Do you believe in fate, Neo?


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Why not?


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Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.


I know exactly how you feel.

Let me tell you why you’re here.

You’re here because you know something.

What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it.

You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world.

You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

It is this feeling that brought you here.

Do you know what I’m talking about?


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The Matrix?


Do you want to know what it is?




The Matrix is everywhere, it’s all around us, here even in this room.

You can see it out your window, or on your television.

You feel it when you go to work or go to church or pay your taxes.

It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.


What truth?


That you are a slave, Neo.

Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch.

A prison for your mind.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is.

You have to see it for yourself.

This is your last chance.

After this, there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to.

You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.

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From the film “Matrix”

The Matrix Meeting Morpheus Scene HD
Matrix Info by Montalk July 30, 2004, from Montalk Website

What is the Matrix Control System?

1. What is the Matrix Control System? (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

1. What is the Matrix Control System? (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

School or prison, depending on your chosen perspective.

2. How the Matrix Traps You: Five Critical Human Flaws (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

2. How the Matrix Traps You: Five Critical Human Flaws (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

On the one hand, it is a hyperdimensional teaching system accelerating your rate of spiritual evolution by providing you with catalytic experiences in response to your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual composition.

3. Spirit Over Matter: Transcending the Ego (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

3. Spirit Over Matter: Transcending the Ego (Fringe Knowledge by Montalk)

On the other hand, many of these experiences manifest as predatory forces preying upon your weaknesses.

Aliens and UFOs: The Bigger Picture

Aliens and UFOs: The Bigger Picture

Of course, the only way to prevent being manipulated by these forces is to:

  • discover
  • integrate
  • transform

your weaknesses into strengths, thereby indirectly accomplishing the higher purpose of the Matrix which is to help you transcend it.

Synchronicity: The Meaning and Quantum Origins of Seven Types of Synchronicities

Synchronicity: The Meaning and Quantum Origins of Seven Types of Synchronicities

Nevertheless, these hyperdimensional predatory forces possess freewill and have their own agenda, which is to expand their power base and sustain themselves by feeding upon humanity’s emotional energies as well as keeping anyone from becoming aware enough to add destabilizing influences on the spiritual prison/farm they are running here on earth.

Soul Resonance (and the Law of Attraction)

Soul Resonance (and the Law of Attraction)

BOOK: War in Heaven – The Invisible College: A Completely New & Revolutionary Conception of the Nature of Spiritual Reality – Library of Rickandria

The total sum of their hyperdimensional manipulation system can be termed the “Matrix Control System” – a school of hard knocks that weakens the spiritually weak and strengthens the spiritually strong, in accordance with their choice to be victims or warriors.

Hyperdimensional Predators

Beyond the human level of evolution are several levels occupied by more sophisticated forms of life, including hostile beings with the ability to:

  • transcend space and linear time
  • read thoughts
  • manipulate emotions
  • puppeteer unaware individuals
  • project themselves in and out of our physical reality

They require emotional/etheric/vital energy to sustain themselves; mankind has long been their primary food source.

They feed upon energies that are in resonance with their own soul vibrations:

  • negative emotions
  • psychological suffering
  • perverted sexual energies

Being greedy as they are, rather than just harvesting naturally occurring energies emitted by those who have freely chosen to engage in lower vibrational behavior, these predators seek to induce ignorance, suffering, and perversion in as many people as possible to maximize their energy harvest.

While this isn’t technically a freewill violation (because they can only amplify what latent negative tendencies, we already have within us), their forceful milking of energy via the Matrix Control System does constitute an imbalance because it encourages ignorance and slavery instead of awareness and freedom.

Suppression of Awareness

Because hostile hyperdimensional forces have a vested interest in the Matrix Control System, they go to extraordinary lengths to suppress any destabilizing factors that could disrupt their food supply.

Anyone who starts the process of waking up and regaining personal power and freedom is immediately targeted.

The targeting aims to:

  • put him back to sleep.
  • render him powerless.
  • or make him lose faith in continuing his path.

When a personal impulse toward freedom occurs, an equal and opposite impulse is set into motion, attracting to the target various negatively synchronistic opportunities to engage in lowering experiences to offset his impulse toward freedom.

These include situations that aim to:

  • induce fear
  • distraction
  • suffering
  • doubt
  • depression
  • indulgence in lower impulses
  • self-serving behavior

Sometimes this phenomenon arises naturally from the law of inertia, other times there is active amplification of this counter-impulse by negative hyperdimensional forces to disarm the threat before he gains more power.

