If Judaizers played a major role in the formation and establishment of the Roman Catholic Church, is it possible that Roman Catholicism was a Jewish project from the beginning?
There is, in fact, a long and fascinating history of Jewish infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church which has been nonetheless, and by clever design, perceived as a Gentile institution.
If Roman Catholicism was a project of Cabalist Jews for the purpose of subverting Christianity, it is conceivable that this Judaized Church has functioned for nearly two millennia as a covert branch of Judaism, whose handlers gradually and imperceptibly shifted Western Christendom to more advanced stages of apostasy than was possible during the vigilant period of the early Church when ecumenical councils convened to combat heresy, rather than to embrace it.
At the present time it can be safely stated that the Roman Catholic Church is a merely a front for Judeo-Freemasonry to draw apostate Christendom into the messianic kingdom of the Antichrist.
There is also evidence that many of the pseudo-Christian religions were founded by Kabalist Jews.
The founder of Mormonism, another Judaized version of Christianity, was Joseph Smith, who was a practitioner of Kabala.
Smith surrounded himself with 12 apostles of which his closest colleagues were Jewish Cabalists, Orson Hyde and Alexander Neibaur.
Lance Owens writes in “Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection,”
“That Neibaur brought a knowledge of Kabbalah to Nauvoo has been mentioned in several studies of the period.
For instance, Newel and Avery note in their biography of Emma Smith, ‘Through Alexander Neibaur, Joseph Smith had access to ancient Jewish rites called cabalism…”
Orson Hyde made a trip to Jerusalem in the 1830s to dedicate the restoration of Israel to the Jews.
According to Ivan P. Barrett’s Joseph Smith and the Restoration,
“‘In 1823 only a handful of Jews lived in Palestine, and those who did had no rights under Turkish rule.
The roots of Zionism in the Jewish communities of Europe were barely stirring and the thought of Jews gathering at all was virtually unheard of let alone a return of the Jews to the Land of Palestine.
But from that very time on, the spiritual stirrings of the Zionist movement began in earnest.
God was about to give to special ‘keys’ to modern prophets as he had done with ancient ones; ‘keys’ to move the nations.
In 1831, only a year after the Church was organized by Joseph Smith, another young man with a prophetic call by the name of Orson Hyde, age 26, of Jewish ancestry, was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by the Prophet Joseph.
When Joseph laid his hands on the head of Orson Hyde he gave him a unique blessing where in he prophesied the following:
“In due time thou shalt go to Jerusalem, the land of they fathers, and be a watchman unto the House of Israel; and by thy hands shall the Most High do a great work, which shall prepare the way and greatly facilitate the gathering of that People.” (p. 469)
Charles Taze Russell was the founder of Zion’s Watch Tower magazine in 1879, which evolved into the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), or Pastor Russell, was an American Adventist minister from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and founder of the Bible Student movement. He was an early Christian Zionist.
Russell started out as a Seventh Day Adventist, a cult which observes the Jewish Sabbath, and was an anti-Trinitarian of the Arian school.
According to the Watchtower Observer,
“Russell taught that the Jewish people and nation have a leading role in the Divine Plan for man, and accordingly during the year 1910 he spoke to vast Jewish audiences, comforting them according to the Scripture, Isa. 40:2…
He encouraged them not to join the various churches of today but to wait for the fulfilment of the many Old Testament promises that they would be blessed as a nation.
While they were yet a scattered and dispersed people, he said, upon the basis of these promises, that they would be regathered to Palestine and established as an independent nation.”
Russell was regarded as a “Christian Zionist, often invited to speak before orthodox Jewish groups…
In addition, his views on Zionism have been hailed by the likes of former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and former United Nations Ambassador, Jeane Kirkpatrick.” (CTR: The Truth)
Not content with the destruction of Christianity, the Cabalists have also been busy extinguishing Torah Judaism.
In his 1957 book on the Zionist Movement, titled The Transformation, I. Domb describes
“The shattering situation of contemporary Judaism in which ninety-five percent of the Jewish people have been removed from the way of the Torah.
There has been a spread of heresy in an unparalleled magnitude, in order to avoid any challenge of the process, or perhaps what might be called the suppression of the faith, lest the process be disturbed.”
Domb continues to describe the near extinction of Torah Judaism among world Jewry, a fact of which few Gentiles are aware:
“Some have been completely removed, others still stand on the borderline, and there are indeed others who from every motive of hatred and malice, seek to destroy all that their fathers had cherished.
Even the small minority, of those who have remained loyal to the observance of the Torah in practice, has been disturbed in its way of thought, attacked by a flood of distortion, demoralized, bewildered by errors, falsehoods and slanders.
“The very small section that remains untouched by all these tendencies is not only small but helpless.
It lacks the means of publicity which are required to defend the genuine Torah point of view with clear statement widely distributed.
The result is that the Jewish reader is deprived of the opportunity of finding out how the Torah demands that he should regard his plight and his obligations.
He is thus allowed to fall a victim to opposing claims.
Particularly is this true of those Jews whose reading is more or less confined to the English language.
To their ears fail to find their way even the feeble protests that are made from time to time, from somewhere on the other side.” (The Transformation, Preface)
It is understandable how Cabalist Jews could subvert the faith of their Jewish brethren, but how is such deception on a grand scale possible?
Jews who apostatized from the God of Israel and the Torah into pagan worship of strange gods set about to destroy the monotheistic faiths of Torah Judaism, Christianity and even Islam, about which more will be said later.
These Cabalists were guided by evil spirits and equipped with supernatural powers, by means of the magical arts they studied, to infiltrate and take control of the Gentile institutions.
This modus operandi was described by Edith Starr Miller:
“The obligations and rules of the rite for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud and Schulchan Aruk, but the esoteric teachings of the higher initiates are to be found in the Cabala.
Therein are contained the mysterious rites for evocations, the indications and keys to practices for conjuration of supernatural forces, the science of numbers, astrology, etc.
“The practical application of the Cabalist knowledge is manifested in the use made of it, through the ages, by Jews to gain influence both in the higher spheres of Gentile life and over the masses.
Sovereigns and Popes, both, usually had one or more Jews as astrologers and advisers, and they frequently gave Jews control over their very life by employing them as physicians.
Political power was thus gained by Jews in almost every Gentile country alongside with financial power, since Jewish court-bankers manipulated state funds and taxes.
“Through the ages also, can be followed the spreading power of the sect, and no more awful example of the devastating and destructive power of the penetration of a secret subversive society has ever been witnessed.
“With its B’nai B’rith Supreme Council as the directing head, the sect with its members swarming among all nations has become the sovereign power ruling in the councils of all nations and governing their political, economic, religious and educational policies.” (Occult Theocrasy, p. 76)
During the Middle Ages, the infiltration and conquest of Christendom was achieved by two methods.
The Inquisition, which started in Spain in 1478, forced multitudes of Jews to renounce Judaism and to embrace Catholicism; these “converts” were called Conversos.
Conversos typically went through the motions of the Roman Catholic religion but remained Jews inwardly and practiced their Jewish rites in the privacy of their homes.
Other Jews, called Marranos (swine), feigned conversion to Christianity and practiced Roman Catholicism outwardly, while practicing Judaism, or Cabalism, privately.
A number of Marranos took positions in the clergy.
The motive of Conversos was self-preservation, the Marranos, destruction of the Church and all things Christian.
The result of these parallel operations was the Jewish occupation of the Roman Catholic Church and its transformation into “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”
The King James translation of Revelation 17 describes MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT as the “great whore” and “that great city which sits upon seven mountains” (v.9).
“And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters…
So, he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration…
The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth…
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues…
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”
In this passage, the word “mystery” identifies this entity as a mystery religion.
“Babylon the Great” locates the origin of this mystery religion in ancient Babylon.
“That great city” which sits upon “seven mountains” pinpoints the location of the Great Whore in Rome, which is known historically as the City on Seven Hills.
The only religious system that presently answers to “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT” as described in Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic Church.
Since the Reformation, volumes have been written concerning the enormities of the Catholic Church – the centuries of the Inquisition with its tortures and bloodshed, wars of conquest and genocide, the promulgation of false doctrines and pagan traditions, sexual perversion and abuse within the clergy, not to mention the vast wealth of the Vatican, which has extorted money from widows and orphans to subsidize the lavish lifestyles of the popes and their papal courts, all of whom live like royalty whilst multitudes of their subjects dwell in abject poverty.
Yet by far the worst abuse of the Roman Whore has been its distortion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and withholding the Word of God from “peoples, and multitudes, and nations” many of whom will therefore spend eternity in Hell.
The scandalous deeds of the Great Whore are well-documented facts of history.
What is less well understood is how the Babylonian mysteries found their way into the Church of Rome, thereby meriting God’s assessment as MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT.
This report hopes to demonstrate that the real history of the Roman Catholic Church differs appreciably from the official fabrication circulated by the ubiquitous propaganda mills, which are under the direction of the Jewish power elite.
As I. Domb wrote,
“Those who possess the financial means can through their effective disposal, almost completely predominate over everything and everybody.”
Evidence of infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church by great masses of European Jewry is found in numerous independent sources, of which we shall consider a few starting with portions of The Plot Against the Church.
Typical of Catholic anti-Judaism, the authors fulminate against Jewish infiltration of the Church, but seem blind to the fact that “Holy Catholic Church” was a Judaized form of Christianity from its inception.
“The lasting victory of the Jewish-Freemasonic and Jewish Communist revolution since the end of the 18th century up to our days is…to be attributed to that neither the Holy Catholic Church nor the separated Churches have fought effectively against the ‘Jewish Fifth Column,’ which has smuggled itself into their bosom.
“This ‘Fifth column’ is formed by the descendants of the Jews who in earlier centuries were converted to Christianity and seemingly held in enthusiastic manner to the religion of Christ, while in secret they preserved their Jewish belief and carried out clandestinely the Jewish rites and ceremonies.
For this purpose, they organized themselves into communities and secret synagogues, which were active centuries-long in secret.
These apparent Christians, but secret Jews, began centuries ago to infiltrate the Christian society, in order to attempt to control it from within.
For this reason, they sowed false doctrine and differences of opinion and even attempted to gain control of the clergy in the different churches of Christ.
With all this, they applied the cunning of introducing crypto-Jewish Christians into the seminaries of the priesthood, who could gain admission into the honorary offices in the Holy Catholic Church and then into the dissident churches, upon whose division these secret Jews had so much influence.” (The Plot Against the Church, pp. 235-36)
The priests have alluded to a dialectical operation conducted by crypto-Jews, who sowed false doctrine and differences of opinion in the Church by introducing heresies.
These movements were often highly Judaized, Gnostic movements.
“In the Middle Ages, the Popes and Councils were successful in destroying the Jewish revolutionary movements which appeared within Christianity in the form of false teaching, and which were introduced by seeming Christians but by Jews in secret.
The latter then recruited upright and good Christians for the arising heretical movement by persuading the latter in a crafty way.
“The secret Jews organized and controlled in secret manner the movements, which were the creative and driving force of wicked false teachings, such as those of the ‘Catarensers,’ of the ‘Patarines,’ of the ‘Albignensians,’ of the ‘Hussites,’ of the ‘Illuminati’ and others.” (The Plot Against the Church, p.236)
Crypto-Jews also gained entrance to the highest offices of the Roman Church without being detected, as well as the political and economic institutions of Western Europe.
“The work of these Jews smuggled as ‘Fifth Column’ into the bosom of the Church of Christ was made easier through the hypocritical conversion to Christianity or that of their forefathers.
