
Although life as we know it began on the planet as much as ten and a half million years ago, it is, as Kryon says, only worth looking back at the information that is no older than 100,000 years.
Before that time, one is looking at humans who were not in fact like us, and not really part of our direct lineage.
One must also remember that prior to the Great Flood of 9,000 BC, the planet was still fourth dimensional.
Keeping this in mind, there are many who will speak of MU and Lemuria as being two separate cultures though in truth they were just on a different vibrational level.
One aspect of the population in the early history of Mu was that they had the ability to come and go at will from their bodies, much like experienced astral travelers do—for the astral is the plane of the fourth dimension itself.
Mu, at that time, was a state of consciousness on this planet.
It could exist in the West today and the South tomorrow and in the East the next day.
It was a state of conscious existence.
It could rise like a landmass out of the sea, and it could disappear just as easily.
That is not something that’s easily understand now because people are in a heavier vibration where things are much more fixed and move at a much slower pace.
There was a marked difference at that time also in the DNA structure, the crucial records of our genetic history stored within each and every cell.
Edgar Cayce mentions these early times and hints at the higher dimensional nature of the Lemurians in a few of his readings, but they are kind of nebulous, and lacking in very much detail:
“In the land known as Utah or Nevada, when the first peoples were separated into groups as families. . .
The entity [entity, sometimes called soul entity, refers to the soul or spirit, that part of an individual which Cayce said survives death] developed much and gave much to the people who were to succeed in that land, and in the ruins as are found in the mounds and caves in the northwestern portion of New Mexico may be seen some of the drawings the entity made. Some ten million years ago.
(no. 2665-2, July 17, 1925)
“. . The number of human souls then in the earth plane being 133,000,000 . . . the period in the world’s existence from the present time being 10,500,000 years ago.
When man came in the earth plane as lord of that in that sphere, man appeared in five places then at once—the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations.”
(no. 5748-2, May 28, 1925)
Very few of Cayce’s life readings refer specifically to incarnations in this ancient period.
According to one of his biographers, in the readings which do, the remarks are strange indeed:
“ . . . the entity was in the Atlantean land and in those periods before Adam was in the earth.
The entity was among those who were then thought projections, and the physical being had the union of sex in one body . . .”
(no. 5056-1, May 6, 1944)
Earth has not always been a 3rd dimensional world.
This occurrence, believe it or not, was a fairly recent event in terms of the actual history of the entire planet from its Creation.
The process of lowering through the dimensions is a very long process.
Even the lowering from the 4th dimension into the 3rd dimension happened gradually and was caused as much by the lowering in consciousness of the inhabitants of the planet at that time.
In the time which Cayce is referring to in these life readings, the planet had only five dimensions—the ‘five spheres’—surrounding it, because at that time it existed on the 4th dimension, and there were in truth only nine dimensions of existence for this particular planet.
Remember, this was in the Satya Yuga, the Golden Age of Man when existence was at a much higher or finer level of vibration.
The beings who existed were still very much closer to their true selves in Soul, though not as experienced in the awareness of life and the varying possible natures of man.
The planet then was as many of the other planets we spoke about in the previous chapter are now, existing at a higher frequency, a higher rate of vibration, a higher dimensionality.
As the planet has evolved or devolved through the Yugas, the vibrations have become very much denser, the inhabitants on the planet have grown further away from their true spiritual nature, and subsequently the planet has lowered in its dimension, leaving behind it more dimensions in the higher worlds.
Earth has been firmly grounded in the 3rd dimension for much of the past 10,000 years, but as many people can confirm, it is in the process of ascending again back into the higher worlds, specifically into what would be called the 5th dimension.
As Lemuria became more of a fixed reality on the planet, it was the archetypal Garden of Eden and indeed did possess a Sacred Garden area.
RELIGION: Where is the Garden of Eden? – Library of Rickandria
This was the Temple in which they worshipped, not Nature, but all of Life and the spirit of Creation itself.
Modern man’s desire to get back to ‘nature’ is often a cellular memory reflecting this desire to be at Oneness as we were back in the early days of Lemuria.
As for Adam and Eve in the Garden, there have been all told, five instances that could be looked upon as the allegorical Creation of Adam.
RAJ and HAROON were the first Creation—the first ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’ from which the other Creator Sons and Infinite Mother Spirits were derived.