Other methods of suppression include sabotaging and distracting a targeted individual via people around him who are open to direct manipulation.

Anyone who fails to be fully conscious in the present moment can be a puppet for as long as their attention is elsewhere.

Lapses of attention are enough for a subconsciously implanted impulses to result in regrettable words or actions.

The majority of people in this world place no priority on awareness or attentiveness, and instead live life in a semi-conscious dream state that makes them very prone to being pawns of the Matrix Control System.

Some are born with insufficient levels of individualized consciousness to ever experience a lucid moment, and it is these who form the primary class of Matrix agents, the rest of functioning as agents only part of the time when we fail to watch ourselves.

Due to the great quantity of asleep people in the population, the Matrix Control System has no problem finding chess-pieces to maneuver into place around a targeted individual.

The Bigger Picture

While we may not be the source of injustices against us, we are the cause of it.

The Matrix, even with its level of imbalance and corruption by those freewill entities who have overstepped their place in nature as catalytic fire-spitters, is nevertheless still a learning program entirely responsive to our own ignorance and weaknesses.

It may be a predator’s choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and succumb to it.

The Matrix Control System can only throw us by the elements within us that correspond to its low vibratory nature.

Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses, thus providing focus for where to take the next step on one’s path of spiritual awakening.


Matrix Intro


How the Matrix Works: In the Beginning There Was CODE – Library of Rickandria

Physicists Prove We Are Living in A Computer Simulated Matrix

Fear Keeps The Matrix Running

How the Matrix of Fear Keeps us Under Control

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Five Ways the Matrix Feeds your Addiction to… the Matrix

Our Adventure in The Matrix

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Between The Lines

Children of The Matrix – Excerpts

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COVID Vaccines – Consequences on the Soul, Spirit and Life after Death

“Divide and Conquer” and the Trap of Identification

False Teachers – The Masks are Coming Off

How to Navigate this Time of Transition and the Birth of a New Era

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Elon Musk Says the Odds We are in the Real ‘Base Reality’ is One in Billions

It is Confirmed that we ‘Live in a Simulation’

Life on 3D Earth – A Computer Simulation

Our Universe May Be a Matrix-Like Computer Game Designed by Aliens, says NASA Scientist

Physicist Explains why we Live in a Virtual Reality

Living in A Hologram – Our Holographic Reality

Matrix Agents – Profiles and Analysis

Matrix Constructs

Our Lives, Controlled from Some Guy’s Couch

Quantum Surfing the Matrix, Cyber Space and the Fifth Dimension

Reality is A Psyop

Reflections on Occult Entity Interferences and the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System

Reflections on The First Matrix – Never the Twain Shall Meet
Seven Steps to Dissolve the Matrix and Stop World War Three

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Some Grand Illusions that Keep us Enslaved to The Matrix

Some Methods to Unplug from the Matrix

Some Signs the Matrix of Control is Rapidly Evolving

Soon we will Move to the Golden Age

Soul Catching Net – Are We ‘Recycled’ at Death to Remain in the Matrix?

Tech Billionaires are Secretly Funding a Plan to Break the Human Race out of The Matrix

Tech Billionaires Convinced we Live in the Matrix are Secretly Funding Scientists to Help Break Us Out of It

Technetronic Enslavement – Life Inside the Matrix of Control

The Actual Plan for The Matrix – Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and The Religion of Technology

The Artificial Habitat for Mankind – This Isn’t The End of The Road

The Collective Unconscious Mind and Beyond

The Contract – Holodeck Earth

The Cosmic Matrix

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The Disaster of Manufacturing Consent in The Matrix

The Facebook Agenda – A Matrix within a Matrix

The Fractal Matrix – A Paradigm For Multidimensional Reality

The ‘Long Range Matrix Agenda’ and what we can do About It

The Matrix & the Sanskrit Texts – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

The “Matrix” is A Reality

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The Metaphysical Consequences of the ‘COVID Jab’ in Light of the Occult Matrix and The Way Out

The Real Matrix

The Return of the Gnostics and the Matrix

The Simulation Argument – Why the Probability That You Are Living in A Matrix is Quite High

The Simulation Hypothesis – A Version of ‘Reality’?

