First draft written December 2007, first appeared on the internet 2008-9† by Miles Mathis
I almost seem to hear the birds speaking to me.
Is there a spell, Perhaps, in the blood?
The curious bird up there— Hark! he sings to me. — Wagner, Siegfried
Siegfried Helferich Richard Wagner (6 June 1869 – 4 August 1930) was a German composer and conductor, the son of Richard Wagner. He was an opera composer and the artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930.
As you see, this paper was written several years ago.
I have been sitting on it for over seven years.
But now, after publishing many other papers in the same line—on faked events—this one may be somewhat easier to promote.
If the thesis is too far-out for you at a first glance, read the other papers first.
I especially recommend my paper on the Lincoln assassination, which has many parallels to this one.
Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event: Meaning it NEVER Happened – Library of Rickandria
I also recommend my very long paper on the Tate/Manson event.
The Tate Murders were a False Flag & the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Operation CHAOS – Library of Rickandria
The photographic evidence I compiled for that one exceeds even the photographic evidence here—which is extensive.
As usual, I offer this paper as an opinion piece, protected as free speech by the Constitution.
It is my professional reading of the evidence, to be taken as such.
When I say professional, I mean I have shown previous expertise in reading and de-spinning photographic evidence.
As a professional realist artist, I have honed my eye over several decades.
Part of my job has long included working from photographs, which I take myself.
To turn these photos into portraits, I have to be able to read all the subtle shades and lines contained in the image.
So, I have been accustomed to look more closely at the world, real and imaged, than most people.
I see things most people don’t.
You can understand how that skill would be useful in unscrambling the false history we have been sold.
In the last decade, a few people have awoken from their slumbers.
Cued by the lies surrounding:
- 911
- Aurora
- Sandy Hook
they have learned to see through the bedtime stories they have been told.
With this suspension of disbelief destroyed, they are now ready to reconsider the other stories of recent history.
In this paper we will look at the Kennedy fairy tale.
Kennedy Bloodline – Library of Rickandria
We will start by studying the assassination of JFK, but by the end we will see that all the stories about all the Kennedys are of a piece: nothing you think you know, all the way back to 1944, is true.
It has long been clear to almost all intelligent people who study the evidence that the Warren Commission was a cover-up.
Something like 80% of those polled admit they don’t believe the Warren Commission report and we must assume that the other 20% are very gullible.
Some have also studied the so-called conspiracy theories—the alternate theories, that is.
But it should be equally clear that the alternate theories are, in most ways, just as full of holes and just as poorly constructed as the standard theory.
Like the Warren Commission report, the alternate theories also read like propaganda.
How Propaganda Works – Library of Rickandria
The style of all counter-stories, in whatever form, has been just as fishy as the Warren Commission story.
To those of us trained to look at form as well as content, the counter-stories also read like a script, or like a transparent effort at mind control.
Let me suggest to you that both sets of stories were created mainly as misdirection and disinformation.
This is not to say that all alternate theorists are controlled by the government or by anyone else.
It is only to suggest that alternate theories—in all forms but one—seem to be encouraged by the government and the powers that be.
We have always assumed that alternate theories would be frowned upon or discouraged, and yet we have never seen much real effort at suppression.
In fact, in most cases, the dissemination of alternate theories would seem to be abetted by the mainstream, not suppressed.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
You should ask yourself if the alternate theories and theorists might be selling the main lines of the desired story just as fully as the standard theory.
For the powers that be, it may not matter whether you believe there was one shooter or many, or even whether you believe that the CIA or FBI was involved.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
The only thing that is critical is that you believe Kennedy was assassinated that day, and the alternate theories sell that fact with even more emphasis and gusto than the Warren Commission. [1]
As it turns out, the alternate theories make a much greater hero out of Kennedy than the standard theory, and it may be that this is a welcome side-effect to the real conspirators.
The first desideratum of those controlling both stories is that you, the public, be kept monumentally confused, so that you can never ask the proper questions.
This end is achieved by having many competing theories.
In this way, the Warren Commission was only the official fake story.
But the other fake stories are just as important in the long-running effort to make it seem that there is no right answer.
The storytellers are quite satisfied to have an ever-growing mass of speculation and opinion, which almost inevitably must overwhelm all investigators.
Authors & Investigators – Library of Rickandria
The more diversions that are created, the less likely it is that anyone will discover the real clues.
As an example of how alternate theories have been disseminated by the Government itself, I send you to a recent paper of mine on Ramparts magazine.
Ramparts was one of the first to publish alternative theories of the assassination, beginning in the late 1960’s.
