By Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Posted August 5, 2021, Updated on March 6, 2022, Spiritual Awakening
How important are our thoughts in our manifestation abilities in creating reality?
The Real Matrix – Library of Rickandria
Our individual thoughts, cumulatively, become the collective consciousness.
Consciousness & its Expressions – Library of Rickandria
The collective consciousness is everything we observe in this 3rd dimensional reality.
What is “Real”? – Library of Rickandria
Our future is undetermined as we are creating new realities every microsecond.
The Matrix: Deconstructed – Library of Rickandria
According to Anil Seth:
“We’re all hallucinating all the time.
When we agree about our hallucinations, we call it “reality”.
This is why it’s so important to be cognizant of what’s happening in our current reality, but to also place emphasis on what we truly want to create.
Why You Don’t “Create Your Own Reality” – Library of Rickandria
The Hidden Secret of Manifestation
We have all heard of,
“11:11 Make A Wish.”
Many people wish for finding their true love or some material items but what would happen if we all wished for world peace?
With time zones all around the world, this could literally go on all throughout the day!
This is how a group manifestation could change our whole reality!
Not to mention variations of 11:11, especially to those who are into numerology.
What is Your Life Path Number? – Library of Rickandria
For example, if the time is 11:38, it could also be viewed as 11: (3+8) or 11:11 in numerology.
Number Sequences from Our Spirit Guides – Library of Rickandria
Manifestation of Future Timelines
Our future is undetermined.
While some of us have been given glimpses into the future that involves a solar flash, NO ONE truly knows WHEN that will happen, but as long as the thought remains in the collective consciousness, it remains a very distinct possibility as it aligns with Universal Laws as a probable outcome for those who are placing energy into the premise.
David Wilcock – 2019 & Beyond – Library of Rickandria
While it’s important to remain in the present moment, our future is constantly being rearranged with our thoughts.
My Vision of the Event – Library of Rickandria
This is why the mainstream media pushes the fear agenda so much because through fear, it’s easy to rule over the people.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
We wouldn’t need to rely on governments if there were no wars and global peace.
Any government’s biggest fear is that we no longer need them, which is TRUE!
Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria
Let’s create this future probability
Life would be so much better if each country had a council of elders who all work in humanity’s best interests.
Humanity’s History & Ancient Civilizations – Library of Rickandria
They would ALL be 100% transparent and would be held accountable for their actions every week.
As soon as one of them is no longer working in humanity’s best interests, they’re replaced with someone who can do a better job.
You can read more about this premise in my article:
Council of Elders to Replace All Governments! – Library of Rickandria
Just reading this article or spending a few moments envisioning something like this occurring is creating the POSSIBILITY of this as being a future reality!
The hidden SECRET of manifestation!
It’s so easy to forget the secret of manifestation.
For many of us, what’s predominantly on our minds?
So, what does the Law of Attraction give us when we put lots of focused attention on our thoughts?
More of what we’re thinking about…. bills!
Many people believe that thoughts create reality and while this is generally true, the most important ingredient is the EMOTION that we invest into any given thought.
We have literally thousands of thoughts every day.
How many of them come to fruition?
Why do the thoughts that have the greatest emotional attachment to them seem to manifest before all others?
It’s BECAUSE of that emotional attachment, whether positive or negative, that they manifest.
Remember, the universe cannot decipher our intentions when our emotions are putting out negative vibes.
It manifests those thoughts with the greatest amount of emotional attachment.
If we are worried about bills, then guess what?
“Your wish is my command.”
So, if you want to manifest a lot of money, envision that it’s already happened.
See and FEEL yourself living a life of luxury and ease.
How does that make you feel?
Can you maintain that thought throughout the day?
Instead of watching TV, can you spend an hour envisioning and FEELING what it’s like to be wealthy?
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
You can do the same thing with anything you desire.
If you’d like a new home, a nice car, if you’d like to travel the world… envision that it’s already happened and place that emotion into your manifestation.
Hopefully, you also wish for world peace and abundance for everyone.
Try to remember how important your emotions are in creating the present and future reality!
The Future & Beyond: Parameters for A New Civilization – Library of Rickandria
Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!
The Soul IS Light – Library of Rickandria
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