File Name: Rabbi and McDonalds.mp4
File Length: 00:05:12
The Jewish population
James Wickstrom
I have a guest by the name of Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein.
He’s off the east coast of the United States who’s going to be joining me tonight Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein as I said a rabbi off the east coast of the United States.
Are you there with me tonight?
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
Shalom, I am here.
James Wickstrom
There’s a lot of rumors and conjecture that’s taking place across this country relating to the Jewish population, okay?
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
James Wickstrom
The masses have a hard time believing anything.
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
Well, we’ve done a great brainwashing job on them over the centuries and especially the last few hundred years.
We’ve just brainwashed them completely.
They believe anything we tell them.
And, you know, in the meantime, we have a lot of fun around Passover where we steal the children.
I mean, we steal 100 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country and we drain the blood, and we mix it with the Passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies and the sausage and the hamburger.
McDonald’s is one of our favorite outlets and the people, they eat them for breakfast.
They eat their children for lunch and, you know, us Jews, you know, we got to do what we do.
It’s over for your white race.
So that’s why I’m speaking so honestly here to bring it out into the open so that you can see it for what it is.
You’ve been teaching people really good, but they don’t wake up, do they?
Because, you know why?
They’re scared of us Jews because they don’t want to be called anti-Semites and they believe that we’re the chosen people and so that’s why we can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it because the white men are cowards and we go to the synagogue all the time and have some man of shepherds and dance the Havanah Gila.
James Wickstrom
It’s not that you Jews are hiding anything.
You’re coming right out on television, in the newspapers, on the radio and you’re telling the people exactly what you’re going to do before you do it and they’re like they’re brain dead.
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
Well, we did a good job with the public school system.
We got you to put all of your children in there.
You notice that the Jew doesn’t put his children in there.
They go to the Hebrew Academy where we teach them the real things and then they go to the synagogue, and they learn the real important things.
But we send your kids to the public school.
We even have you tax yourself from your property so that you never own your property and if you don’t make your property tax, we’re going to take your property, you can bet on that.
And we have you put your kid in a 12-year babysitting is about all it does because you don’t learn anything and then by that time the kids, they get to be teenagers and then we give them the music.
Not that we really want to call it music because “Oy vey” that’s not music but they listen to that and then they want to do what they want to do and so we sell them drugs and we make a lot of money off your children.
Your children from cradle to grave.
All we do is make money off of them.
Your cattle, your “Goyim” The human cattle, “Mozeltov”
James Wickstrom
Well, that’s very interesting, I understand it, but I also know the bloodletting I know that on your Passover, which isn’t mine that a lot of little children do disappear, and I do know that, and I know a lot of police departments and agencies have been informed but you’re very open, you’re very open tonight.
I’m very surprised that you’re talking about the bloodletting of the little children that you put their blood in the “Motzah” balls and that you eat it on sacrifice on Passover.
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
Well, there was a “Goyim” that wrote a book about it back in the 30s.
I forget his name at the moment but anyway, he wrote the book.
People didn’t buy the book.
People don’t want to listen.
We’ve been doing this for thousands and thousands of years since down to Adam’s time.
BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – Vol. I – Library of Rickandria
We take the children of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring them to the basements and the synagogues where we drain the blood and watch them die there.
It’s very similar to how we do the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and so we do that and then we mix it with the Passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies and the bodies, we’re not cannibals so what we do is we take those because we can make some shekels and we give them to the slaughterhouses and those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger and that’s why we made those the most popular things sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch and so all the “Goyim” out there are really eating their children and even when we say this outright and tell you people, you don’t believe it so that’s your problem but you, the “Goyim” out there you never teach yourself you don’t self-teach you’re always looking for somebody else to do it for you so you wind up being “schleppers” all your life.
Yiddish Word of the Week: Schlep or Schlepper – St. Louis Jewish Light
RELIGION: Relentless Problems Go Back with Jews for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria