Herod hated John the Baptist because the prophet had told him that it was illegal under Mosaic Law to marry his niece, Herodias.
Herodias (/həˈroʊdiəs/; Greek: Ἡρῳδιάς, Hērōidiás; c. 15 BC – after AD 39) was a princess of the Herodian dynasty of Judaea during the time of the Roman Empire. Christian writings connect her with the execution of John the Baptist.
It was not because she was his niece, since the Jews have always committed incest with enthusiasm and at every opportunity, but because he had taken her away from another of his brothers who had already been giving her the circumcised Jewish Billy goat cock.
Incest is kosher for the Jews, but they don’t like to share the same niece between brothers unless one brother dies or is murdered first, otherwise it upsets their high sense of Jewish “morals” or “righteousness.”
When Herodias’ daughter, Salome, danced her little Jewish wiggle before Herod, he was so delighted that he promised her whatever she wanted.
So, in the usual blood-thirsty Jewish holiness, she asked for John the Baptist’s head on a platter.
“Oy Vey!
Jewish princesses are so cute!
And so Jewish at such a young age too!”
When Jesus heard the news of John’s execution, he went by boat with his disciples to a place where they could be alone.
But the people followed them along the shore.
It should be noted here that the co-called “miracles of the loaves” was not a miracle at all but a misunderstanding of one of the secrets of Christianity.
This misunderstanding has been even more confused and disbelieved in modern times, giving the atheists room to sneer.
Here is how Jesus fed the multitudes.
When people got hungry or thirsty in ancient Palestine, there were no:
- 7-11 convenience stores
- Qwik-Stop markets
- Safeway superstores
or Walmart on every corner of the ancient Near East or anywhere else.
In those ancient times, going out into the desert or countryside without provisions was never done unless you wanted to die of thirst and starvation.
Even when visiting a neighboring village, the travelers had shoulder bags where one or two loaves of bread, a couple of dried fish and some dates and a skin of wine or water could be quickly tossed in for the trip.
So, when the people followed Jesus into the wilderness, they didn’t go empty-handed because that was just never, ever done.
It was too dangerous.
Jesus and his disciples also carried provisions in their boat, in this case,
“five loaves and two fish”. (Mat 14:17)
Matthew 14 (KJV) – And they say unto him,
Five loaves of bread and two fish for a party of thirteen, would provide an adequate meal for all.
So, they were properly provisioned.
The problem for Jesus was not to magically turn his five loaves and two fish into more, but to teach the:
- selfish
- stingy
- greedy
Jews that they could have more than they needed by sharing what they had.
He knew that none of them had followed him into the wilderness empty-handed, that beneath their robes were their shoulder bags with provisions for each of them.
But greedy Jews that they were, they were afraid that if they began eating what they had brought along, that their neighbors would demand of them some of the food.
So, rather than risk losing their food to a stronger Jew, they preferred to go hungry, themselves, rather than share what they had.
After all, they were greedy Jews; they weren’t Christians at that time.
The secret of Christian sharing is this:
if each person shares half of what he has with the Church and the Church shares half of what it has with the people, there will always be plenty for everybody.
In this case, the “church” was Jesus and his twelve disciples.
Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish to each little group of Jews.
He blessed the food, gave them half of what he had, and they gave him half of the food that they were carrying.
Jesus and his disciples went through the crowds breaking bread and distributing fish.
Each in turn gave half of what they had collected.
Everyone ate their fill:
“and they collected the scraps remaining, twelve baskets full.” (Mat 14:20)
Matthew 14 (KJV) – And they did all eat,
The same miracle happens whenever Christians share what they have with one another.
This has been proven for centuries among the various Christian communities of the world.
Now, the miracle of Jesus and Peter walking on water is a bit more difficult to explain, not because of the difficulty of explaining it but because of the generally low level of spiritual development and knowledge by the average modern Reader.
(Sorry, no offense implied.)
I will assume that you are not an average Reader but one who can ascertain the subtle body of your holy spirit.
Please review in Volume I, The Sumerian Swindle, where I showed what the Ubaidian sculptors were expressing in their facial features and do the experiment, yourself.