In addition, they laid aside their Jewish surnames and took on very Christian names, which were embellished with the surnames of their godfathers.
Thus, they were successful in mixing with the Christian society and taking possession of the names of the leading families of:
- France
- Italy
- England
- Spain
- Portugal
- Germany
- Poland
and the other lands of Christian Europe.
With this system, they were successful in penetrating into the bosom of Christianity itself, in order to destroy it from within and to destroy the core of the religious, political and economic institutions…
“…However, what called forth most scandal was the fact, that these secret Jews introduced their sons into the established clergy and monasteries, and in fact with such good result that many of them attained the dignity of abbot, bishop and other leading personages.” (The Plot Against the Church, p.237)
Jewish supremacy over the Gentiles was a direct result of the Cabalists’ infiltration of the Papacy, as well as the nobility of Europe.
However, the Catholic priests do greatly err when they state:
“…Holy Church, every time a heretical or estranged bishop or cardinal or a false pope appeared, regarded it as unavoidable to unmask them publicly, in order to prevent them dragging the faithful into further misfortune.”
(Pinay. p. 253)
To corroborate the Jewish infiltration of the Roman Church, the famous Jewish historian, Cecil Roth (1925-70), was cited by M. Pinay.
Dr. Roth was editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia Judaica and his volume, History of the Marranos, specifically dealt with the phenomenon of crypto-Jewry in medieval Europe.
“In order to prove a part of the facts which were mentioned in the preceding chapter, we fall back upon the evidence of the contemporary Jewish historian, who is very authoritative in his material, the careful and painfully exact Cecil Roth.
The latter is rightly recognized in Israelite circles as the most outstanding contemporary Jewish historical writer, above all upon material of crypto-Jewry.
“In his famed work ‘History of the Marranos,’ Cecil Roth gives very interesting details, of how the Jews, thanks to their equally skilled false conversion, entered Christianity and appeared publicly as Christians, however, secretly held to their Jewish religion.
He also shows us, how this secret belief was passed on by parents to children, covered with the appearance of an outward Christian militancy…:
“‘…The Church admittedly disapproved of compulsory conversion. Baptisms, which were undertaken under such conditions, were regarded as invalid.
Pope Gregory the Great (590-604) repeatedly condemned them, although he gladly received in a friendly and heartfelt way those who were attracted with other means.
The greatest part of his successors followed his example.
Nevertheless, heed was not always paid to the Papal ban.
It was naturally admitted that compulsory conversion was not Canonic.
In order to circumvent it, the Jews were threatened with expulsion or death, and they were given to understand that they would save themselves through baptism.
It occurred at times, that the Jews subjected themselves to a hard necessity.
In such cases their acceptance of Christianity was regarded as spontaneous.
In this manner, a compulsory mass conversion took place in Mahom, Minorca (418) under the Protectorate of Bishop Severo.
A similar episode took place in Clermont (Auvergne)…in the year 576; and in spite of the disapproval of Gregory the Great the example spread into different places in France.
In the year 629 King Dagobert commanded all Jews of the land to accept baptism under threat of banishment.
The measure was imitated a little later in Lombardy.
“‘…after the Jews had been driven out of the south of France, some proud ancestral families, as a result of rumors, carried on Judaism in their homes as residue of the blood of those Jews who preferred to remain as public and confessing Catholics.
“‘…Towards the end of the XIIIth century the Anjou, who ruled Naples, introduced a general conversion of Jews in their neighborhood of the city of Trani.
Under the name new-converts (neophytes) the proselytes continued to live for three hundred years as crypto-Jews.
Their secret loyalty to Judaism was one of the motives for which reason the Inquisition became active in Naples in the 16th century…
Some escaped to the Balkans, where they joined themselves with the existing Jewish communities.
Their descendants in south Italy still preserve some vague memories of Judaism up to the present day.
“‘This phenomenon in no way remained restricted to the Christian world.
In various parts of the Mohammedan world ancient communities of crypt-Jews are found.
The ‘Daggatun’ of the Sahara continued to practice the Jewish belief for a long time after their formal conversion to Islam, and their present sons have still not completely forgotten it.
The ‘Donmeh’ of Salonica originate from the adherents of the pseudo-Messiah Sabbetai Zevi, whom they followed in his rebellion.
Even if they were in public complete Muselmen, they practiced at home a Messianic Judaism.
Further to the east there are still other examples…
“‘In fact the classical land of crypto-Jewry is Spain.
Tradition there has been durable and universal to such an extent that one must raise the suspicion that a Marranian receptivity is present in the atmosphere of the land itself.
Even at the time of the Romans the Jews were numerous and influential.
Many of them asserted that they were descended from the aristocracy of Jerusalem, who had been deported by Titus or by earlier conquerors into banishment.’” (History of the Marranos, pp.236, 240-43)
“In the year 629 King Dagobert commanded all Jews of the land to accept baptism under threat of banishment.”
What Cecil Roth fails to disclose is that King Dagobert was himself a Merovingian Jew.
As the learned editor of the Encyclopedia Judaica, surely Dr. Roth knew this important fact and much more about the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled France, which dominated Europe, from the 5th to the 8th centuries.
Moreover, in this excerpt from Cecil Roth’s volume on the Marranos, brief mention is made that,
“The Anjou, who ruled Naples, introduced a general conversion of Jews,”
while neglecting to state that the House of Anjou were among the most powerful Jewish Merovingian bloodlines which masterminded and funded the Crusades as well as the Renaissance.
Cecil Roth not only omitted to inform his readers of the Jewish ethnicity of these medieval power elites, or even to mention the Merovingian branch of European Jewry, the renowned Jewish historian made the following astonishing statement in another work, The Dark Ages. Jews in Christian Europe 711–1096, which is Vol.11 of The World History of the Jewish People:
“It seemed that they (the Jews) totally disappeared together with the breakdown of the Roman Empire.
However, we don’t find any evidence of their presence until the Carolingian period…
Of course, we know from inscriptions and other sources about Jewish societies and single persons in nearly all provinces of the Roman Empire, and we can reasonably suppose – with or without proof – that there is in fact no district without Jews.” (The Dark Ages. Jews in Christian Europe, London, 1966, pp. 162, 4)
Why would Dr. Roth attempt to conceal the real history of European Jewry from approximately 500-800 A.D.?
He acknowledges their presence but has nothing to say of their business, which was governing Europe!
The reason will become obvious.
The Merovingians became the royalty of Europe, having claimed Jewish descent from King David, King Solomon and, posturing as Christians, from Jesus Christ through Mary Magdalene!
Starting with the first Merovingian king of France, Clovis I, who “converted” to Christianity in 496 A.D. along with his Jewish household and 3,000 of his Jewish warriors, these Jewish monarchs promulgated a heretical version of the gospel.
Clovis (Latin: Chlodovechus; reconstructed Frankish: *Hlōdowig; c. 466 – 27 November 511) was the first king of the Franks to unite all of the Franks under one ruler, changing the form of leadership from a group of petty kings to rule by a single king, and ensuring that the kingship was passed down to his heirs. He is considered to have been the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled the Frankish kingdom for the next two centuries. Clovis is important in the historiography of France as “the first king of what would become France.”
The Merovingian heresy, which is today being reintroduced to through books such as The DaVinci Code (a revival Dr. Roth must have anticipated) goes like this:
“Mary Magdalen has been a critical figure in our story.
The evidence strongly suggests she escaped Israel with the bloodline of Jesus, the heir apparent of the king of the Jews, and the issue of a royal marriage which combined the royal lines of the tribes of Judaea and Benjamin – a merging as well of a patriarchal Judaism and those Jews still honoring the mother Goddess.
She may have also been carrying the true royal blood – the Star Fire, or the ORME being manufactured by the Essenes for their chosen leaders.
“Finding her way to Gaul – where established Jewish communities already existed – the Magdalen…found refuge for her and her treasures.
The bloodline…perpetuated itself, intact and incognito, for some four hundred years – …including dynastic intermarriages not only with other Jewish families but with Romans and Visigoths as well.
And…in the fifth century Jesus’ lineage became allied with the royal line of the Franks, thereby engendering the Merovingian dynasty.
“This would explain the sacred status accorded the Merovingians, the legendary birth of Merovee – child of two fathers, one of them a symbolic marine creature from beyond the sea, a marine creature which, like Jesus, might be equated with a mystical fish – The Fisher King.”
Another Jewish historian, H. Graetz, recorded in History of the Jews a similar forced conversion by Clovis’ father-in-law, Chilperich (523-584 AD), who ruled over Burgundy in the Frankish Kingdom:
“Although King Chilperich was not very favorable to the Catholic clergy, he…also forced the Jews in his kingdom to be baptized, and he personally went to the baptismal font as Pater of the newly converted.
However, he was satisfied with the mere appearance of conversions, and he was not hostile to the Jews, when they continued to celebrate the Sabbath and followed the Jewish Laws.” (The Plot Against the Church, p. 415)
King Dagobert I, the great-great-grandson of Clovis I, followed in his ancestors’ footsteps by compelling the conversion of Jews in 629 A.D., as recorded by the historian Roth.
By forcing Jews to convert, Dagobert set a precedent for future contravention of a ban by Gregory the Great, himself a Merovingian who, as pope, overtly condemned the forced conversion of Jews but failed to enforce the papal ban.
“The Church admittedly disapproved of compulsory conversion… Pope Gregory the Great (590-604) repeatedly condemned them…
Nevertheless, heed was not always paid to the Papal ban…
In order to circumvent it, the Jews were threatened with expulsion or death, and they were given to understand that they would save themselves through baptism…
“In the year 629 King Dagobert commanded all Jews of the land to accept baptism under threat of banishment…
“Towards the end of the XIIIth century the Anjou, who ruled Naples, introduced a general conversion of Jews…
“…Many of them asserted that they were descended from the aristocracy of Jerusalem, who had been deported by Titus or by earlier conquerors into banishment.’” (Cecil Roth, as cited in The Plot Against the Church)
The irony of this charade is that the popes who condemned forced conversions to Christianity, such as Gregory I, and the rulers who compelled the Jews to convert, such as Dagobert and the House of Anjou, were all Merovingian Jews!
The foreseeable consequence of coercing whole populations of Jews to convert to Christianity was massive infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church by European Jewry.
It was from a Catholic expose of the Merovingians titled “The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism” that we learned that Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD), who issued the phony papal ban against compulsory conversions, was a Merovingian:
“Sept. 3 became a day of victory for the Red Movement when he was installed as their pope, for Gregory marks the history of the papacy in that he was the very first ‘MONK’ to become a pope.
Accordingly, when Phocus, a cruel military usurper, murdered Emperor Maurice and his entire family in the most brutal fashion, Gregory sent a letter to Phocus expressing hopes that ‘peace’ was now restored, a letter which served as criticism of him while he lived; another, his wasting of the entire treasury of the church, as waged against him at death.
Butler’s comment that the Mary Magdalene story was received in the West following Gregory the Great now makes sense, since she is central to the Merovingian heresy.”
The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism
It was Pope Gregory the Great who conflated Mary Magdalene and Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, into one person.
In 591 A.D., Gregory declared in a sermon,
“She whom Luke calls the sinful woman, whom John calls Mary [of Bethany], we believe to be the Mary from whom seven devils were ejected according to Mark.”
It then became the official teaching of the Catholic Church that this “Mary,” was also the prostitute who washed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50.
Merging the identities of the women who followed Jesus provided theological support for the Merovingian fabrication of the legendary “wife” of Jesus.