Enjliou and Callia as the first pair of this Universe, manifesting all those that came after them, could be called the second Adam and Eve.
ARTOLA was the third ‘Adam,’ the first Creation within this Universe from Enjliou and Callia.
The fourth Adam is the one described by Cayce in this next life reading.
They are called thought forms because they were projections of the Creator Son of the Universe,
Enjliou, in his desire to go forward with Creation and populate the world.
They are simply called Enjliou Beings.
“. . . from among the many physical shapes and sizes that resulted from the mixtures, he selected the form of the present man as the most suitable vehicle for physical manifestation on this planet.
He then projected himself into five centers at once as Adam, the first man, choosing the five necessary expressions because of the five physical senses to be conquered before spiritual consciousness could be reached.
“These five projections appeared simultaneously in five places on the earth.
The white race appeared in the region of the Carpathian Mountains, the black race appeared in the upper African region, the brown in Lemuria, the red in Atlantis, and the yellow in the Gobi.
“. . . problems arose almost immediately, as many of these beings used their new physical bodies for self-indulgence. These thought forms hardened into true physical bodies that parodied the animal life of that era, producing grotesque results. They may even have mixed with the animal life of that period.”
Some of Cayce’s readings speak of the humanoid creatures with animal attributes such as:
- tails
- feathers
- fins
- fur
- scales
and hooves, even dwarfs and giants:
“The more these souls succumbed to sensual pleasure by gratifying their own selfish desires at other’s expense, the less able they became to move freely out of their physical bodies.
At last they became trapped in them from birth to death, and many forgot or ignored their relationship to the Maker.”
The Yellow race that is mentioned as being placed in the Gobi Desert, is often mentioned in the same breath as Lemuria, but in fact it is the civilization called the Uighers, who flourished in the once fertile lands in Central Asia.
Hardly anything remains of this once great civilization, for its ruins now lie buried beneath the boulders and sediment left by massive glaciers as they scoured the planet clean during the past Ice Age.
The Black race are those mentioned earlier as the Varkas Kings of Africa.
Cayce clearly identified the white race as originating in the Caucasus region of Asia, in agreement with modern anthropological thought.
When asked to clarify the location, he said:
“The white—rather in the Carpathians than India… Southern part of Europe and Russia, and Persia and that land.
Caucasian mountains”
(no. 364-13, November 17, 1932).
The white race are those who later moved into Europe and whose survivors became the nomadic tribes that formed the basis of today’s Caucasian peoples—the word ‘Caucasian’ clearly stemming from that region in which they originated, the Caucasus Mountains.
The Red race were the Atlanteans, whom we shall speak more about in the following chapter.
The Brown race, known as Lemurians, inhabited a continent so large that it took up much of the Pacific Ocean, as well as great parts of Eastern Asia and Russia, and some of the Western states of North America.
Lemuria, often referred to as MU, was truly the beginning of modern man as we know him.
It is also referred to as the Motherland, and remnants of it are coming to light everyday as explorers uncover the ruins of strange stone temples lying beneath the waters of the blue Pacific, off the islands which constituted mountain peaks of the now submerged continent, and in the remote jungles of these same islands.
People from:
- the Philippines
- Polynesia
- Bali
are often remnants of those ancient tribes of Mu.
A 2,000-year-old document, the original of which was once written on the skin of an animal, has been handed down to the Takeuchis of the Ibaragi Prefecture in Japan.
Known as the Takeuchi Document, it consisted of several thousand documents, and wares like “Agatama”— made of the bones of early emperors.
Among what are purported to be the bones of Christ, the Ten Commandment Stones of Moses, and a mystery metal known as “Hihiirokane,” are also said to be maps of the ancient continent of Mu.
According to the document, at one time the whole world was ruled by Sumeramikoto tribes, flown from the “country of Heaven’s globe.”
It was around 400,000 BC that a major magnetic pole shift on the planet turned the planet around within hours, freezing hairy mammoths where they stood, fresh green leaves still in their mouths.
This pole shift totally changed the face of the planet.
Of the original seeds from other planets who were here at the time, very few survived.
Scientists are discovering these pole shifts are a more regular occurrence than once thought and have the potential of wiping out all life on the planet in the course of a single day or night.
