by Peter Farley from 4TruthSeekers Website
No matter where I have gone and spoken to audiences about the true nature of planet earth, I have been working with over the past few years – what I like to call the Star Wars Bar – people accept it very readily because it just makes sense of the world and the strange population of Beings we see around us.
As I teach these people to feel or ‘see’ the morphogenetic fields surrounding each Being, the reality of what I have written about becomes tangibly real.
To illustrate this Star Wars Bar and how our ‘reptilian’ creators and overlords have controlled every aspect of our lives for so, so long, I asked the Spiritual Hierarchy to break down a sample population for me into its most predominant members.
Considering the population of the USA to be approximately 300 million, the following figures give an approximate makeup of that population by the main ‘alien’ groups on the planet, as supplied by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
As stated, before in other articles and on radio interviews, the percentage of humans to other types of Beings is approximately 28 percent human to 72 percent other.
In the USA it is slightly higher:
Human ……………………………. 89.30 million
Sirians ……reptilian form………… 52.60 million
Sirians……human form……………. 6.00 million
Anunnaki….human/reptilian form…….. 6.00 million
Pleiadeans…many and various forms….. 5.87 million
Arcturians………………………… 2.00 million
Gargoyles & other lower forms of alien life 6 to 700,000
Other reptilian species…………….. 300,000
Orbs……………………………… 75,000
Artificial intelligences……………. 7.376 million
Clones,Orion robots, bio-mechanical Beings…………. 7.5 million
Spicans…………………………… 600,000
Antarians…………………………. 245,000
Angelic Beings/sprites/water and tree spirits ……………. 4.685 million
Orions……………………………. 27.1 million
Fairies, elves, elementals………….. 22.8 million
Pre-Pleiadeans (Lyrans etc)…………. 21.0 million
Wraiths/MIBs………………………. 1.0 million
Intergalactic criminals…………….. 5,000
Saurians………………………….. 9.5 million
Assorted other alien species 35.604 million
The Truth About Extraterrestrials – Library of Rickandria
I also asked them to break down the percentage of the political and law enforcement population into the reptilian species we ‘know’ or have read about controlling us OR grounded in the reptilian agenda
Politicians (reptilian)
- Federal government 75 percent
- State governments 63 percent
- Local politicians 80 percent
Police and other Law Enforcement
- Reptilian 68 percent
- Saurians associated with the reptilian agenda 21 percent
- Others associated with reptilian agenda 6 percent
- Leadership (Reptilian) 86 percent
- Body of military ” 55 percent
One must always remember that, as portrayed realistically in the miniseries ‘V’, not all reptilians or any species for that matter, is all ‘bad’.
I have worked with many reptilians, saurians etc. who are here to help planet Earth in its time of need.
Predominantly, however, those in control of this planet are associated with the negative agenda stemming from the Orion star system.
usa breakdown of morphogenetic races (4truthseekers.org)
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