Although Ramparts was considered to be a far left or even anarchist rag at the time, it turns out it was another CIA front, like:
- Encounter
- Partisan Review
- Paris Review
and most other “intellectual” magazines.
Ramparts was also a CIA Front – Library of Rickandria
By the 1960’s, the CIA had infiltrated the entire media, including smaller, seemingly independent journals like Ramparts.
The CIA was even good enough to admit this during the Senate Church Committee hearings in the 1970’s, and you can read about it in my papers on the Cultural Cold War.
You may also consult the books of Frances Stonor Saunders.
Frances Stonor Saunders – Search – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
In this paper I will tell you what really happened that day, and what has really happened since 1944.
The JFK mystery is just one part of a much larger mystery, a mystery I will unravel for you in the second half of this paper.
The JFK assassination is the key that unlocks more than a half-century of closed doors, allowing us to see behind the greatest curtain of all.
The problem from the beginning is that you have been given theories before you looked at the facts yourself.
I will turn that on its head, giving you the facts before I tell you the whole story.
You will have already built your own theory, most likely, before I even begin collating.
The facts alone will take you there.
I will present to you the most critical facts and clues and photos and other evidence, without at first looking at them as part of one theory or another.
As Sherlock Holmes told us, it is dangerous to have a theory before you have the facts.
SHERLOCK HOLMES – Library of Rickandria
And up to now, we have had two possible theories.
Either Kennedy was killed by Oswald, or he was killed by someone else.
I will show that the facts, taken alone, point to neither of these two conclusions.
Those who have done any investigation at all know the many arguments against the standard theory.
But let us now look critically at the alternate theories, not as apologists for the standard theory, but simply as a rational people.
The alternate theories tell us that everything we have been told is a lie.
We can accept that, I think.
Then they begin building an argument by stating that Kennedy had many enemies.
The main difference between different theories concerns which enemy actually got him.
We are told that these enemies included:
- Johnson
- the CIA
- the FBI
- Hoover
- the Secret Service
- Texas oilmen
- Castro
- the Russians
- the bankers
and the Mob.
That’s a lot of very powerful enemies.
Every alternate theory, without exception, accepts that Kennedy had made a lot of very powerful enemies.
Powerful People… Think Differently about their Thoughts – Library of Rickandria
Some theories may downplay some of the players above and play up others, but all theories begin with the idea that Kennedy was surrounded by enemies.
Now, I don’t need to argue against that list or any part of it.
I could try to pick it apart by showing that although Kennedy had made enemies in the CIA, for instance, he had control of another part of it, and that this part was also powerful—completely capable of gathering information.
I could show that his brother, the Attorney General, was very powerful, and had some very powerful friends in the DOJ and elsewhere.
I could remind you that Joseph Kennedy, his father, had Mob connections (to say the least) and that John also had direct connections.
I could remind you of Frank Sinatra and Sam Giancana, for instance, who are known to have helped deliver the 1960 elections.
And so on.
But I don’t need to do that.
I can accept that Kennedy was surrounded by powerful enemies.
I can accept the entire list above.
In fact, the bigger and scarier the list, the better I like it.
For it leads to my first question to you:
If Kennedy was surrounded by such a pack of jackals hungry for his blood, why would he go onto their turf, ride through it in broad daylight in an open car, among uncontrolled tall buildings?
Why would it do it without stopping normal traffic in downtown Dallas (there was normal traffic going in the opposite direction on Commerce—you can see the cars in the background of Zapruder).
The windows in the car were even rolled all the way down, although they had bulletproof glass in 1963 and we must assume the car was equipped with it.
Look closely at the photographs of that day and you will see that the window on the other side is partly up, providing some protection for the ladies on that side.
But on JFK’s side, the window is all the way down.
Also, according to Zapruder and other documents and films, people were allowed to line the street, only a few feet from the motorcade.
We can see in these photographs that more than one person actually stepped off the curb and out into the street, uncontested by police.
One lady claims to have stepped within an arm’s length of the motorcade, shouting,
“Look over here for a picture!”
We know this is true from other evidence, such as the Daniels’ film taken of the car emerging from the far side of the bridge (where the two little boys are waving).
The car passes only a few feet from the boys and the movie camera.
I show further proof of it below, where I analyze photos from Bell and others.
Those alternate theorists who point out how odd it is for the Secret Service to have been pulled off the back of the car and for the building windows to be open don’t mention that it is even odder for the route to be so completely uncontested.