The Jewish historian Roth would have the world believe that the medieval Jews were quietly minding their own business from 500-800 A.D. whilst, in fact, they were managing the affairs of state from the thrones of Europe and the Papacy!
Michael Bradley wrote of their acquired nobility in Holy Grail Across the Atlantic:
“There was a very great ‘Jewish’ component among the Sicambrian Franks/Merovingians and, because they practiced polygamy (another Merovingian peculiarity) they left a great number of offspring.
These aristocratic Merovingian children married into almost all of the noble families of Europe during the 5th, 6th, and 7th centuries.
This has prompted more than one historian to suggest that the foundation of European nobility is Jewish!” (p.180)
M. Pinay observed,
“This vanishing act on the part of Jewry, in order to remain hidden from the eyes of history – to use this fortunately chosen expression of Graetz’s – was always the most dangerous thing in the affair, since they grew from a visible ‘Fifth Column’ into a secret force, an invisible power, which is more difficult to combat as such.” (p.414)
In 679 A.D., the Carolingians, a rival dynasty, arranged for the assassination of Dagobert II (grandson of Dagobert I) and his son, Sigisbert IV.
The Merovingians, however, claim that documents discovered in France testify to the continuation of their lineage in the person of Sigisbert who, they happily report, survived the assassination attempt:
“The Merovingian dynasty continued formally with Thierry IV and Childéric III who was removed in 751 and this was the end of the dynasty.
According to the parchment found by Saunière, and this could be true according to some historians, Sigebert IV escaped and arrived in the Razes on the 17 of January 681 where he took refuge with his grandfather.
Dagobert II had as a second wife Gisèle, the daughter of Béra II the count of Razès.
The Merovingian line included, after Sigebert IV (676-758) also known as the ‘Plant-Ard’ – from whom Mr Plantard took his name!-: Sigebert V (695-768), Bera III (715-771), Guillemon, Bera IV (755-836), Bera V (794-860), Hildéric I and finally Sigebert VI known as ‘Ursus’.” (Official International Knights Templar Website)
In 750 A.D., a document titled “The Donation of Constantine” was discovered which proclaimed that the Pope was Christ’s elected representative on Earth with the power to create kings as his subordinates. (Keep in mind that the Merovingians now controlled the papacy.)
In 751, the provisions of this document, supposedly signed by Constantine, were put into effect by the Vatican, and the pope gave permission to Pepin III, the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, to take the Frankish crown from Dagobert’s nephew, Childeric III.
Pepin became the first Carolingian King of the Franks and was succeeded in 768 by his sons Carloman and Charles I who was later called Charlemagne.
The Merovingian dynasty was terminated in 800 A.D. with the papal coronation of Charlemagne, who became the Holy Roman Emperor.
This would appear to be a coup d’etat removing the Merovingians from power.
However, according to Margaret Starbird, author of The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail,
“…to consolidate his claim to the throne of the Franks, Charlemagne had himself married a Merovingian princess.” (Bear & Co. 1993)
It is indicative of the stranglehold which the Merovingian Jews had on Europe, that Charlemagne and his Carolingian successors married Merovingian wives to guarantee the continuation of their dynasty.“The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism” also notes that the Carolingians’ not only took measures to legitimize themselves as Holy Roman Emperors by taking Merovingian wives, but also claiming descent from Jesus Christ!
“In the [8th] century the Merovingian Dynasty of France was overthrown by the mayors of the Merovingian Palaces, the Carolingians (741).
But Carolingians were also a major part of the Jesus–Magdalene heresy…
They took Merovingian wives to assure that the heretical ‘divine’ bloodline was preserved twofold.
The Carolingian empire became the unholy Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne who became the first Emperor, a huge coup.”
“Dagobert’s Revenge” is the magazine of the Ordo Lapsit Exillis which is dedicated to the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty for world government.
“The title Dagobert’s Revenge signifies not just the vengeance sought by the Merovingians against the Catholic church which betrayed them, but also, in a broader sense, the struggle of all members of the ancient bloodline of the Holy Grail (which goes back, we believe, to the beginnings of civilization), the only bearers of true God-ordained sovereignty, against the forces which, in every age, have attempted to wrest power away from the bloodline merely for the purpose of domination.”
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis claims to be “an invisible college dedicated to the recovery of the Stone that fell from Heaven, called by our ancestors the ‘Grail.’” OLE’s explanation of the Grail should give the reader a clue as to the true origins of the Merovingians.
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” (Isaiah 14:12-14)
Clearly, the Jesus-Mary Magdalene heresy is a subterfuge, for Merovingian claims to divinity point to lineage from another source altogether.
The progenitors of “the ancient bloodline of the Holy Grail which goes back to the beginnings of civilization” were the fallen angels who mated with human women, per Genesis 6:1,2:
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”
According to a Hebrew resource for Navigating the Bible, the sons of God were the,
Nefilim in Hebrew, literally ‘fallen ones.’
They were called this because they were the sons of the fallen angels (Targum Yonathan).”
This demonic ancestry of the Merovingians is explicitly stated on Dagobert’s Revenge in Edouard de Legionnaire’s essay, “The Biological Basis of Elitism and ‘Divine Right’ Rule”:
“The all-important element of the Divine Right is that it comes from God, or ‘the gods’, alternately.
And who were these gods?
Authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Sir Laurence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere are authoritatively convinced that kingship was created by an advanced race of beings called the Anunnaki, also called the Nephilim in the Old Testament.
These were the ones who created the human race and interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste which until this day has still maintained control over the Earth.
These celestial creatures have been variously identified with Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Sprites, Nymphs, Pixies, Angels, Demons, Devils, Witches, Giants, Vampires, Werewolves, and just about every mythical being you can imagine.
Some, like Gardner and Sitchin, claim that they come from another planet.
Others, like de Vere, say that they’re multi-dimensional, or that they’re from the Hollow Earth.”
Source: “The Biological Basis of Elitism and ‘Divine Right’ Rule,” Edouard de Legionnaire
According to The Book of Enoch the Prophet as translated by Richard Laurence,
“The Nephilim are described as descending from Mount Hermon.”
“And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them [handsome and beautiful daughters] and desired them…
And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon.
And they called the mount Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse.” [I Enoch VI.6, vs.1-5]
Source: James H. Charlesworth, Ed., THE OLD TESTAMENT PSEUDEGRAPHA: APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE AND TESTAMENTS, VOL.I, Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1983.
“As recounted in the Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘…..In the days of Jared’, two hundred Watchers ‘descended’ on ‘Ardis’, the summit of Mount Hermon – a mythical location equated with the triple peak of Jebel esh Sheikh (9,200 feet), placed in the most northerly region of ancient Palestine.”
The Dead Sea Scrolls include the earliest version of the Book of Enoch, which was rejected for the canon of Scripture.
The Scrolls were authored by the monastic Essene community of Qumran, believed to be the apostate Tribe of Dan which inherited the pre-flood paganism, Baal worship, of the Canaanites.
The location of the Nephilim’s descent – Mount Hermon, also called Mount Sion – is in the territory of Dan, formerly the land of the Canaanites, in northern Israel.
According to the Atlas of the Bible Lands,
“Part of the tribe of Dan, unable to secure its inheritance, migrated north and captured Laish, renaming it Dan.” (p.8)
“And the coast of the children of Dan went out too little for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.
This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages.” Joshua 19:47-48
“And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Israel: howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the first.” Judges 18:29
The northern area of Palestine at Mt. Hermon happens to be located at the 33º, both latitude and longitude, according to the Paris Zero Meridian (used before the Greenwich International Zero Meridian was established in 1884).
“St Sulpice (d. c.647).
This contemporary of St Dagobert also has his feast day on 17 January.
He was the second Bishop of Bourges, which is on the zero meridian of Paris, like Rennes-les-Bains, and was successful in converting all the Jews of his diocese.
He was the protege of the goldsmith of St Eloi, Grand Vizier of Dagobert I.
The famous seminary and church dedicated to him in Paris contains the obelisk with the copper line down the center marking the exact point of the meridian.
St Sulpice, in the grounds of St Germain-des-Pres (qv), had connections with the Prieure from its foundation in 1642.” [Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin, Arkana, 1985, p.110.]
The Zero Meridian is the 33rd degree longitude.
We suspected for some time that monasteries were often fronts for occult as well as homosexual activity.
“The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism” confirmed our suspicions that many Catholic religious communities were steeped in Gnostic occultism (à la Anne Catherine Emmerich) and that these Gnostic “cults” were points of entry for the Merovingians to accede to the Papacy.
St. Gregory the Great was the first of fifty Benedictine monks who would become the pope:
“The Merovingian Franks (450-741) built monasteries as a means of infiltration…for Merovingian monasteries later became Benedictine/ Cistercians…
Pope Gregory the Great…promoted Benedictine monasticism.
His feast day is the day he became pope, September 3 [590 AD].
This was accomplished by the infiltration of the Church, for Gregory was part of that infiltration.
Sept. 3 became a day of victory for the Red Movement when he was installed as their pope, for Gregory marks the history of the papacy in that he was the very first ‘MONK’ to become a pope.”
The origins of monasticism are to be found in Egypt.
Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek Neo-Platonist name for the Egyptian god, Thoth, was the founder of alchemy and geometry and the prototype of the “hermit.”
In the philosophy of Plato and the Neoplatonists, spirituality increased in relation to contempt for earthly values.
Source: Gardner, Laurence. BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL; Element Books, 1996.
Christian eremitical beliefs were borrowed from the Jewish eremitical Essenes and Therapeutae.
Philo of the Therapeutae taught Pantaenus, who founded the Alexandrian Catechetical School where he trained Clement, who became his successor in 180 A.D.
Clement, in turn, trained Origen, who succeeded him as director of the Catechetical School in 202 A.D.
The famous Egyptian hermit, St. Anthony the Great (251-356 AD), was the founder of Eastern monasticism and mystery religions schools, as well as the most influential figure in the development of pre-Benedictine monasticism.
In the 4th century, monasticism was transported to Europe by St. Athanasius (296-373 AD), the Bishop of Alexandria, who was profoundly influenced by St. Antony.
“Antony of Egypt (251-356): ascetic Brother of the sun-god and founder of Eastern monasticism. Demons permeate his legend.
He passed one of his sheepskin cloaks to Athanasius, spiritual head of desert hermits and Ethiopia, Bishop of Alexandria, father of Orthodoxy.
Athanasius had likewise given his cloak to Antony and subsequently wrote Antony’s biography, just as Gregory later wrote that of Benedict.
Antony’s feast day, Jan.17, would become sacred to the Merovingians and their Sion Organization, which convents were historically convened Jan.17 in honor of Antony’s success at infiltrating the Christian world.
Antony’s remains would come to rest in Vienne France…
It was Athanasius who introduced monasticism to the Romans and Germans…
“The rule of St. Columbanus and of Benedict in Europe were developed into major monastic communities by the Merovingians who provided not only the monasteries themselves, but charters granting them complete exemption from episcopal and secular intervention, making them fully and completely autonomous.
Merovingians of ancient Egypt had thus assured the continuity of Egyptian error.
Gibbons hits the nail on the head when he writes, ‘Swarms of monks arose from the Nile, overspread and darkened the Christian world’.
‘Saints Who History Made’ p. 82”
Athanasius is known as the “Father of orthodoxy” and the “theological center of the Nicene age” (Schaff).
As the famous opponent of the Arian heresy, Athanasius valiantly defended the divinity of Jesus Christ. However, he also taught that the Incarnation of the Word “divinized” human flesh, making it possible for men to become “gods.”
“God became man that men might become gods,”
wrote Athanasius.