There occurrence would normally set back evolution for millions of years if the basic Darwinian evolutionary theory held true.
Although seeded much earlier, and in existence at the time of that major pole shift, Lemuria truly only began to be a cohesive civilization 200,000 years ago.
Words such as ‘mutant’, which means ‘Earth-spawned creature,’ and ‘commune’ or ‘community’ have their origins in the word ‘Mu’, describing the nature of the relationship these people had with each other and with their surroundings.
It was truly a paradise, an existence of beauty and harmony, as we might think of the Biblical Garden of Eden.
Soul was free to enter the physical and also leave at will. It was very much a peaceful type of existence.
The Lemurians themselves were much like one thinks of an idyllic tribe of Native American Indians.
They were intensely spiritual and rejected technological advancements for the very simplicities of nature.
The most famous promoter of lost Lemuria was Colonel James Churchward.
Churchward spent 50 years of his life researching the continent and writing a series of books exploring its various aspects, including its effects on world civilization in modern times.
Churchward says he gained much of his information from the Naacal Tablets found in Mexico, tablets that are said to be more than 12,000 years old themselves.
While many of Churchward’s ideas have their basis in fact, he, like Zecharia Sitchin, failed to take into account the other mitigating factors that were taking place on the planet at the same time.
This can be the problem with people having too narrow an area of specialization.
The tendency is to relate everything they discover to their own one area.
While Lemuria indeed did play a major role in the formation of many aspects of our early culture, because the continent broke up long before the last remnants of Atlantis did, its influences are largely forgotten.
Or, if not forgotten, then purposely buried ‘in plain sight.’
Lemuria was, indeed, the Motherland, and as Cayce suggests, each race that was originally seeded at that time had a different aspect of spiritual growth to work with related to the five physical senses.
The Lemurians had an emotional nature—thus it was called ‘the Motherland.’
They were less aggressive, more intuitive, more artistic and concerned with the creative side of their being, as well as being more in tune with the planet and their surroundings.
The Atlanteans who co-existed with the Lemurians for a long period of time were the primal source of ‘the Fatherland ’ mentality.
Later when these two cultures ‘clashed’, it was an archetypal battle of the mother versus the father, the artist mentality versus the scientific mentality; a war of the left hemisphere of the brain versus the right hemisphere.
Whereas the Earth was ‘created’ to bring all the various aspects of the Civilizations into a Oneness of being, so too could these two cultures have merged rather than have clashed.
This would have created a more balanced emotional/mental being who would have fulfilled more of the purpose of the planet, bringing humanity into a state of physical and spiritual balance.
In looking at these archetypes of the Mother versus the Father inherent in these two types of culture, Joseph Campbell makes the mistake of assuming that the one came out of or followed the other.
He associates hunting with a primary period dominated by the males, and a secondary period of planting overseen by the females:
“And the role of women (in planting) has perhaps already been greatly enhanced, both socially and symbolically; for whereas in the hunting period the chief contributors to the sustenance of the tribes had been the men and the role of the women had been largely that of drudges, now the female’s economic contributions were of first importance.
She participated—perhaps even predominated—in the planting and reaping of the crops, and, as the mother of life and nourisher of life, was thought to assist the earth symbolically in its productivity.”
Campbell goes on to link hunting with the patriarchal stage of society and planting with the matriarchal one, not realizing that in fact the matriarchal stage came first, and the patriarchal stage was a later development, especially in terms of religion, as we shall see in this and later chapters.
Campbell also makes the mistake of following human evolution from the ‘savagery’ stage into the ‘civilized’ stage as educational propaganda teaches us, rather than the other way around as it truly was.
After cataclysms such as pole shifts, floods, and the breakup of continents have destroyed earth’s past civilizations, the survivors have had great difficulty in preserving any of their higher civilization, but rather they have had to revert back to a survival level in which the basics of life had to be met first, basics such as:
- food
- clothing
- shelter
Churchward, on the other hand, is adamant that, contrary to scientific beliefs about the origins of mankind,
“savagery came out of civilization, not civilization out of savagery.”
He asserts that he is not alone in this stand,
“for it is only those who know nothing of savages who maintain that civilization emerged from savagery.”