The Top 3 Reasons Why the System Keeps Perpetuating Itself

The Virus of Consciousness

The War Within – Escape the Temporal Illusory Holographic Matrix

Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing that Reality is an Illusion

Timeline Dynamics

Tips for Thriving in ‘The Matrix’

Trapped in a Dream – 12 Revelations on Our Reality

Unplugging Americans From The Matrix

Val Valerian & the Matrix – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

Virtual Life in The Future Matrix

Wake Up! – Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix

Walking Out of the Labyrinth

We are Living in a Hologram Designed by Aliens – Says NASA Scientist

What is the Real Matrix?

Who’s Fueling Who? – The Matrix and You

Why Make a Matrix? And Why You Might Be In One

You Are The Battlefield

“You Are The Plague” – A Review of the Film ‘The Matrix’

Additional Information

Advice for Newbies – Running List of Suggestions for Those With a Sense of Mission in Their Hearts Who Are New to Fringe Truths

Alien Origins of Sociopathy – How Bloodlines Have Been Genetically Tweaked to Produce an Abundance of Psychopaths Serving the Alien Agenda

A Manual For A New Existence

Anomalous Realities – The Cosmic Crack

A Physics Paper proposes ‘Neither You nor the World around you are Real’

Artificial Wombs could Replace Women say Scientists

A Time for Letting Go

A World in Crisis – A Time to Rethink the Definition of Reality

Corruption of The Demiurge – Ego Entitization of the Demiurge is the Adversary

The Gnosis by Montalk

Counterfeit Reality

Freewill, Fate, and Causality in Matrix Reloaded – Essay on The Philosophy of The Matrix Sequel

H.G. Wells, Wikipedia and The World Brain Matrix

Holographic Universe – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

Hostile Characters

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix
Hyperdimensions – Library of Rickandria

Hyperreality – Or what Not There isn’t to Believe?

Iboga, the Matrix, and Pineal Gland Decalcification

Is Reality a Hologram?

Kindling the Divine Spark – The Secret to Awakening

Ley Lines – The Key to Unlocking the Matrix

Lightbody Activation, Plagues, Politics and Zoning

Lucid Dreaming – Library of Rickandria

Methods of Deception – A List of Common Pitfalls Encountered by Truthseekers

Millennium Take-Out of The Planet – Video Evidence Proving That We Are in A Simulated Reality, The Singularity, Mind-Uploading, Computer-Brain Interface

Mimic – Meme of Archons

Never call them Archons – How you can help Bust Up the Matrix

No Escape from our Techno-Feudal World

War in Heaven: The Invisible College – A Completely New and Revolutionary Conception of the Nature of Spiritual Reality – Library of Rickandria

Official Culture in America – A Natural State of Psychopathy?

Organic Portals – Library of Rickandria

Power and Corruption – The Matrix of the Master and Slave

Psychotronic Crystals

Questions Raised about Psychosocial Impact of Virtual Reality Technology

Reality – An Enormous Interference Pattern?

Reality Check

Realm Dynamics

Red Pill, Blue Pill – Isn’t There a 3rd Pill?

Scientists Demonstrate Matrix-Like Learning With No Conscious Effort

Seeing Through the Masquerade of Illusion

Simulacra and Simulation – Baudrillard and The Matrix

Some Tips for Making Sense of the World

“Space Fence Program” takes the War on Consciousness to the Heavens

Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation

Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism

The Algo-Matrix and the ETs – Earth as an Alien Enterprise

The Allegory of The Alien – Alien Intervention on Earth

The Alterverse of Willful Ignorance

The Artificial Habitat for Mankind – This Isn’t the End of the Road

The Art of Hyper Dimensional War

The Battle of Armageddon Has Been Raging for Centuries

The Fall Inside

The God Helmet – This Is Your Brain on God

The “God” Program

The Holographic Universe and Our Spiritual Evolution

The Human Farm and The Cage You Were Born Into

The Invisible War on Humanity

The Land of Don’t

The Matrix As Shamanic Journey – Gnosticism Reborn

The Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth

The Media is the Matrix

The Trap of Combative Dualism – How Having Awareness Does Not Make Up For Having a Negative Attitude

The True Anarchy of Life on Earth – The Human Role in Sophia’s Correction

What is the True Agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki and Draco Cabal?

What You See Is Not Real – It’s a Visual Illusion – Scientists Say

When Reality Become a “Gateway to The Stars” – Gerry Zeitlin

Why Negative Forces Seem to Respect Freewill


Computer Simulation – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

MATRIX: Plato – The Allegory of the Cave

MATRIX: Books, Reports & Treatises

MATRIX: Multimedia

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Dimensions & Hyperdimensions – Library of Rickandria

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MATRIX: International

Our Matrix Reality