Arianism was condemned and Arius, a Jew, was excommunicated at the Council of Nicea in 321 A.D.
Although Athanasius led the bishops to contend for the faith as to the person of Jesus Christ, it was at this ecumenical council that celibacy became a requirement for Christian leaders, as stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Other traditions of the Roman Catholic Church were adopted from Egyptian monasticism under the leadership of Athanasius, such as the following mentioned in David Brake’s book, Athanasius and Asceticism:
1. Virgins
Regarded exclusively as the “Bride of Christ”
Deification of virgins led to the Blessed ‘Virgin’ Mary
Virgin Mary was the model for virgins
Convents established
Vow of Silence
Formal vow of celibacy
Inheritances given to the Roman Church
Changed the name given by parents
Pilgrimages to Holy Land; venerated sacred sites and mystical caves
Adopted Greek/Latin ideal: wives silent, submissive
Bishops/priests were earthly representatives of virgins’ Heavenly Bridegroom
2. Monks
Appointed as bishops
Established monastic communities as part of Church under authority of bishops
Status/title of ‘father’/ abbas [597:84]; Abbas received visions/revelations inspired by God
Pre-incarnation virgins – Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist
3. Parish churches
4. Sacraments
5. Imitation of Saints
6. Lent/ascetic program
7. Priesthood
8. Easter celebration
9. Martyr shrines
10. Salvation by works
It is conceivable that the Council of Nicea, subsequent ecumenical councils, and the controversies leading to them were part of the dialectical process to remove Christianity off its Scriptural base.
Introduce a heresy (antithesis) to challenge a Biblical truth (thesis) and stage an ecumenical council (synthesis) to bring in another heresy.
The Nestorian controversy revolved around the issue of whether Mary was the “Mother of God” (Theotokos) or the “Mother of Christ” (Christotokos) as stated by Nestorius.
At the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., Nestorius was condemned, and Mary was declared to be the “Mother of God.”
Of interest, Ephesus was a center of goddess-worship where the Essenes had established their school.
In 1070 A.D., a group of monks from Calabria, the southernmost region of Italy, relocated to France to territory owned by one Godfroi de Vere de Bouillon, of the House of Vere, senior branch of the House of Anjou.
(Recall Cecil Roth’s statement that the Anjou who ruled Naples in the 13th century compelled the conversion of Jews to Roman Catholicism.)
The Calabrian monks, who called themselves the Ordre de Sion, were given a tract of land owned by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the founder of the Cistercian Order and author of the Rule of the Knights Templar.
St. Bernard was of the Merovingian line of Champagne, which funded the Cistercians.
“The ‘Prieuré documents’ imply that…an abbey existed by 1100 and housed an order of the…name [Ordre de Sion] which may have been formed earlier…
It is known that in 1070, twenty-nine years before the First Crusade, a specific band of monks from Calabria in southern Italy arrived in the vicinity of the Ardennes Forrest, part of Godfroi de Bouillon’s domains.
According to Gérard de Sède this band of monks was led by an individual called Ursus – a name the ‘Prieuré documents’ consistently associate with the Merovingian bloodline… [A]t Orval, not far from Stenay, where Dagobert II had been assassinated some five hundred years earlier…an abbey was established to house the monks…
By 1108 they had mysteriously disappeared…
Orval, by 1131, had become one of the fiefs owned by Saint Bernard…” (pp.13)
It is noteworthy that Calabria would also be the home of Joachim of Fiore (c.1135-1202), another Cistercian monk and heretic who predicted a future era of the Holy Spirit which would be marked by increased spiritual intelligence and a new religious order which would convert both Jews and Gentiles to Christianity:
William Gentz stated in The Dictionary of Bible and Religion,
“Ushered in by monastics, the Age of the Spirit would bring the conversion of the Jews and Gentiles, union of the Greek and Roman churches, overthrow of Antichrist and inauguration of the Sabbath of God.” (p.530)
Joachim envisioned a third age when “the world would be one vast monastery, in which all men would be contemplative monks rapt in mystical ecstasy and united in singing the praises of God.” (Norman Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium, pp. 108-9)
According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Ordre de Sion of the Calabrian monks became the Prieuré de Sion and this society had its origins in the Alexandrian Society of Ormus.
“Prieuré” is the French form of “priory” which is a monastery or “religious house presided over by a prior or prioress; sometimes an offshoot of, and subordinate to, an abbey…” (Webster):
“In 1188 the Ordre de Sion is…said to have modified its name, adopting the one which has allegedly obtained to the present – the Prieuré de Sion.
As a kind of subtitle, it is said to have adopted the curious name ‘Ormus.’ …
“…According to Masonic teachings, Ormus was the name of an Egyptian sage and mystic, a Gnostic ‘adept’ of Alexandria…
In A.D. 46 he and six of his followers were supposedly converted to a form of Christianity by one of Jesus’ disciples, Saint Mark in most accounts.
From this conversion a new sect or order is said to have been born, which fused the tenets of Christianity with the teachings of other, even older mystery schools…
“According to Masonic tradition, in A.D. 46 Ormus is said to have conferred on his newly constituted ‘order of initiates’ a specific identifying symbol – a red or a rose cross… in [the] ‘Prieuré documents’…
One is intended to see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians.
And in 1188 the Prieuré de Sion is said to have adopted a second subtitle in addition to Ormus.
It is said to have called itself L’Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas…” (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, pp. 122-3)
It was established in Part I that the Society of Ormus was founded circa 96 B.C. in Alexandria by Jewish monks. According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail and various other New Age sources, the Prieuré de Sion is the high cabal of the Order of the Rose Croix in Europe.
The origins of the Prieuré de Sion in the monastic Society of Ormus are also documented in Michael Howard’s Occult Conspiracy:
“The foundation of the Priory can be traced back allegedly to the gnostic adept Ormus who lived in the first century C.E….
He formed a secret society which united esoteric Christianity with the teachings of the pagan mystery schools.
Ormus adopted as his symbol a cross surmounted by a rose to signify the synthesis of the new and old religions.
…Ormus, the legendary first century founder of the secret society which became the Priory of Sion lived in Alexandria.” (Occult Conspiracy, pp.31, 142)
Recently there has been an elaborate attempt to conceal the antiquity of the Prieuré de Sion which is revealed in New Age books to be the august body that oversees all other secret societies from its headquarters in Paris.
For obvious reasons, this information was not intended to reach the Christian community which is slated for boat loads of disinformation instead.
The occult underground, by virtue of the fact that occultists read New Age books, were alone meant to be privy to the existence of the Prieuré de Sion and to the nature of its mission.
It may never have occurred to the conspirators that Christians might read New Age books and equipped with knowledge of Bible prophecy, be able to assemble the pieces of end-time puzzle.
This unforeseen exposure of the Prieuré de Sion as the high cabal of secret societies – whose Grand Master will be the Antichrist – has occasioned a number of damage control measures, from Paul Smith’s website debunking the late Grand Master, Pierre Plantard, as a ‘nobody’ with delusions of grandeur, to a spate of “Christian” books which pretend to expose The Da Vinci Code.
The Real Historical Origin of The Priory of Sion
This popular novel goes into some detail about the Priory of Zion, its medieval history and continuation as the present day Prieuré de Sion in Paris, as well as extolling the pedigree of the Plantard de Saint-Claire bloodline.
The so-called “Christian” apologetics resources which feign exposing The Da Vinci Code argue against the Dan Brown’s thesis by claiming that the Prieuré de Sion was “just a small club of friends” founded in 1956 by Pierre Plantard, which fizzled around 1984, and had no connection whatsoever with the medieval Prieuré de Sion that created the Order of the Knights Templar.
If it is the case that the Plantard de Saint-Claire bloodline and the Prieuré de Sion are of no consequence, then why the plethora of New Age books conditioning the public for their imminent appearance on the world stage?
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, The Messianic Legacy and The Da Vinci Code are not journalistic flops but best-sellers on the global market.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail has sold over 20,000 copies and The Da Vinci Code, which has been on the best-seller list for one year, has sold 5 million copies.
Moreover, The Da Vinci Code will be released next year as a movie directed by Ron Howard.
If Pierre Plantard de Saint-Claire was a charlatan, his lineage a bunch of pretenders, and the Prieuré de Sion a fabrication, why are millions of $$$ being expended by the mainstream media to educate the public as to their singular importance?
These New Age sources have much more to say about the Prieuré de Sion which is not intended for Christian readers, lest, with their knowledge of Bible prophecy, they also figure out the Big Jigsaw.
According to The Messianic Legacy, by the famous authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Prieuré de Sion, in concert with the Knights of Malta, are leaders of global:
- politics
- finance
- religion
and intelligence.
“The French press, in a brief article on M. Plantard’s election as Grand Master in 1981 had stated that ‘the 121 high dignitaries of the Prieuré de Sion are all eminences grises of high finance and international political or philosophical organizations.’
Something very similar could clearly be said about the Knights of Malta.
By virtue of their intrinsic natures, both Orders could be expected to function in much the same sphere, the twilight underworld where politics, finance, religion and the work of various intelligence organizations converge.”
Source: Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. THE MESSIANIC LEGACY, Dell Publishing, 1986.
According the Laurence Gardner’s Bloodline of the Holy Grail, the primary goal of the Prieuré de Sion was, and is, to reestablish the Merovingian bloodline as the royalty of Europe.
“During this crusading era, various knightly Orders merged, including the Ordre de Sion (Order of Sion) [aka Prieuré de Sion] founded by Godefroi de Bouillon in 1099…
“From 1188, the Order of Sion had been restructured, and evolved to pursue a more specific course of loyalty to the Merovingian lineage of France.
The Templars, on the other hand, were especially concerned with supporting the emergent Stewart succession.
In practice, the two operated in close association because they were essentially concerned with the same root bloodline”
Source: Gardner, Laurence. BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL; Element Books, 1996.
Another piece of the jigsaw is that the Grand Masters of the Prieuré de Sion changed their surnames to obscure their Jewish origins.
For example, Jeroboam Rothschild was a member of this secret cabal.
“Not all members of the Prieuré de Sion, [Jean Luc Chaumeil] said, were Jewish.
This implication of this apparent non sequitor is obvious — that some members of the order, if not indeed many, are Jewish.” (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 223)
“The Prieuré de Sion – the Elders of Sion also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a Jewish council of Elders of Sion…
For instance, Armstrong, the Rothschild Trust, p. 196,
‘That is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret Elders of Zion.’”
Source: Springmeier, Fritz, THE TOP 13 ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES, Portland, OR: Fritz Springmeier, 1995
“The British Round Table group served at the [Paris Peace] conference as advisers to Prime Minister David Lloyd George. [The real behind- the-scene experts at the Paris conference included M. (Georges) Mandel (real name Jeroboam Rothschild) (France), Phillip Sassoon (1888-1939) (England) and Bernard Baruch (U.S.).]”
Source: Samuelson, Eric, “Mystery Man: George Louis Beer,”
“Russell Barnes…wrote: ‘Some years ago I was in contact with the author Sinclair Traill… He wore a sturdy gold ring…[with] an unusual motif which at first glance appeared to be a ‘column’. He said the ring and its motif were associated historically with his Sinclair [St. Clair] forbearers, a name preserved by use as his Christian name.”
The Prieuré de Sion was created and has been directed by individuals related to the Saint-Claire bloodline.
“Through marriage the family of Marie Levis St. Claire was connected to the de Gisors, the family from which the first and third grand masters of the Prieuré de Sion came.
Without question, Prieuré de Sion was created and run by individuals related to the St. Claires.
