Many people often wonder why their spell workings have failed.
This is because one’s mind and aura are weak.
Sure, we can go to Satan and his Demons when we are in need, but the goal of Satanism is to become powerful ourselves.
Satan and his Demons guide us and give us the knowledge we need to increase our powers.
Satan does not waste his time on those who do nothing with themselves.
True Satanism is not Disneyland.
If you want serious power, you will have to work hard at it.
This can take years but is well worth the effort.
We save our own souls.
There is time we can all squeeze in with a bit of organization.
Do what you can do:
- Breathing exercises only take around ten minutes and are very effective in increasing one’s powers.
- Breathing exercises can be done the first thing in the morning or even in the bathroom if you lock the door [if one lives with other people].
- Even five minutes of visualization exercises a day will bring many benefits.
- Meditation is being in the here and now; emptying your mind of all thoughts. This can be done anywhere and at any time, just focus on the present and what you are doing.
Much can be done with a well-trained mind.
For example: Knowledge of anatomy gives one the ability to either heal or inflict harm.
Nerves can cause pain, if one focuses upon them in a hated one.
This is one of many examples.
You can also open and access other areas of your brain that are dormant in most human beings and empower these areas by focusing on them and attempting to use the abilities they provide when activated.
Thoughts can be placed in another person’s head the same way.
Concentration and repetition are necessary here.
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