogatory summaries (a better word might be “dummaries”) of his scholarship.
    Pseudo logic R U.

    1. Exactly what are you babbling about? Space is fake anyhow; nobody has made it 1000 miles above the atmosphere & all the things he talks about is made-up & designed for you to place your belief system in past civilizations, aliens & space. Space is nothing.

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