Leicester and The Anti-Vaccination Movement 1853-1889

DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY AND ESPECIALLY AFTER AN ACT OF 1853 made it compulsory for all infants over four months old in England and Wales to be vaccinated, opposition to the practice of vaccination increased steadily.

A further tightening up of compulsory measures was made after the smallpox epidemic of 1871, as a result of which a Select Committee was appointed by the government. The report of this committee confirmed the principle of compulsion amongst other recommendations, and these were embodied in new legislation by an Act of 1871, which made the law so stringent that, between 1871-76, only four of the local Boards of Guardians proved obdurate.

Leicester is taken in this article as an example of a town where the opposition to vaccination was particularly marked and where, due to the agitation caused, the various anti-vaccination forces had their greatest success in bringing about a change in the 1871 Act[1].

From the turn of the nineteenth century, Leicester, like many other towns, experienced a great increase in population. Existing housing and sanitary arrangements, especially drainage, soon proved inadequate. Leicester had for long an unenviable reputation as a town where typhus and contagious fevers were rampant[2].

In 1842, Edwin Chadwick’s Report on the Sanitary condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain appeared. This did much to focus attention on the whole question of sanitary hygiene and the public health. Leicester was one of the towns visited by Chadwick in his search for data. The result of his investigations was published in the Summary to the report[3],

The Curse Causeless Shall Not Come

THIS AUTHOR MAY VERY WELL GO TO JAIL FOR DISCLOSING THE FACTS CONTAINED IN THIS BOOKLET. You will read about a very serious subject: Cancer. What you will read is the First-Person account of how this author was cured of a malignant cancer of the descending colon by a simple dietary procedure.

It is expected that this very book will be used against this author to establish legally the fact that he is practicing medicine without a license. He may be ordered by some Court to discontinue the future distribution of this book. Why?

Cancer treatment, dear reader, is a major part of the multi-billion- dollar drug industry.

You are being told, and it is now being subtly suggested to you by the many doctor type TV shows, that the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association are leaving no stones unturned in an all-out effort to “find the cause of cancer.” But at the very same time, every possible force and pressure is being applied to prevent doctors from using known and effective cancer cures.

Choose! Life or Death

I AM KATJA GWYNN, & my topic is Reams Biological Theory of Ionization—-. or RBTI. I need to make clear that I am Not a medical doctor. Nothing I say is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prescribe or perform any other medical function attributable to AMA licensed doctors. And I don’t give Covid vaccines. If you require medical advice, please consult your licensed medical professional.

Because of the length and technical nature of my presentation, I’ll be reading from my script quite regularly. My talk today will be in two parts. The first 40 minutes I am going to share my personal journey, my history and the history of RBTI and its creator Dr Carey A. Reams, along with some anecdotal tales of my adventure.

In the second part, after a short break, we move into the science of RBTI. You will learn what the RBTI equation is and gain an understanding of the protocols. Then, we’ll talk about some popular nutritional myths, and finally, close with practical tips and how to apply RBTI knowledge to your lifestyle to reap the benefits for your personal health and wellness.

Health and healing are heretofore an unfathomable subject of enquiry. The factors are beyond our scope of understanding and outside the parameters of medical study and practice. Dr. Reams knew this. But he focused on the discipline he understood best, the material and biologic causes of energy creation and energy loss. After all, Energy if Life. Lack of Energy is disease and death. The method Reams developed was focused on diet and lifestyle.

Doc Reams probably born in 1903, was a man ahead of his time. Trained in mathematics, biophysics and biochemistry, and earning as many as maybe six PhDs, he made many discoveries in the fields of human health, plant growth, energetics, animal health and soil restoration. These findings were later codified in an overall view of life and energy known as Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI).