Pope Francis Launches the New World Order
by pineconeutopia on July 5, 2015
On September 26th Pope Francis (aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio or Petrus Romanus) will meet with the UN to launch an agreement known as “The Road to Dignity by 2030.”
This document is simply a sugar coating of Agenda 21 and relies on the myth of man-made climate change to lock down humanity in a dystopian nightmare of total control, total surveillance and a one world government.
Some Christians are calling this the beginning of the ‘Tribulation.’
WBB (World Beyond Belief) starts by examining the symbolic and ritualistic underpinnings of 9-11 and how that event was a necessary precursor for the Pope’s meeting with Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) and subsequently the pontiff’s meeting with the United Nations to end life as we know it on the earth.
After a quick look at the real meaning of the Jesuit order and the Catholic Church’s involvement in world politics, attention is turned to the enslavement that is known as Agenda 21.
Ending on somewhat of an encouraging note, this pod cast is essential for preparing you for the world to come.
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