“The assertion that the cruder and primitive a stone arrow or spear head is, the more highly civilized were the people who made them, may seem illogical on its face; but think—carry your mind back to ancient times, and see how man was repeatedly robbed of everything except his bare hands, and thrown entirely on nature’s resources.
Tools and everything else were gone; absolutely nothing was left except the brains and the fingers of the survivors.Without the slightest knowledge of mechanics, these remnants had to commence making tools out of nothing but the stones at their feet.
Could anything but the crudest forms be fashioned by them without experience and without knowledge?
I think not.
To me, these crude arrow and spear heads do not show savagery or a low civilization.
They show a high civilization passing down into savagery.
Thus, the scientist’s Paleolithic men were of a higher civilization than the Neolithic men who followed them, and as the manufacture improved these human beings went down.”
Campbell at least recognizes that in times past, such as on Lemuria, the land itself has been very lush and self-supporting, what he calls ‘the tropical gardening cultures, and that men were food gathers more than they were ‘hunters’.
“. . . A very different course of development is to be traced, however, in the sphere of the tropical gardening cultures, where a third type or stage of social organization matured that was almost completely antithetical to that of the hunting peoples.
For in these areas, it was the women, not the men, who enjoyed the magico-religious and social advantage, they having been the ones to affect the transition from plant-collecting to plant-cultivation. . .
Thus, they won both economic and social power and prestige, and the complex of the matriarchy took form.”
Campbell indicates his recognition of the two areas of growth patterns in matriarchal versus patriarchal evolution in his books:
Patriarchy precedes matriarchy in Masks:
Primitive; and matriarchy precedes patriarchy in Masks:
Occidental, perhaps, himself, suggesting the growth of two separate ways of life on two separate sides of the globe.
It is not true that Mu and Atlantis were one and the same cultures just on separate continents.
While some of the beings who were seeded on both continents came from the same civilizations, they were in truth very, very different.
Even as Cayce suggests, one was the red race (the Atlanteans), and the other the brown race (the Lemurians).
The Nine say that many Lemurians were from Ashan (the planet of the artists), and many of the Atlanteans were from Altea (the planet of technology).
According to Churchward, there were ten distinct tribes in the Motherland itself.
These tribes were easily differentiated physically, and these physical tribal differences are still evident in the various remnants of the tribes scattered throughout the Pacific.
There were few variations in their language, however, and these were only minor in character.
A greater change is seen in their glyphs or writings.
Before the Tower of Babel incident, much of the planet spoke what is referred to as the Universal language, a very musical tonal language, aspects of which can still be heard in many southeast Asian languages.
This is referred to in the Bible, Genesis 1:11,
“Now the whole earth had one language and few words.”
The channeled entity Ramtha was at one time in his past earthly incarnations, a Lemurian, and speaks of being treated like an animal by the arrogant Atlantean warriors.
Channelers & Channeled Information – Library of Rickandria
Relics that can be traced back as coming directly from Mu, the Motherland, are extremely rare.
Churchward says that he was singularly fortunate in finding two that were at least intimately connected with Mu.
Both are symbolic figures in bronze, made either in the Motherland or in one of the ancient Uighur cities:
“before the eastern half of that great empire was destroyed by the north running wave of the last Magnetic Cataclysm which was the ‘Biblical Flood.’”
The Flood destroyed all the countryside over which it ran, according to Churchward, the people being drowned and the cities washed away or buried under the drift.
Incorrectly he relates the demise of Uighur to the Flood, rather than to the earlier incidence of the Ice Age:
“The Uighur Capital City today lies under fifty feet of boulders, gravel and sand.
It is situated in the Gobi Desert, which today has large areas of rock only, the soil and everything with it having been washed away by the flood.”
Churchward’s greatest contribution to the study of Lemuria, besides making others cognizant of its existence, was in the field of its symbology.
Much of this symbology can, he suggests, still be seen in use commonly today.
“I will first take the symbol, the Royal Escutcheon of Mu, the empire of the Sun—a sun with eight rays.
The particular design…. given was found on the dress of a Kootenay Indian living in British Columbia.
The border of the dress of another Kootenay Indian was composed of a continuation of one of the symbols of “Mu submerged.”
The garment with the sun symbol was black, the sun in pale yellow, the points of the rays in pale indigo blue and the intervening space between the sun and the points of its rays a pale reddish pink.”