The third grand master was in charge in the year that the Templars were ordered arrested and the treasure fleet set sail for Scotland to escape the agents of the French king.
Did one St. Claire (from France) correspond with another Sinclair (from Scotland) for this express purpose?
Most likely the answer is yes.”
“Their domain [the Sinclair family–Scottish branch of the Norman Saint-Clair Gisors family] at Rosslyn was only a few miles from the former Scottish headquarters of the Knights Templar, and the chapel at Rosslyn–built between 1446 and 1486–has long been associated with both Freemasonry and the Rose-Croix.
In a charter believed to date from 1601, moreover, the Sinclairs are recognized as ‘hereditary’ grand masters of Scottish Masonry.’
This is the earliest specifically Masonic document on record. According to Masonic sources, however, the hereditary grand mastership was conferred on the Sinclairs by James II, who ruled between 1437 and 1460–the age of René d’Anjou.”
Source: Robinson, James M, Editor. THE NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY HarperSanFrancisco, 1990.
“In the Dossiers secrets the following individuals are listed as successive grand masters of the Prieuré de Sion–or, to use the official term, Nautonnier, an old French word that means ‘navigator’…
- Jean de Gisors (1188-1220)
- Marie de Saint-Clair (1220-1266)
- Guillaume de Gisors (1266-1307)
- Edouard de Bar (1307-1336)
- Jeanne de Bar (1336-1351)
- Jean de Saint-Clair (1351-1366)
- Blanche d’Evreaux (1366-1398)
- Nicholas Flamel (1398-1418)
- Rene d’Anjou (1418-1480)
- Iolande de Bar (1480-1483)
- Sandro Filipepi (1483-1510)
- Leonaro da Vinci (1510-1519)
- Connétable de Bourbon (1519-1527)
- Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527-1575)
- Louis de Nevers (1575-1595)
- Robert Fludd (1595-1637)
- J. Valentin Andrea (1637-1654)
- Robert Boyle (1654-1691)
- Isaac Newton (1691-1727)
- Charles Radclyffe (1727-1746)
- Charles de Lorraine (1746-1780)
- Maximillian de Lorraine (1780-1801)
- Charles Nodier (1801-1844)
- Victor Hugo (1844-1885)
- Claude Debussy (1885-1918)
- Jean Cocteau (1918-1963)
- Gaylord Freeman (1963-1981)
- Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair (1981-1984/8)
- Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair (1989- )
Saint-Clair means ‘holy light’ (Shekinah).
For evidence of the supreme importance of the Prieuré de Sion as the high cabal of secret societies, whose present Grand Master, Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair is the Merovingian Antichrist, please see our report, The False Gospel in the Stars or, the condensed version of this series, The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline of the Antichrist.
Given the historical and geographical background of the Prieuré de Sion, it becomes apparent why the Merovingian dynasty had a vested interest in the reconquest of the Holy Land.
To this end, by the close of the first millennium, the Merovingian dynasty had strategically positioned its network of crypto-Jewry to mobilize all of Europe for the long march to the Middle East.
Most interesting of all, Pope Urban II, who launched the First Crusade in 1099, was of Merovingian, i.e. Jewish, descent and the 6th French Merovingian pope!
Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope.
Urban was of the ‘Eudes’ family… [grandson] of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona…
Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania…
“It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King.
Thence their own kings ruled as: ‘seed of the Royal House of David’, each acknowledged as ‘King of the Jews’…” (“Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism”)
The Second Messiah: Templars, The Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry, by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, has identified some of the Jewish families who conspired with the Merovingian pope to plunder the Holy Land.
According to Knight and Lomas, these Jewish elites, who regarded themselves as “the kings of God,” were the driving force behind every Crusade, which is quite an admission considering that the later Crusades were directed against the Cathar Jews in the Languedoc.
“The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from the Jewish lines of David and Aaron, who had escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possible even just after, the fall of the Temple.
They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed within the Temple to a chosen son… of each family.
Some of the families involved were the:
- Counts of Champagne
- Lords of Gisors
- Lords of Payen
- Counts of Fontaine
- Counts of Anjou de Bouillon
- St. Clairs of Roslin
- Brienne
- Joinville
- Chaumont
- St Clair de Gisor
- St Clair de Neg
and the Hapsburgs…
“By 1095, the members of the Rex Deus families group were almost certainly fully Christianized, yet each of them must have had at least one male member who held the traditional history of their high-born Jewish roots close to his heart.
No doubt they saw themselves as ‘super-Christians’, descendants of the very first Church, and privy to the greatest secret this side of heaven.
They were a silent elite – ‘the kings of God’.
“Indeed, the history books record that [Urban II’s] leadership marked the papacy’s assumption of the leadership of Western Christendom…
“If the Rex Deus group did exist, it is easy to see how the First Crusade provided these families with a ‘God-given’ opportunity to return to their Holy Temple to recover the treasure that was their birthright – and it would be done at exactly the same time that the Jewish writer of the Gospel of John the Divine had predicted!
The Rex Deus families were at the forefront of the First, and every Crusade.
Medieval scholars have long wondered why it should be that the same families drove all of the Crusades for their entire duration, and now we had a possible answer.” (p.79)
“It is suggested that at some period prior to 1128, Hughes De Payen wrote to Bernard, later St Bernard of Clairvaux, by this time the leading light in the Cistercian Order and a force to be reckoned with in the Catholic Church.
Hughes is supposed to have asked St Bernard if he would consider sponsoring the embryonic Order and perhaps create a ‘Rule’ for what would be essentially an institution of Holy Knights.
It is extremely unlikely that St Bernard would have needed to be approached officially by Hughes, who was almost certainly known to the little man from Dijon and may indeed have been a kinsman.
A much more likely scenario is that the shadowy group of Champagne based nobles who were almost certainly responsible for the formation of the Cistercian Order some years previously, had mooted the idea of the Templars at least as early as 1118.
It is suggested that documents found in Seborga in Northern Italy virtually prove that St Bernard at least had a direct hand in forming the Templars.
“…there is no doubt that, in one way or another, Bernard of Clairvaux, the shining star of monasticism, was prevailed upon to take the embryonic Templar Order under his wing, to regularize it and to seek an official recognition by the Pope.
In preparation for the event, Bernard penned a long document entitled ‘In Praise of the New Knighthood’.
This was a sort of open letter that justified the existence of a group of monks whose only real existence was to fight and kill others – something that flew directly in the face of all monastic endeavor…
Bernard…not only managed to convince many of his fellow monks that this was an excellent idea, but also the Pope.
“…it is a fact that the Pope convened a council in Troyes, the capital city of Champagne, in the year 1128… the Council was being held in the heartland of Champagne, only a few miles from Bernard’s own flourishing abbey of Clairvaux.
The Pope simply could not avoid listening to what Bernard had to say without directly insulting the Count of Champagne.
… Bernard had been busy converting the rule of St Benedict, already adapted for the Cistercians themselves, to a form that would fit the Templar Order.
By the time the Pope sat down to convene the Council of Troyes, he was faced with a fete acomplee.
He simply could not risk offending the rulers of Champagne, who were also blood tied to the kings of Jerusalem…
“As Bernard of Clairvaux was to do on many occasions during his life, he had ‘stitched up’ the papacy, ensuring that the Templars would not simply exist, but that they would be headed by factions drawn directly from Champagne and from his own family.
The rest, as they say, is history.
When Honorius II died in 1130, against all the odds, Bernard managed to have Gregorio Papereschi, a man with a dubious claim at best, elected as Pope Innocent II.
This Pope, and his successors, was deep in debt to Bernard, who left no stone unturned to have more and more papal declarations made to consolidate and promote the Templar Order.
However, the Council of Troyes of 1128 was the turning point of early Templar fortunes and could be considered amongst St Bernard of Clairvaux’s greatest victories.”
The Council of Troyes – Templar History
After the First Crusade, the Knights of the Order of the Temple were officially recognized and incorporated as a religious-military order under a Grand Master, Hugues de Payen.
By decree of Pope Innocent II, the Knights Templar were accountable to no one except the Pope, who was typically a Merovingian.
The Knights Templar occupied the Holy Land until the Saracens recaptured Jerusalem 1187.
In 1188, the Knights Templar and the Ordre de Sion allegedly separated, the latter changing its name to the Prieuré de Sion.
In the next two hundred years, the Templars would become the Jewish bankers of Europe, a powerful network with international influence.
“Pope Innocent II, a former protégé of Saint Bernard, issued a papal bull in 1139, which stated that the Templars owed no allegiance to any secular or ecclesiastical power other than the Pope himself.
In this way, the Templars were rendered totally independent of all:
- kings
- princes
- prelates
and from all interference from both political and religious authorities.
They became, in effect, a law unto themselves.
At the same time, Europe’s younger sons of noble families flocked to enroll in the order’s ranks and vast donations – in money, goods, and land – were made from every quarter of Christendom.
Eventually, the Templars became so wealthy that they could lend vast sums of money to destitute monarchs and became the international bankers for thrones in Europe and certain Muslim potentates in the Middle East.”
After their removal from the Holy Land, c. 1200, many Templars relocated to the South of France, in the Languedoc where they claim Mary Magdalene and her children settled.
The Cathars of the Languedoc were the major Gnostic cult from the 11th to the 13th centuries.
In the Languedoc they were called Albigenses because the town of Albi was a main center of Catharism.
The Cathars/ Albigenses worshipped Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus Christ, whose descendants they claimed to be.
They believed in reincarnation and the dualist heresy of the Manicheans, i.e. that the creator and master of this world was an Evil Demiurge (Satan) and that the souls of angels were incarnated in human bodies.
The Cathars also believed that the Grail was a jewel or stone that fell from the crown of Lucifer, whom they worship as the true God, as opposed to the Evil Demiurge who is “Satan.”
The organization which publishes Dagobert’s Revenge is an “invisible college” called Ordo Lapsit Exillis which means “The Stone That Fell from Heaven” referring to Lucifer rebellion against the Evil Demiurge:
“The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment – of the descent of divine light form the mind of God into the mind of Man.
As such it symbolizes Venus, the Morning Star, as well as the Luciferian doctrine of the initiates, the secret knowledge which men are not allowed, and which Lucifer’s angels were cast from Heaven for sharing with man.
In Freemasonry, this is symbolized as the Blazing Star, which is often depicted as falling from Heaven.
As Albert Pike writes in Morals and Dogma, The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun.
Masons also represent the Lapsit Exillis as the Stone that was rejected – the secret cornerstone of Solomon’s Temple which symbolizes the core of their teachings.”
According to Pinay, the Cathari/Albigenses operated as crypto-Jews who led heretical movements throughout Europe.
“…Jewish revolutionary movements which appeared within Christianity in the form of false teaching and which were introduced by seeming Christians but by Jews in secret.
The latter then recruited upright and good Christians for the arising heretical movement by persuading the latter in a crafty way.
“The secret Jews organized and controlled in secret manner the movements, which were the creative and driving-force of wicked false teachings, such as those of the ‘Catarensers,’ of the ‘Patarines,’ of the ‘Albignensians,’ of the ‘Hussites,’ of the ‘Illuminati’ and others.” (p. 238)
The Cathar/Albigensian cults, whose counterparts in southeastern Europe were the Bogomils and the Paulicians in the Near East, have been reimaged by various pseudo-Christian ministries the “true Christians” who were untenably persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church.
Not that God ever sanctioned burning heretics at the stake, nevertheless, any good encyclopedia will furnish copious evidence of the damnable heresies and occult traditions of these Gnostic cults.
