
Who needs all this crap?

I do, I guess, for the mental challenge if nothing else.

On the Other Hand, the Sweater Issue

I have to point out another example of why ‘Miles Mathis’ should not be summarily ignored, since he is a major PSYOP and therefore (in theory) the enemy:

In his JFK-faked-his-assassination travesty, he points out something that I wish to hell had noticed, and I’ll pose it as a question:

Why is Lee Oswald wearing a black sweater when he is ‘shot’ by Jack Ruby?

In a movie (especially an ‘action’ movie), when a character is suddenly wearing a white shirt, I always think, ‘Watch out, he/she is going to get shot in this scene.’


Because the wound/blood shows up better.

The converse is true:

 A character wearing black is not going to get shot, because a wound/blood will not show up.

Let’s quote MM, from page 12 of his essay:

But we should ask four questions, at least.


Are we to believe that Oswald was arrested in the theater with a bag full of different colored sweaters, and that he was allowed to keep them in his cell?


Or are we to believe, alternately, that his wife Marina showed up with a suitcase full of clothes and it was sent directly on to Oswald, for his maximum comfort?


Or are we to assume that officers who had starved and punched Oswald into to the shape we see him in the famous footage suddenly became concerned that he might be a tad chilly, and offered him his choice of garments?


But, most importantly, we should ask why the sweater is black.

We must assume that it was not Oswald’s free choice, taken from his traveling wardrobe. 

Prisoners are not given choices like that.

It was the choice of the handlers, whoever they were, Dallas police or FBI or whoever.

And it was chosen for a reason.

Why black?

Here’s the other thing, and I thought of this a long time ago:

Why would Jack Ruby go through with the ‘shooting,’ in effect ending his own life?

How could whoever put him up to it be sure he’d do it?

One possible answer:

The whole shooting in fact was staged, with Oswald’s cooperation, and the knowledge that no one was actually getting killed.

(Oswald, like Ruby, would simply ‘disappear’…. all part of the deal…)

A stretch?


I’m not saying I buy it…. but it’s possible… 

Keep in mind that this does not mean that the assassination itself was staged — this is one of MM’s M.O.s in his JFK essay.

Point out a supposed anomaly, like, say, Zapruder filming from far away, and claim this as evidence of fakery (so you don’t recognize that ‘JFK’ is a body double).

The truth is, in a real assassination with Zapruder documenting it (for various reasons), they would also have him film from a distance, so the ‘wound chicanery’ and other fakery of the Z film are hidden.

Then there’s the horn honking.

Watch any of the film footage of Oswald’s shooting and notice that a horn honks just as Oswald appears in the doorway (which would be out of Ruby’s sight), then another quick honk just as Ruby appears from the crowd.

Pretty obvious signaling… 

Between that and the black sweater…. 

Weezer – Undone — The Sweater Song

I know, it’s weak, but it sort of explains the hanging mic getting pasted in — either as Revelation of the Method or by a whistle blower…. I dunno.

Whaddya think?


If you made it this far, you probably have something to say.

Go ahead, please do.

Just don’t bother me with crapola like this one, which I got after the last post:

‘Hey Allan – You should find a better use of your time.’


Here’s my answer (I do try to answer everyone, even people whose message contains no actual information):


So far, you’re the only one that feels this way [I meant via email].

For instance, here’s the opening of the email immediately after yours:

‘Stunning, for me the best piece you have written to date.

Don’t usually read a piece start to finish, this one from beginning to end and then back again.

My jaw locked open and still sore.

This is what real journalism, analysis, research is all about.

Even if it’s not spot on (who or what is) it is spot in how to dig in and grit out the most obscure tells.

Damn, I’m speechless.’

Most (about a dozen so far) are of this ilk.

Who should I believe? If you’re not interested in who the govt is paying to lie to you…. well, you’re less curious than I am.


Most were more less effusive:

I thought what you said about him not being from the USA convincing as well….

I must say I have enjoyed your exposure of limited hang outs.

That alone has saved me a lot of wasted time.

Please keep it up.



Just as I was about to post this, a guy in the UK had this to say:

‘I work hard supervising criminals.

I protect the public.

Allan what are you doing that is useful?

Stop being preoccupied with conspiracy rubbish & get a life mate.’

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

I answered:

“I ‘work hard supervising criminals’ too, mate.

I ‘protect the public’ by pointing at the criminals among them (using public funds to mislead the public is against the law here).

I assume you work at a prison (in the UK).

Why don’t you look at the paperwork and see what percentage of your ‘criminals’ are there under ‘conspiracy’ charges.

Over here ‘conspiracy’ means two or more people who plan an illegal/immoral act and make one move to carry it out.

Is it different over there?

If you think my evidence is incorrect, please point out how.

I welcome criticism, but only from those who understand the law, and, more importantly, the difference between right and wrong.’


That about covers it.

For now.

Oh, and hey:

Sorry for the endless crapola about Simon Shack and Clues Forum.

It’s hard to imagine Simon as controlled op/LH, but how else to explain all the misdirection?

For those interested in the alt media… it’s starting to look like we’re… pretty much surrounded…

Allan C. Weisbecker died at 75 on October 9, 2023.

Alternative surf memoirist Allan C. Weisbecker passes away (surfertoday.com)

Allan Weisbecker: American surfer and novelist dies at 75 – ABTC

Allan Weisbecker dies; I meet his doppelganger in Chaco Canyon — Virginia Stoner Writing & Art

Other Links:

A Question for Miles Mathis, Part One – Allan C. Weisbecker (banditobooks.com)

A Question for ‘Miles Mathis,’ Part Two – Allan C. Weisbecker (banditobooks.com)