Such eight-pointed sun symbols appear on various religious edifices, spread around the world, and is still a major symbol in the secret societies who like to trace their origins to this early period in modern man’s history.
Besides the already mentioned archetypal differences between Atlantis and Lemuria, there was also the archetypal battle of religion versus science, or the priest versus the scientist.
In their religion, Lemuria did not worship the sun as might be assumed from the example of symbology given above, though it may be taken as the forerunner of many other ‘sun-worshipping’ civilizations.
In portraying the sun, the Lemurians were actually paying homage to the One God who created all.
In their religion, they were very ‘matriarchal,’ being very grounded in the earth and in nature.
In the sun symbology they were, however, also worshiping the patriarchal side of Creation.
That which was above in the highest of all worlds, the FATHER, was represented by the sun.
Thus, in the union of the two, they were portraying the balancing of the two which, as we have said, is the spiritual purpose of the Earth—the balancing of the physical and the spiritual.
As with everything they do, the secret societies have now usurped this symbol and used it in the reverse of its originally intended meaning.
Thus, the sun represents their idea of the Highest God—Lucifer, Prince of the Morning, attempting as they are to supplant the rightful Father, Enjliou, with the pretender to the throne.
The supplantation of a rightful heir is an archetype for so much of history’s great literature, much of which is also related to the New World Order as it has spread over the millennia.
The Kahunas, the high priesthood or shamans of Hawaii, are remnants of this primal religion of Lemuria—the Law of One.
Curiously enough they are also a mixture of the primal religion with that of ancient Judaism, with the Jewish tribe of Cohen —‘hakkohen’ – the priesthood, ancient travelers to faraway places.
The bringing of religion to the earth has created most of its troubles.
And it was in Lemuria that many of these troubles had their initial seeds.
The Nine explain that, in the beginning, it was necessary to have a structured form of religion, but the error was that those who became the priesthood, began to use their position to have control over others, and to make themselves more important than the understanding of the religion.
This occurred during the last stages of the high civilization that Lemuria had once been, about 50,000 years ago, and coincides with the time when Lucifer, squarely set his sights on the control of planet Earth.
It is here where the ‘underground stream’ of our story really has its source, for it is here where the ancient mystical rites began to be practiced simultaneously with those on Atlantis.
This was under the auspices of the Dark Sorcerer Kings who were eventually responsible for the destruction of the last remaining island of that once great continental empire they had created.
And it is also here that Freemasonry has its often-admitted roots in these ancient mysteries, and indeed in the worship of the Dark Forces.
SECRET SOCIETIES: Masons & Knights Templar – Library of Rickandria
This control by the priesthood, did not start with the Anunnaki in Sumeria, as Sitchin suggests, but rather on these two continents prior to the emergence of the priesthood in the Middle East.
CIVILIZATION: Middle East Exopolitical Saga – Library of Rickandria
The priesthood, or intercessors with God, are also not unknown in other realms of the Universe.
They have been a necessary part of focusing attention on the higher aspects of existence.
As The Nine suggest, though, they often have chosen the path of Power over Love.
This has not changed throughout recorded history either, and The Nine say that even the preponderance of New Age religions are
“the old attempting to take the new and mold it in its own dimension.”
This, they say, is caused out of doubt and out of fear.
Although many New Agers will not want to hear it, many aspects of their movement are, indeed, the equivalent of putting a new slant on old ways, using new words for old concepts, all in the name of gaining power and control.
This is an idea which has been heavily used in marketing, where, for instance, an old romance novel can be given a new title and a new decorative cover in order to make people buy it once again. Because the formulas inherent in a romance novel are pretty much standard, the buyer therefore does not realize that they have bought and read that story before.
The formulas in religion can be utilized over and over again just as those in old romance novels can.
Give them a new name and a new look, and people will also buy into them all over again.
Kryon puts it this way:
“Ceremony is the partner to repetition.
It overcomes the human trait to always want something new.
It helps provide for the same needed process to be repeated accurately each time.
It often cloaks accurate, truthful processes in the veil of religion.
“I have spoken often of the seed fears that you all carry, such as being discounted or abandoned, being alone, and failing or falling short of what is expected.
These fears are common to all.”
Mankind does not need an intermediary between himself and heaven.