They imply, by omission, that it was normal in 1963 to have ladies with cameras stepping out into the street and men with movie cameras milling around on the grass and hundreds of day trippers rubbernecking in whatever fashion suited them, with absolutely no effort at crowd control; but it wasn’t.
Compare the visits to Miami or Chicago weeks earlier and you will see that this protocol wasn’t normal at all, not in 1963 or 1863.
Commonsense would tell you that you don’t allow strangers that close to the President under any circumstances.
European Royal Bloodline of the American Presidents – Library of Rickandria
It has nothing to do with the 60’s “being a more innocent time” or any of that misdirection.
Truman would not have been caught in that situation, or Wilson, or anyone else, much less a president like Kennedy, supposedly surrounded by a combination of enemies unparalleled in history.
People then try to blame his Secret Service, but Kennedy had eyes.
Even if it is true that he could not have known about the open windows in the Book Depository until he got there, the other factors were clear to anyone who was awake.
He didn’t need to be briefed or to rely on intelligence reports from good guys or bad guys.
All he needed to do is look around.
Whoever was riding in that motorcade could see that the public was lining the streets, that traffic was uncontrolled, that the car had no protection, and so on.
Even if they lied to him about the route, he could see with his own eyes that he was a sitting duck.
Do you think a man with so many enemies would be smiling and waving to the crowd, supposing he was ever stupid enough to get caught in that position?
No, he would be hiding under the seat, ordering the driver to get him out of there as fast as possible.
In response to this question, people tell me that Kennedy was naïve, that he was an egomaniac, that he was controlled, and so on.
But who is naïve here?
Do these responses even begin to answer my question in a meaningful way?
No, they are just more propaganda, put forward to keep us from looking at what happened without a preset explanation.
An egomaniac would be the last person to get caught in that situation, since he values his own life so much.
He would not give his life away just to enjoy a few cheers.
We know that Kennedy was not stupid.
He was also not naïve.
In that famous speech that the alternate theorists love to play*, Kennedy warns us of the secret government and asks us for our help.
Does the same man who gave that speech allow himself to be put into an open car in an uncontrolled major city, with a bullseye on his head?
Of course not.
One of the most influential alternate-theory films, after Oliver Stone’s JFK, is a multi-part documentary first aired on the History Channel called The Men Who Killed Kennedy.
Notice that we have a mainstream channel selling the conspiracy theory, and that this documentary somehow obtained access to a lot of obscure FBI evidence.
[Also note that the History Channel is a known Intelligence front, created specifically to propagandize its viewers.]
I have no intention of critiquing this film point for point, or even as a whole.
I only want to point out to you one scene from it.
In Miami the FBI had infiltrated plans for an assassination attempt similar to Dallas, we are told.
Plotters were captured on audiotape, and in the film the agents themselves even show how they planted the recording devices, and in which house.
Then we listen to the tape from October 1963.
The key moment is when the bad guy asks the spy,
“Do you know how many body doubles the President has here?”
Most people don’t pause on that, but it made my head turn.
The man does not ask IF there are body doubles, but “how many?”
Of course, the President travels with body doubles.
The alternate theorists now push that idea with Saddam Hussein, since according to many of them Hussein is not dead.
In fact, I think it is very likely that Hussein is not dead.
The film of Hussein’s death looked fake.
It was fishy in many ways.
But few remember that Kennedy would be expected to have body doubles, too, just like Hussein.
If Kennedy did decide that the motorcade should go on, simply as a PR move to get votes for the election of 1964, then he would certainly have nominated one of his body doubles to take the ride.
Critics of my theory will say that people could tell the difference, but people are not as good as they think at recognizing small differences in the human face.
In fact, without verbal clues, clothing cues, and familiar gestures, people are actually terrible at differentiating between people who look similar.
Just recently Conan O’Brien proved this on his late-night show by sending a body double that resembled him only distantly out into the streets to talk to people. by sending a body double that resembled him only distantly out into the streets to talk to people.
No one recognized that it was not him, although he is 6’4” and the body double was under 6’.
The double was way off in many other ways, the only similarity being the red hair, really.
The voice was also completely different, and Conan is famous for his talk show.
Afterwards the audience pretended to be astonished that people could be so blind and deaf, but this is quite normal.
In my experience, most people are blind to all but the most obvious differences, and the only reason they don’t make more mistakes than they do is that they generally relate to a small group of familiar people, and do so with the help of voice, gesture, and clothing recognition.
But I should state that even more strongly.
As we will see below, people are not good at seeing any clues, no matter how obvious, much less subtle facial differences.
[As the premier example, see my analysis of the Bobby Kennedy pics below, in which photographs used on the front pages of major newspapers have glaring paste-up problems, and no one has seen them in 40 years.]