Although Maurice Pinay inveighed lengthily against Jewish infiltration of the Catholic clergy, it seems never to have occurred to him that these Jews may have been “agents provocateur” who recruited “upright and good Christians” into heretical movements which their Marrano brethren in the Vatican then brutally suppressed, thereby giving Christianity a reputation for aggression and violence and bringing undeserved reproach upon the name of Jesus Christ, who preached nonviolence.
Nor did M. Pinay seem to realize that, in many cases, the kings and clergy who compelled Jews to convert were themselves Jews who planned to infiltrate the Church in order to divide and conquer Christianity.
At any rate, a major theme of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” is a conspiracy to sow discord among the Gentiles and the conspirators know very well that very few are immune to the dialectical process.
Maurice Pinay was not one of them, for he typically perceived the evil of only one side of what appears to have been a controlled conflict, that is, both sides directed by the same conspirators.
In 1209, Pope Innocent III launched the Albigensian Crusade, at first to convert, but eventually to eradicate the Cathars in the Languedoc.
The Albigensian Crusade was succession of campaigns which lasted for a period of 40 years, turning the Languedoc into a war zone.
In 1244, the final siege at Montségur lasted one year, during which time the Cathar and/or Templar wealth was secretly removed to an undisclosed location.
Like Mount Hermon/Sion, Montsegur is important as a “sacred site” leading to the underworld and, in fact, was regarded by the Merovingians as a New Sion.
According to Tracy Twyman, the editor of Dagobert’s Revenge and author of “Le Serpent Rouge Reinterpreted,” the center of the earth (aka “Hell”) is the waiting place of the ancient gods, whom apostate Jews venerate as the Biblical patriarchs:
“Hercules would seem to have much in common with Saturn, or Kronos, the Cain figure of Roman and Greek mythology who was also a navigator, and who in some Greek myths is said to have been a consort of Venus, and in others has a different familial relationship with her.
Their relationship is similar to that between Virgo and Mercury, who has a legend surrounding his tomb as well that echoes that of Venus, Kronos, Osiris, Christian Rosenkreutz, and a number of figures throughout world mythology that seem to embody the same mythos – that of the Sun god who dies and is reborn as his own son.
They are all said to be buried in a tomb that is, symbolically or otherwise, at the ‘center of the Earth’, which is ‘lit by an inner sun’, and which is covered with hieroglyphic writing.
And the Tomb of Hercules, which is a cave that actually exists in Montsegur nearby Rennes-le-Chateau, is indeed covered with hieroglyphic symbols.
This hearkens back to the Tower of Babel, that symbol of the first universal language, and of the World Mountain…“Perhaps this is what is symbolized by the ruined Temple of Solomon, referred to repeatedly in the poem Le Serpent Rouge, and throughout the Grail literature.
The Temple of Solomon, like the Towel of Babel and the Giza pyramids, is meant to symbolize the World Mountain in the center of the Earth.
But it is built on Mt Zion, which, Jews believe, really is the World Mountain, and the ‘Cave of Treasures’ which is the burial place of all of the Biblical patriarchs – every one of them based upon ancient gods such as Kronos and Venus.
Montsegur is the World Mountain in this version of the story, a New Sion, and the mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau are the temple erected to it – just like the Temple of Solomon that was erected on Mt Sion, or, like the Grail castle was erected upon Montsalveche, ‘The Mountain of Salvation’, very similar in meaning to the ‘Secure Mountain’ title of Montsegur.”
Ordo Lapsit Exillis | Per Angusta ad Augusta
The Cathars were exterminated in 1245, but the Knights Templar…
“In 1306, Philippe IV of France, was acutely anxious to rid his territory of the Templars, who were, at their best, arrogant and unruly.
But for Philippe, the Templars were also efficient and highly trained, a professional military force much stronger and better organized than anything Philippe IV could muster.
Philippe had no control over them, as their allegiance was only to the Pope, and even the latter was only a nominal allegiance.”
On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France, through a Papal Order of Pope Clement V, called for the arrest of every Templar in France on charges of heresy and blasphemy and the confiscation of Templar property in France. King Philip had good reason for ridding his territory of Templars.
The “Poor Knights of Christ” had become a criminal element who, as international bankers had power to orchestrate the rise and fall of monarchs and popes.
The decree was extended to all of Europe.
During this period of persecution, many Templars fled to Scotland. Meanwhile, back in France, the Prieuré de Sion was still intact and fully operational, albeit clandestinely, under a succession of Grand Masters all claiming to be Jewish descendants of Jesus Christ.
But whatever became of the Templar wealth?
Albert Pike disclosed in Morals & Dogma, not only the heirs of the Templars, but also the high cabal’s motive for downsizing the Order:
“The seeds of decay were sown in the Order of the Temple at its origin.
Hypocrisy is a mortal disease.
It had conceived a great work which it was incapable of executing, because it knew neither humility nor personal abnegation, because Rome was then invincible, and because the later Chiefs of the Order did not comprehend its mission.
Moreover, the Templars were in general uneducated, and capable only of wielding the sword, with no qualifications for governing, and at need enchaining, that Queen of the World called Opinion…
“Hugues de Payens himself had not that keen and far-sighted intellect nor that grandeur of purpose which afterward distinguished the military founder of another soldiery that became formidable to kings.
The Templars were unintelligent and therefore unsuccessful Jesuits.
“Their watchword was to become wealthy, in order to buy the world.
They became so, and in 1312 they possessed in Europe alone more than nine thousand seignories.
Riches were the shoal on which they were wrecked.
They became insolent, and unwisely showed their contempt for the religious and social institutions which they aimed to overthrow.
Their ambition was fatal to them.
Their projects were divined and prevented…
Pope Clement V, and King Philip le Bel gave the signal to Europe, and the Templars, taken as it were in an immense net, were arrested, disarmed, and cast into prison.
Never was a Coup d’ Etat accomplished with a more formidable concert of action.
The whole world was struck with stupor, and eagerly waited for the strange revelations of a process that was to echo through so many ages.” (p. 820)
The Cathars – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
At this point we turn to Pastor John S. Torell of the European American Evangelistic Crusades, who elucidates the development of the Illuminati with greater accuracy than the “authorized version” which places the origin of this high cabal late in history – in 1776 with Adam Weishaupt’s organization.
July 1999 – How the World Government Rules the Nations
Do not miss Rev. Torell’s statement that the Marrano families survived in Inquisition and are among us today, which may account for the fabricated Illuminati history that circulates.
“The first known Illuminati order (Alumbrado) was founded in 1492 by Spanish Jews, called ‘Marranos,’ who were also known as ‘crypto-Jews.’
With violent persecution in Spain and Portugal beginning in 1391, hundreds of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.
Publicly they were now Roman Catholics, but secretly they practiced Judaism, including following the Talmud and the Cabala.
The Marranos were able to teach their children secretly about Judaism, but in particular the Talmud and the Cabala, and this huge group of Jews has survived to this very day.
After 1540 many Marranos opted to flee to England, Holland, France, the Ottoman empire (Turkey), Brazil and other places in South and Central America.
The Marranos kept strong family ties and they became very wealthy and influential in the nations where they lived.
But as is the custom with all Jewish people, it did not matter in what nation they lived, their loyalty was to themselves and Judaism.” (How the World Government Rules the Nations)
In 1492, Spanish Roman Catholics also expelled the last of the Muslims and Jews from Spain.
The reason for the Spanish Inquisition is buried under a mile high pile of propaganda remonstrating against the anti-Semitism of the Church.
From 1000 to 1200 A.D., the magical/mystical system known as Cabala was developed mainly by Sephardi (African) Jews, especially in Spain.
The Inquisition was not directed against the Jews for practicing Torah Judaism, but for criminal activities connected with the Talmud and Cabala – even ritual human sacrifice and Tantric sex magick, for the Talmud directs Jews to exterminate Christians and the Cabala contains erotic elements.
Also in 1492, Christopher Columbus was funded by Jews to explore the New World in search of a homeland for their “persecuted” brethren.
On August 2 (the Druid feast of Lugnasha) in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World, sponsored by Leonardo da Vinci (Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1510-1519) and funded by wealthy Merovingian families like the Medici of Italy.
According to Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard:
“Columbus was associated with a political group that supported the ideas of Dante, one of the alleged Grand Masters of the Order of the Rosy Cross, who is known to have used codes and ciphers in his writings, a practice associated with membership of a secret society.
Columbus’ voyages of discovery were sponsored by Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo de Medici, both initiates of secret societies, who found the explorer wealthy patrons among European Royalty and aristocracy.” (p.74)
There is also speculation that Leonardo da Vinci was of Jewish extraction.
“‘The Nobility of a Talented Bastard, Leonardo.
Such was the caption of an article in the important Italian Newspaper, Corriere della Sera of October 1, 2000.
Recent research maintains,’ the article begins, ‘that the maestro of Vinci was born of a Jewess who stemmed from Russia.’”
Likewise, there is evidence that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.
The Jewish scholar, Eliezer Segal, cites Columbus’ biographer S. de Madariaga and the Jewish historian Cecil Roth, as providing the most cogent arguments in favor of this view.
“…there has been some weighty scholarly debate over the possibility that Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic, might also have been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews. Ironically, this view has been championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a Spanish Jew than an Italian gentile.
“There is evidence that Columbus spoke Spanish while still living in Italy, an unusual situation unless his family had originated in Spain. Spanish-speaking Jewish refugees from the Inquisition were numerous in the Genoa area.
“The form ‘Colón’ which Columbus adopted as the Spanish equivalent of his last name was not the expected form (which would have been ‘Colom’ or ‘Colombo’).
It was however a common Jewish variation on the name.
“Columbus was known to frequent the company of Jews and former Jews, among whom were some noted astronomers and navigators, as well as his official translator.
Marranos figure prominently among Columbus’s backers and crew.
Throughout his life he demonstrated a keen knowledge of the Bible and the geography of the Holy Land.
In fact, in one place, he calculates the date from the destruction of the ‘Second House’ [=Temple], counting from the traditional (and erroneous) Jewish date of 68 C.E., rather than the generally held 70…
“The connections between the timing of Columbus’s voyage and the expulsion of Spanish Jewry are indeed curious.
Historians have noted that, though Columbus was not scheduled to set sail until August 3rd, he insisted that his entire crew be ready on board a full day earlier.
The timing becomes more intriguing when we consider that August 2nd, 1492, was the day that had been ordained for the last Jews of Spain to depart the country.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews were departing Spain on that black day.
“When this coincidence of dates was first noted by the Spanish biographer S. de Madariaga, the English Jewish historian Cecil Roth supplemented it with a further ‘coincidence’:
August 2nd, 1492, coincided with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish fast of mourning for the destruction of the Jerusalem Temples!
It was as if Columbus had arranged to remain on board ship for that ill-omened day, and to depart only afterwards.” (Columbus Medinah?)
Besides Leonardo da Vinci and the Medici, Christopher Columbus was financed by the House of Anjou, another Jewish family, and specifically, Rene d’Anjou of the Langudoc in France, who was Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1418-1480.
“René D’Anjou sought to promote the advancement of learning and at one time employed Christopher Columbus.” (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p.138)
“…René was, through his Angevin ancestry one of Christ’s most prominent living descendants. …when René and Isabel became the Duke and Duchess of Lorraine, court was held at their castles throughout Anjou and Provence.
These courts included Jewish cabalists, astrologers and even the physician Jean de Saint-Remy, grandfather of Nostradamus.
In fact, Christopher Columbus was a member of the Court for a while, and René was the person who gave him his first ship’s commission to Tunis.”
To the present day, “St. Rene D’Anjou” is venerated as one of the many “phallic” saints of France.
