For those who do not as of yet have enough power, many times a spell or ritual can be repeated on consecutive nights, with the cycle of the Moon.
Spells for growth and increase should be performed during a waxing moon, while spells for destruction should be performed during a waning moon.
In many cases, spells need to be repeated.
When a working is successful, you should know it and there is usually no more need to repeat it.
Though some workings do need to be reinforced every now and then.
For those who like to do their workings outdoors, the earth has vast energy reserves for people who know how to manipulate energy.
The use of a pendulum can prove invaluable.
Obtaining consistently accurate answers from a pendulum takes much practice and patience.
One can begin with a map of a suitable area that is secluded for ritual work.
By using a pencil in one hand and a pendulum in the other, a series of yes/no, questions can be asked to pinpoint a spot.
The pendulum will begin to move rapidly in circles when taken to a spot out of doors where there are natural lines of earth energy.
Stones can be used to enhance a circle of power.
Working Rituals Outdoors – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The circle of power is for building and concentrating your energies before directing them at the desired goal.
Stones containing quartz increase the power of the energies in the circle and act as transmitters.
Circles are also used for protection and as barriers.
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