The FATHER is with us at every moment of the day, and while we may need a guide to set us on the right course, a true spiritual guide will always set us free once we are firmly connected to the Ever-Loving Source within us.
The advanced spiritual nature of the Lemurians could have been a positive influence upon Atlantis, but Atlantis felt they were the superior culture.
Atlantis felt that they could be the ones to bring the ‘good’ to Lemuria.
For a time, the interchange between Lemuria and Atlantis was fascinating.
While the Lemurians had never had a desire to create the man-made objects of beauty the Atlanteans possessed, they were fascinated with this new type of beauty.
Here was a totally new unexplored area of creativity that was previously unknown to Lemurians.
Being an intelligent species of consciousness with a curiosity and a free will to explore, the Lemurians ‘wanted to know’.
Although the Lemurians desired to share their spiritual culture with the Atlanteans, the Atlanteans had little interest in the Lemurian way of life.
They felt far more advanced with their technological skills.
The Atlantean technology became the dominant power and eventually a way of life for Lemuria.
The idyllic setting of Lemuria began to disintegrate.
Lemurians could not communicate with Atlanteans in the beginning because Lemurians did not have a verbal language, and Atlanteans did not know how to communicate on a total conscious basis.
The Atlanteans also did not have the purity of heart of the more spiritual Lemurians.
They would have never wanted their thoughts to be known.
The Lemurians therefore began to learn the Atlantean language and how to verbally communicate.
This of course took time to develop but eventually they moved from thought communication to verbal communication.
They chose to not share open conscious thought communication any longer as their own thoughts were less pure.
There was a great influx of new ideas, new thoughts, and new ways to do things.
It now took more of a construct in the social order of government.
Life was not as simple as it once was.
This change in society didn’t happen overnight.
The degeneration of the Lemurian society took time, but it did happen.
As the integration of the two cultures took place Atlantis felt the need to bring,
“the culture of civilization”
to Lemuria.
Lemuria attempted to share their beautiful natural spirit with Atlantis, but the Atlanteans couldn’t begin to conceive that what the Lemurians offered could ever contribute to a better way of life.
Those of us who were incarnate during these days of Lemuria, and that includes most of the original starseeds, have a remembrance in our consciousness of struggle.
Often what is found with Lemurians is great internal struggle.
They have great struggle between what they’re really here to achieve and what they actually do with their life.
There is great struggle, because there is so much of the fear that Kryon first spoke about.
Also remember that many souls lived on both of these worlds—both Atlantis and Lemuria at one time or another.
Those souls that mostly experienced Lemuria find themselves more in a state of questioning. They want to know.
Or they say ‘show me the way.’
They most likely will ask for guidance, not trusting themselves in their spiritual guidance.
That is simply because they don’t know how they lost their connection to their spiritual consciousness to begin with.
Consciousness & its Expressions – Library of Rickandria
They do not quite know what happened.
So, they don’t really know how to find their way back.
Atlanteans may not know either, but they don’t know they don’t know.
So, they just go about their business, and they’ll find their way because they don’t know they can’t do it.
Of course, all souls can open to their spiritual consciousness.
Lemurians on the other hand question ‘what happened?’ and ‘did I cause it?’ and ‘did I do something I can’t remember that caused great pain?’
They often have a heavy heart about the choices they’ve made in life.
Many times, they are their own worst enemy in finding that for which they seek.
If you lived during the time of Lemuria, you are a very old soul.
You know the true essence of life.
Allow your soul to connect with your spirit, you will remember the way.
Always remember you are a point of consciousness expressing your own unique beauty.
It is an ever-evolving beauty, different from yesterday, different from Lemuria, but always beautiful.
Lemuria, like Atlantis, broke up in stages, some of it happening gradually, other stages happening cataclysmically in the space of a few short months.
The archetypal memories of these kind of events are brought into modern culture through such movies as Superman.
Superman is Jewish? By Harry Brod (2012) – Library of Rickandria
It is the breakup of Superman’s home planet Krypton that leaves him as the only survivor on a strange and hostile world.
The final small remnants of the Lemurian continent sunk when the seas were raised during the time when that side of the planet took the full force of the Great Flood washing over it, as described earlier in this chapter, and which shall be dealt with in more detail later.
Brother Philip describes a time about 30,000 years ago when a major portion of what was left of the Lemurian continent, broke up and sank beneath the waves.