A website that publishes “Sacred Texts” on “sacred sexuality” provides the abominable details of the worship of Priapus who was the first Bishop of Lyons.
“In the south of France, Provence, Languedoc, and the Lyonnais, [Priapus] was worshipped under the title of St. Foutin…
Similar phallic saints were worshipped under the names of St. Guerlichon, or Greluchon, at Bourg-Dieu in the diocese of Bourges, of St. Gilles in the Cotentin in Britany, of St. Rene in Anjou, of St. Regnaud in Burgundy, of St. Arnaud, and above all of St. Guignolé near Brest and at the village of La Chatelette in Berri.
Many of these were still in existence and their worship in full practice in the last century…”
Worship of the Generative Powers: Priapus Worship
It seems that the Jews regarded America as the New Jerusalem:
“…Columbus…believed when he landed in America that God had led him to the New Jerusalem.
The idea of America as the fulfilment of a biblical prophecy concerning the foundation of a spiritual Utopia on Earth was a central belief in the Rosicrucian philosophy of the seventeenth century.” (Occult Conspiracy, p.74)
These little-known facts of history explain why the Great Seal of the United States is a highly symbolic representation of America’s designated role as a new Jewish homeland, with the original 13 colonies representing the 13 tribes of Israel.
The high incidence of “13’s” in the Great Seal is detailed on the website of the Philosophical Research Society founded by Manly P. Hall, Masonic author of The Secret Destiny of America.
“The significance of the mystical number 13, which frequently appears upon the Great Seal of the United States, is not limited to the number of the original colonies.
The sacred emblem of the ancient initiates, here composed of 13 stars, also appears above the head of the ‘eagle.’
The motto, E Pluribus Unum, contains 13 letters, as does also the inscription, Annuit Coeptis.
The ‘eagle’ clutches in its right talon a branch bearing 13 leaves and 13 berries and in its left a sheaf of 13 arrows.
The face of the pyramid, exclusive of the panel containing the date, consists of 72 stones arranged in 13 rows.” From Hunt’s History of the United States
In British-Israelism, which is a Judeo-Masonic doctrine, the number 13 symbolizes the 13 tribes of Israel in accordance with the blessing of Jacob (Israel) upon his sons in Genesis 49. British Israelite teacher, Gene Scott, explains,
“It must be remembered the Manasseh is the thirteenth tribe.
Ephraim moved into Joseph’s place and Manasseh was added to the twelve.”
Furthermore, Scott claims that the tribe of Manasseh founded the United States.
When the number of colonies (lost tribes?) reached 13, the colonists declared independence from Great Britain as the 13 “United States of America”:
“The United States, being founded as a permanent home by the Pilgrim’s (of the tribe of Manasseh), should reflect the emblems of that tribe.
It will be found that the Great Seal of the United States contains ten features of thirteen.
And given that some sixteen drafts, over a time period of 159 years through which the seal was constructed, it makes coincidence impossible as an explanation for those 13’s.
I know that the easy answer to the fact of all these thirteens is that there were thirteen original colonies, but this surface explanation doesn’t fit all the evidence.
When the facts of the United States and the Great Seal are viewed in the context of the whole Lost Tribes teaching, it obviously fits like it belonged.
The ‘coincidence’ of there being thirteen colonies doesn’t add a whit to the total picture unless it is taken to be part of the [Lost Tribes] material.”
If Christopher Columbus discovered America, why was the continent not named “Columbia” or similar eponym?
The official legend is that America was named after an Italian voyager, Amerigo Vespucci, which makes little sense.
It will come as a revelation to many North Americans that the name “America” probably derived from “Ameru”, the serpent-god of South America. Ameru was also known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs and Viracocha to the people of Central Andes.
Interestingly, the Book of Mormon claims that Jesus appeared as the god Quetzalcóatl in South America, the New World.
~~|~~ Mormonism: Quetzalcóatl is Risen: Jesus Christ in the new world.
However, “The Catholic Church’s conquistadores tried to obliterate all signs of the truth of Jesus-Quetzalcóatl in the New World, by burning the codices – the written word – but they did not destroy them all…
“One Nephite left the land shortly after Jesus appeared to the Aztecs as the god Quezalcoatl…
Upon his arrival in Egypt, he took the name Alexander Helios and set his Liahona’s needles for the land of the Israelites. He was granted honorary membership in the Essenes of the Qumran Community. At Qumran, Helios performed a most important job,…
“Alexander had become chief archivist of the Qumran community.
It was he who dutifully removed all scriptural references to the Golden Plates (of the Book of Mormon) from the dead sea scrolls before they were buried.
This explains why no references to Mormonism occur in the Dead Sea scrolls and in any books of the Holy Bible.
The sensitive work was done on commandment from Jesus and in the presence of the angel Moroni who appeared to Alexander in 44 A.D. Moroni revealed to Alexander that the knowledge of the records of Lemon is yet not to be revealed ‘…the holy Scrolls of Qumran contain writings that cannot be revealed unto the world; but is to be had in the Holy Temple of God, in the full ripeness of time.’” (“The Three Nephites”)
~~|~~ Mormonism: THREE Nephites — Immortal, Indestructible ~~
Quetzalcoatl, Ameru and Viracocha corresponded to the Egyptian god, Osiris, who ruled over the “First Time.”
Hans Jonas wrote in The Gnostic Religion that Osiris had the ability to walk on the oceans and,
“Traveled around the globe bringing civilization to many nations.”
Osiris corresponds to the Babylonian Tammuz, who was Nimrod of Genesis 11.
This pagan deity was worshipped in the wilderness by apostate Israel as Chiun, the Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn (see Amos 5:26; Strongs # 3594), and as Tammuz before their removal to Babylon (Ezek. 8:14).
The god Saturn is represented by the misnamed Star of David, the six-pointed star which has been the symbol of apostate, Cabalistic Judaism from antiquity to the present time.
[See: The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast]
On the Great Seal of the United States there also appears a six-pointed star.
Modern false teachers with Judeo-Masonic leanings tell the tale of an American Jew who merited the honor of having the symbol of apostate, Cabalistic Judaism inscribed on the Great Seal of the U.S.
Haim Solomon’s largesse turned the rag tag outfit of 33º Mason George Washington into the professional army that won the Revolutionary War.
Notice in John Hagee’s anecdote that some of the funding for the American Revolution came from European Jews:
“America has been blessed by the Jewish community.
Let me take you back to a story of the American revolution and Haym Solomon, a Philadelphia banker.
When George Washington and the Continental Army were fighting for their very lives in the snows of Valley Forge, they didn’t have enough food to eat, they didn’t have enough weapons, they didn’t have enough ammunition to fight the British; it looked like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would never happen.
Haym Solomon went to the Jewish people of America and the Jewish people of Europe and raised millions of dollars and gave it to George Washington.
That contribution turned the tide of the American revolution.
George Washington was so appreciative of Haim Solomon’s contribution that he had the engravers of the American one-dollar bill express his appreciation to the Jewish people by placing this insignia over the head of the American eagle.
It is the Mogan David, the Star of David.
In addition, around the Mogan David is the cloud burst of the Shekinah Glory of God that was over the Tabernacle.
If you turn it upside down, then you have the Menorah.
The contribution the Jewish people made to assist America in the war effort was one that George Washington insisted that all Americans know about.” (Christians Supporting Israel)
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Modern prophet Rick Joyner, a crypto-Jew if there ever was one, uses the Haym Solomon anecdote today to $windle Evangelical Christians to $upport the Zionist cause:
“Haym Solomon, a Philadelphia Jewish banker, expended his personal fortune to support George Washington and the Continental Army.
Haym Salomon (April 7, 1740 – January 6, 1785) was a Polish-born American merchant best known for his actions during the American Revolution, where he was the prime financier to the Continental Congress. Born in Leszno, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Salomon studied finance in Western Europe before emigrating to New York City in 1775. After the American Revolutionary War broke out in the same year, Salomon supported the Patriots by providing financial services while working alongside Robert Morris, the Superintendent of Finance of the United States. He helped convert French loans into hard currency by selling bills of exchange on Morris’ behalf, and also brokered large donations to the Patriot cause. Despite donating his entire fortune to the Continental Army and several Founding Fathers of the United States, Salomon died penniless in Philadelphia in 1785 due to the failure of government officials and private lenders to repay the debt they owed to him.
He did this because he foresaw that the new American nation would be a haven for persecuted Jews.
I also mentioned previously that I believed if the sum he had given, with appropriate compounded interest, were repaid to his descendants, the Jewish people, that it would at least equal the aid that the United States has given to Israel.
“From information I have received, it appears that Haym Solomon gave nearly $2 million to the support of George Washington and the Continental Army.
This was a huge sum in the currency of the times, equal to many millions in today’s money.
To repay this debt to his heirs, with compounded interest, has been estimated to be around $4 trillion.
I have not been able to confirm these figures yet, but it seems that they are accepted by a number of people who have studied this.
“Historians also seem to confirm that it is unlikely that George Washington could have succeeded without the aid from Haym Solomon.
It came at possibly the most critical time of the Revolutionary War for the Americans, while the Continental Army was trying to hold together after repeated defeats and was almost completely without supplies or other sources of support.” (MorningStar Ministries)
For evidence supporting the above charge of crypto-Jewry, see:
Joint Prophecy of Rabbi Cohen & Rick Joyner at Messiah ’99
Was Haim Solomon a real historical character?
Probably not.
The Hebrew name Haim means “life” and, of course, Solomon was the apostate king of Israel, whom the Masons revere along with his Seal, falsely named the Star of David.
“Life of Solomon” may be a veiled allusion to the once and future King of Israel who will reign over a messianic Golden Age.
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. (1 Kings 10:14)
In 1771, John Carroll (1735-1815), a Jesuit priest from a wealthy Maryland family, became a professed father of the Society of Jesus and a professor at Bourges in France.
John Carroll SJ (January 8, 1735 – December 3, 1815) was an American Catholic prelate who served as the first Bishop of Baltimore, the first diocese in the new United States. He later became the first Archbishop of Baltimore. Until 1808, Carroll administered the entire U.S. Catholic Church. He was a member of the Society of Jesus until its suppression in 1759.
In 1781, Fr. Carroll founded the Sulpician Seminary in Baltimore and in 1789, the year the U.S. Constitution took effect, founded Georgetown University, a Jesuit institution that was managed by the Sulpician Order for a period of time.
The Sulpicians were a heretical Catholic order whose headquarters are located on the Zero Meridian in Paris, France.
Remarkably, Saint Sulpice, like his contemporary King Dagobert, converted the Jews of his diocese en masse to Christianity!
Sulpitius (or Sulpicius) II. the Pious (/sʌlˈpɪʃəs/; died 17 January 646) was a 7th-century bishop of Bourges and saint.
“St Sulpice (d. c.647).
This contemporary of St Dagobert also has his feast day on 17 January.
He was the second Bishop of Bourges, which is on the zero meridian of Paris, like Rennes-les-Bains, and was successful in converting all the Jews of his diocese.
He was the protégé of the goldsmith of St Eloi, Grand Vizier of Dagobert I.
The famous seminary and church dedicated to him in Paris contains the obelisk with the copper line down the center marking the exact point of the meridian.
St Sulpice, in the grounds of St Germain-des-Pres (qv), had connections with the Prieuré from its foundation in 1642.” (Ean Begg, The Cult of the Black Virgin, Arkana, 1985, p.110)
Recall that the Zero Meridian is the 33º longitude.
To understand the significance of this meridian, see The Lost Tribe of Dan, under Locations “C. Territories of Dan in the Land of Israel.”