Refresh your memory of using your spirit body to peer out from your lowered eyelids.
(I am referring to you, the one who is peering out, not to you, the body holding this book or sitting at a computer screen.)
In this way, you will be able to perceive what I am explaining next.
All of the great religions such as:
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Hinduism
- Taoism
and some of the minor religions such as:
- Druidism
- Egyptian temple disciplines
- Wotanism
record many miraculous acts of their saints and sages.
(Look outward from behind your lowered eyelids as you read this.)
Being able to walk in the spirit outside of your physical body is not just a recorded phenomenon of legend but can actually be experienced by the religious adept.
And it is not just a trick of the mind or of the imagination but one of the actual powers that one gains through prayer and meditation.
Christians are actually a bit behind Buddhism and Hinduism in this respect simply because they have been improperly taught about what their Holy Spirit really is, believing that it is something outside of their bodies rather than being part of their intrinsic Self.
Thus, Christians have the high spiritual potential, but they lack the understanding of the triple nature of Man (and Woman), that is, the soul, the holy spirit and the body.
These three make a Man (or a Woman) a whole and complete person.
In the case of Jesus, his personal powers were extraordinary but not beyond what anyone can do if they try.
The “try” is the hard part.
Few people are interested in the single-minded determination necessary to reach high levels of religious skill and knowledge.
And that’s all okay and part of each person’s karma.
But the knowledge is within you, if you seek it.
BOOK: Book of Wisdom by Harry B. Joseph (2021) – Library of Rickandria
You don’t have to search for it anywhere else.
Peter, too, was able to walk on the water.
But none of this happened in their physical bodies.
Both Jesus and Peter had stepped out of their physical body and walked on the water in their spirit body.
This was witnessed by Matthew but not explained by him.
And why?
Because the Jews were a very materialistic people.
Anything of a spiritual nature was unknown to them because there really was no God in Israel.
There was no personal experience of God because the so-called “religion” of Judaism was (and is) a materialistic con job that falsely claimed that the Laws of Moses and paying tithes at the Temple was the religion.
It was composed of gangs of rabbis and priests pretending to be holy by following the law books of Moses which were invented by the Monsters of Babylon.
With their many frauds, the rabbis were really nothing more than an unholy alliance of moneylenders and demons pretending to be priests while telling lies about God.
The “Tradition of the Elders” was a collection of Oral Laws that the scribes and Pharisees had concocted to further enslave the Jews to their priestly frauds.
Those traditions were passed down from rabbi to son and were later collected into written from in what is today known as the Babylonian Talmud and the less-valid Palestinian Talmud.
Judaism is nothing but a religion of moneylenders and lawyers, the one using religion to hide their wealth and the other using religion to produce their wealth.
So, when the scribes and Pharisees asked Jesus why he and his disciples did not follow the phony laws of Moses, he called them “hypocrites.”
And hypocrites, every Jew is to this very day.
The story of the Canaanite woman illustrates two things:
- That Jesus considered himself to be sent to correct the fallacies and lies of the Jews.
- That belief in God is greater than Judaism.
The Jews pretend that they are the sole inheritors of the so-called “true god of Israel” but like everything else about Judaism, it’s a lie.
This Canaanite woman begged Jesus to relieve her daughter who was being tormented by a devil.
Remember, the people believed that devils could have power over people, therefore, if they thought that a devil was inside of them, then that’s how they behaved.
Jesus ignored the woman’s pleading because she was not a Hebrew Jew.
His message was for the repentance of the evil Jews.
But he granted her request because of her great faith.
Thus, he showed the Jews that faith in God and in the healing power of Jesus, is greater than the rather limited and tiny Jewish conception of God.
Then, Jesus healed more of the:
“lame, the crippled, the blind, the dumb and many others.” (Mat 15:30)
Once again, the “miracle of the loaves” was performed where Jesus shared seven loaves and a few small fish with 4,000 people and still had seven baskets-full left over.
The “miracle” is that people always have enough when they share what they have with each other instead of hoarding it away like greedy Jews or bankers and financiers.