This is all to say that a large majority of people are fabulously easy to fool, regarding body doubles or anything else.
Those who might be able to differentiate are pushed by context into refusing to ask the question.
Almost no one is going to question if the man in the car is Kennedy, since subconsciously they think,
“Who else is going to be in the car?”
Almost no one was close enough to make a positive ID, and those that were would not be asking themselves the question.
Others in the motorcade could also be fooled with very little effort.
Simply let them see the real Kennedy waiting to get in the car, make the switch at the last moment, in the dark of a parking garage or something, and then drive on.
He is front, so all they can see is the back of his head.
Anyone who gets a clue can be paid off or coerced.
But even coercion would be unnecessary, since those in the motorcade are either friends or enemies.
You don’t care what your enemies think—you are using the body double to fool them.
And your friends are not going to say anything anyway.
They will understand the need for the body double, won’t they?
If they have to lie afterwards, so what?
They are politicians.
They lie for a living.
In what is considered to be one of the most outré theories concerning JFK, a researcher named Robert Morningstar has offered the idea that Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit was used as a body double for the President.as police officer J. D. Tippit was used as a body double for the President.
If you will remember, Tippit was said to have been killed by Oswald as he fled downtown Dallas.
Strictly, Morningstar would have Tippit used a corpse double, but the idea is much the same.
Tippit was known among the Dallas police as something of a Kennedy look-alike.
Additionally, Tippit’s head wound was similar to the head wound decided on for Kennedy by the Warren Commission.
Both very suggestive, as I think you will agree.
However, on closer examination, Morningstar’s argument begins to fall apart.
A large part of his argument centers on moles but features larger and easier to see than moles kill his visual proof.
The most famous corpse photo is Robert Groden’s “leaked” photo from Bethesda.
Photo Technician Who Made Secret Copy of JFK Assassination Film Says He Was Afraid | PetaPixel
Morningstar publishes this photo right next to a photo of Tippit’s corpse.
I was able to spot the problem immediately, which is the septum of the nose.
That is the division between the nostrils.
We are looking up at both heads, and the two septa are prominent.
Tippit’s nose is extraordinary for its very narrow septum.
The Kennedy corpse, whoever it is, has a wide septum.
It is not Tippit.
No, Morningstar’s theory is more misdirection.
It is possible that it is official disinformation, or it may only be a lucky near hit from an outsider, allowed to thrive precisely because it is wrong.
Either way, it is suggestive and remains so, even after it has been shown to fail.
Even if it is purposeful misdirection, it can be turned, since it contains a grain of truth.
For, although the Kennedy corpse in Bethesda is not Tippit, it is not Kennedy either, as I will show.
That said, it is possible that Tippit was used as Kennedy’s double in a different part of the story.
Tippit may have been used as an extra corpse double in Dallas, but he was not the corpse double in Bethesda, as you will see.
As I was studying Morningstar’s images of Kennedy and Tippit, as well as returning to the archives to look at all the famous pictures of Kennedy there, several very distinguishing characteristics jumped out at me.
Moles can be covered up or penciled in, but other things are not as easy to cover or fake.
In the Bethesda death photos, we cannot see everything clearly, but there are some things we can see clearly.
We can see the upper teeth, we can see the forehead, we can see the septum and the shape of the underside of the nose, and things of that nature.
So, the logical thing to do is to take what we have, rather than try to compare things we may not have.
We know the wounds have been manipulated, since even if they were not manipulated for sinister purposes, they would have been manipulated for medical ones.
The doctors may have initially tried to close them to stop loss of blood, for instance, or for any number of other possibly valid reasons.
So, it is best to look at areas that could not and would not be manipulated.
Before we do that, I remind you that Kennedy was illegally taken out of Texas after a murder without the local coroner being able to do any autopsy.
Secret Service ordered Dr. Earl Rose to stand down and took the body to the airport.
Earl Forrest Rose (September 23, 1926 – May 1, 2012) was an American forensic pathologist, professor of medicine, and lecturer of law. Rose was the medical examiner for Dallas County, Texas, at the time of the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy and he performed autopsies on J. D. Tippit, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby. After being shoved by Kennedy’s aides, he stepped aside and allowed Kennedy’s body to be removed from Parkland Memorial Hospital without performing an autopsy.
That is as big a clue as any other, telling us they could not risk letting Dr. Rose examine the body.
barindex2.pdf (mileswmathis.com)
THE HIDDEN KING(S): Camelot ruled from the cave of Merlin (basecamp.com)m)
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