In 1790, John Carroll was appointed by the Roman Catholic Church to be the first Bishop of the United States with the task of organizing the Catholic Church in the new nation.
Bishop Carroll encouraged Catholic religious orders to establish branches in the U.S. and, with the help of George Washington, secured federal funds to send Catholic missionaries to the western territory.
John Carroll became an archbishop in 1808, and, under his leadership, the Catholic population of the United States increased from 25,000 to 200,000.
John Carroll’s brother, Daniel Carroll, was a framer and signer of the Constitution and a Mason who participated in laying the Masonic cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol.
The Catholic Encyclopedia entry for Daniel Carroll states:
“Initially, he was prevented from becoming involved in Maryland politics by laws that excluded Catholics from holding public office.
Once these laws were repealed in 1776, he was elected to the upper house of the Maryland legislature (1777-1781).
He was a delegate from Maryland to the Continental Congress (1781-1783) and was one of the signers of the Articles of Confederation (1 Mar 1781).”
The Carroll brothers were cousins of Charles Carroll, also a high-ranking Mason as well as the only Roman Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence.
All of the Carrolls, who were colleagues of President George Washington, were educated at Jesuit institutions:
the Jesuit School at Bohemia on Harmon’s Manor in Maryland and the Jesuit college at St-Omer in French Flanders.
Charles went on to other Jesuit institutions of higher learning, the college of the Jesuits at Reims and the College Louis le Grand at Paris.
According to a Catholic expose of Masonic infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church:
“In the United States, founded as it was upon Masonic principles, ‘infiltration’ is hardly the appropriate word.
Charles Carroll, a high ranking Mason and relative of the USA’s first Bishop, had been the only Catholic to sign the Declaration of Independence.
By 1895, Archbishop Ireland could tell the French:
‘I believe that a divine mission has been assigned to the Republic of the United States.
That mission is to prepare the world, by example and moral influence, for the universal reign of human liberty and the rights of man’ (cited in Utopia, p. 113).”
(“The Catholic Church and Globalism,” Carey J. Winters, Real Catholicism, 3/98)
How is it that the Vatican, which had an official policy that forbade Roman Catholics under threat of excommunication from holding membership in Masonic lodges, and regularly issued papal bulls against Freemasonry––how is it that Pope Pius VI appointed the Jesuit priest, John Carroll, whose family was deeply involved in Freemasonry at the highest levels, as the first Bishop of the U.S. with the charge of founding colleges, of establishing a Catholic hierarchy and generally organizing the Catholic Church in the new nation?
The answer may be found in the origins of the Jesuits.
“‘In fact the classical land of crypto-Jewry is Spain.
Tradition there has been durable and universal to such an extent that one must raise the suspicion that a Marranian receptivity is present in the atmosphere of the land itself.
Even at the time of the Romans the Jews were numerous and influential.
Many of them asserted that they were descended from the aristocracy of Jerusalem, who had been deported by Titus or by earlier conquerors into banishment.’” (Cecil Roth)
By the time of the Reformation, Jewish Cabalists were openly in control of the papacy, from which they directed Cabalist operations throughout Western Christendom. (See Reformation popes in our Pope Chart, a work in progress).
Pope Julius II (Latin: Iulius II; Italian: Giulio II; born Giuliano della Rovere; 5 December 1443 – 21 February 1513) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 1503 to his death, in February 1513. Nicknamed the Warrior Pope, the Battle Pope or the Fearsome Pope, it is often speculated that he had chosen his papal name not in honor of Pope Julius I but in emulation of Julius Caesar. One of the most powerful and influential popes, Julius II was a central figure of the High Renaissance and left a significant cultural and political legacy. As a result of his policies during the Italian Wars, the Papal States increased their power and centralization, and the office of the papacy continued to be crucial, diplomatically and politically, during the entirety of the 16th century in Italy and Europe.
Immediately preceding the Reformation, a medieval version of the Hebrew Roots Movement shook Christendom, aided and abetted by Pope Julius II (1503-1513):
“It is indeed a well-known fact that the Reformation was achieved by:
- Luther
- Calvin
- Zwingli
but it is not so well-known that previously John Reuchlin (1455-1531), Pico de Mirandola’s disciple, shook the Christian conscience by suggesting as early as 1494 ‘that there was nothing higher than Hebraic wisdom.’
Giovanni Pico dei conti della Mirandola e della Concordia (/ˈpiːkoʊ ˌdɛlə mɪˈrændələ, -ˈrɑːn-/ PEE-koh DEL-ə mirr-A(H)N-də-lə; Italian: [dʒoˈvanni ˈpiːko della miˈrandola]; Latin: Johannes Picus de Mirandula; 24 February 1463 – 17 November 1494), known as Pico della Mirandola, was an Italian Renaissance nobleman and philosopher. He is famed for the events of 1486, when, at the age of 23, he proposed to defend 900 theses on religion, philosophy, natural philosophy, and magic against all comers, for which he wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, which has been called the “Manifesto of the Renaissance”, and a key text of Renaissance humanism and of what has been called the “Hermetic Reformation”. He was the founder of the tradition of Christian Kabbalah, a key tenet of early modern Western esotericism. The 900 Theses was the first printed book to be universally banned by the Church. Pico is sometimes seen as a proto-Protestant, because his 900 theses anticipated many Protestant views.
And when in 1509 a renegade Jew, Joseph Pffefferkorn, had the Talmud seized and finally obtained, after several attempts, the definitive condemnation of this collective compendium which contains a thousand years of Jewish wisdom.
John Reuchlin did not shrink from exposing himself to every menace and danger in order to defend before the Emperor and the Pope the extraordinary value of the Talmud, whose veritable meaning he had fathomed.
Reuchlin advocated returning to Jewish sources as well as to ancient texts.
Finally, he won his case against the convert Pfefferkorn, who loudly demanded the destruction of the Talmud.
‘The new spirit which was to revolutionize the whole of Europe became apparent with regard to the Jews and the Talmud,’ wrote the historian Graetz.” (Pinay)
In 1517, Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” commenced the Reformation and, in 1540, the Society of Jesus was authorized by Pope Paul III to launch the Counter-Reformation.
James Trager’s compendium, The People’s Chronology, includes this stunning entry:
“In 1534 the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) (a Marrano) and five associates” (1979, p.176).
Perhaps the most lucid overview of the evolution of the world government is the previously cited article by Pastor John Torrell, who elaborates on the background of the founder of the Jesuits.
“The following information is going to be a ‘shock’ to all Roman Catholics.
In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain.
His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy.
As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain.
As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic.
On May 20, 1521, Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi-cripple.
Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood.
In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the ‘Jesuit Order,’ which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church.
In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order.
At Loyola’s death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations.
“Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly.
The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service.” (How the World Government Rules the Nations)
The fact that the founder of the Society of Jesus, originally called “‘The Company’ of Jesus,” was a Marrano Jew, should give us pause to reflect and to reassess the official party line that the Jesuits is a “Roman Catholic” institution.
As well, to wonder about the source of this propaganda campaign, which is probably the Illuminati.
Pastor Torell adds,
“While the Popes relied more and more on the Jesuits, they were unaware that the hardcore leadership were Jewish, and that these Jews held membership in the Illuminati Order which despised and hated the Roman Catholic Church.”
This seems very generous of Rev. Torrell considering the popes of the Reformation period.
[See Pope Chart]
The pope who authorized formation of the Society of Jesus in 1540, as well as the Council of Trent conducted by the Jesuits from 1545 to 1563 to crush the Reformation, was quite the reprobate.
“According to Life magazine, Pope Paul III (1534-1549) as a cardinal had fathered three sons and a daughter.
On the day of his coronation, he celebrated the baptism of his two great-grandchildren.
He appointed two of his teenage nephews as cardinals, sponsored festivals with singers, dancers and jesters, and sought advice from astrologers.”
In 2001, the Jesuit Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts sponsored “Toward a Deeper Understanding of Forgiveness,” a seminar which featured James Bernauer, S.J. as a speaker.
A Professor of Philosophy at the Jesuit Boston College, Bernauer honored St. Ignatius for welcoming Jews into the Society of Jesus and lauded the fact that his successor was Jewish.
(Interesting that “Bernauer” is a Jewish surname.)
July 1999 – How the World Government Rules the Nations
“Ignatius’s devotion to the personal figure of Jesus saved him, and initially the Society, from a most common prejudice:
the view that Jewish converts to Christianity and their descendants, the so called ‘New Christians’ of Spain, were more Jewish than Christian for they were of impure blood.
Such tainted character justified their exclusion from Church posts and religious orders.
Ignatius courageously resisted ecclesiastical and political pressures and refused to exclude Jewish converts or their descendants from the Society’s ranks and, thus, some of the most distinguished early Jesuits were Jewish… the Jesuit historian Francis Sacchini wrote in 1622 that the second general of the Society, James Laynez, had Jewish ancestry,” (“After Christendom: The Holocaust and Catholicism’s Current Search for Forgiveness”)
The early Generals of the Society of Jesus were suspected of having Jewish ancestry and
“…in 1593…when the 5th General Congregation was about to open…of the 27 Jesuits who proposed changes to the Constitutions, 25 were of either Jewish or Moorish descent.”
This would account for the Jesuits’ partiality toward the Jews: “…the Jesuits…were then against the Inquisition… In this case the organization of St. Ignatius founded for the defense of the Church against her enemies was led astray and occasioned to be exactly the opposite, to oppose the Inquisition, which represented the principal defense of the Church and to tolerate its enemies.” (Pinay, p.617)
Roman Catholics should ponder the fact that, if this Company of Cabalist Jews was mobilized to quash the Reformation, then the Protestants were, in reality, fleeing the High Cabal of crypto-Jewry which controlled all of Europe through their religious front, the Roman Catholic Church.
That God was delivering His people, true Christians, from this Synagogue of Satan is the only honest explanation for the Reformation.
A Biography of Ignatius Loyola states that, during his lifetime, there were suspicions of Ignatius’ Hebrew ancestry which, of course, the good saint abjured:
“[The Jesuits] were begun by a group of Spanish Christians, at a time when the reconquest of Spain from the Moslems was but recently accomplished, and persons with Moorish or Jewish ancestry were under suspicion.
It is accordingly much to their credit that the Jesuits were firmly opposed (particularly under Ignatius and his first three successors as Superior General of the Jesuits) to ecclesiastical anti-Semitism and to the Inquisition’s persecution of suspected Jews.
When Ignatius was accused of having partly Jewish ancestry, he replied, ‘If only I did! What could be more glorious than to be of the same blood as the Apostles, the Blessed Virgin, and our Lord Himself?’”
Biography: Ignatius Loyola, founder and missionary (31 July 1556)
A Chronology of the Life of St. Ignatius which reveals his devotion to the Black Virgin attests to his membership in the Illuminati:
“Iñigo went continuously to Montserrat to confess…
Montserrat, a Marian shrine (Black Virgin of ~) is a well-known site of pilgrimage…
Iñigo and his band of companions were rumoured to be Illuminists (Alumbrados), members of a movement condemned by the Inquisition.
Interrogations and arrest (17 days, no explanation) followed.
Spiritual Exercises suspected to be heretical.”
To comprehend the devotion of the Illuminati high cabal, the Prieuré de Sion, to the Black Virgin, including Montserrat in Spain, the reader is referred to our report The False Gospel in the Stars.
Ignatius managed to escape the Inquisition probably due to the fact that, in the 15th century, the papacy was securely in the hands of the Jewish Cabalists.
Mystery Babylon The Great – 02
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