This sinking was both the result of and a contributor to, the highly active and very unstable Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanic and seismic activity which circles the Pacific Rim for a distance of almost 24,000 miles.
In the description of these events, he also mentions the founding of his order by the Lemurians under Aramu-Muru in a monastery in a valley of the high Andes mountains:
“While the final portions of the former continent were breaking up in the Pacific Ocean, terrible catastrophe was taking place all over the Earth.
The Andean Range of mountains was born at this time, and disfigured the west coast of South America.
The ancient city of Tiahuanaco (Bolivia) was at the time a great seaport and a Lemurian Empire colonial city of magnificence and importance to the Motherland.
During the ensuing cataclysms it was raised from sea level and a mild, tropical climate to high on a barren, wind-swept plain and a frigid arctic-like climate.
Before this took place, there had been no Lake Titicaca, which is now the highest navigable lake in the world, over twelve thousand feet above sea level.
“So it was to a newly-formed lake that Lord Muru arrived from sunken Lemuria.
Here, now known as Lago Titicaca, the Monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays came into being, organized and perpetuated by Aramu-Muru.
This Monastery, which was to be the home of the Brotherhood throughout all ages on Earth, was placed in an immense valley that had been created during the days of the birth of the Andes and was a strange child of Nature in that its exact disposition and altitude gave it a warm semi-tropical climate where fruits and nuts could grow to phenomenal size.
Here, on top of ruins that had once been at sea level, like the City of Tiahuanaco, Lord Muru had the Monastery constructed of gigantic blocks of stone cut only by the energy of primary light force.
This cyclopean structure is the same today as it was then, and continues to be a repository of Lemurian science, culture, and arcane knowledge.”
In a lecture on the Realm of the Ring Lords, Laurence Gardner says that it had long been known that a continent existed, inhabited by a great king-tribe, which was noted for its lemurs.
Hence, it has been dubbed ‘Lemuria.’
One of the most surprising things about these Scythian Ring Lords, he says, is that their preserved remains from thousands of years ago (discovered even as far north as Siberia) show their bodies substantially tattooed with ring-tailed lemurs.
Lemurs, which we are told by modern science, are native to (and pretty much restricted to) Madagascar and the Comoros Islands off Mozambique – but here they are in Northern Europe and the Black Sea regions!
It is Gardner’s idea that the mightiest Lemurian land tract was never lost, it being the great mainland continent which still exists today – stretching across eastern Europe through the one-time USSR.
He is, as said, confusing some of this with the Uighur civilization.
The original massive continent did cover some of this area, however.
Those he describes in this following passage are the Uigher warriors themselves, and the Uigher civilization, what little is known of it, confused by the addition of the Lemurian symbol of the lemurs.
The two were ‘trading partners’, although the warlike Uighers were more often creating wars upon those they thought of as lesser than them in the peaceful island continent of Lemuria.
“This was the original realm of the great Ring Lords – tracing back to about 40,000 BC – the homeland of the Oupires (the similarity to Uighers) of the Pict-sidhé.
It was the land of the mighty Warlords of the Dragon before they migrated and battled their way southwards in the ever-cooling climate of the last Ice Age.
Undoubtedly, the environment was once very warm there, as is proved by the fact that the lemurs traveled about as far south as they could possibly go by land before Madagascar and the Comoros broke away from the southern African mainland.
“What did these early God-kings look like?
Well, they are now thoroughly identifiable from their preserved remains, which have been excavated at various sites from as far afield as Transylvania and Tibet.
With their light brown to red hair and pale eyes, the leather-clad men stood at least 6ft 6ins and upwards, while even the women were over 6ft tall.
Undoubtedly, these forebears of the Gaelic and Celtic High-kings were among the most awesome warriors of all history.”
Lemuria remains more of a mystery in many ways than any of the other cultures or civilizations we have talked about.
It was a golden age of Mankind upon the planet that like all of them, gradually falls into decay.
It was the origin of many races which still exist in the Pacific Rim areas, and even of some of the Native American Indian tribes themselves.
Its significance to us right now, here in this book, is that it was also the source of much that was Dark in terms of the symbolism and eventual purpose of the secret societies and the influence of Lucifer here on this planet today.
Chapter 8 – The Branch of Lemuria