The New Normal – A Documentary
The ‘New Normal’ – A Documentary (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Climate, Covid, Control… and Criminals (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Invasion of the ‘New Normals’… (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors – The New Normal…? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Nearly Two Decades after 9/11, the Parallels between the Post-terrorist Attack ‘New Normal’ and that of Covid-19 Can’t be Ignored (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Our Brainwashed Covid Youth (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Technocracy’s Tyranny – The New Normal Isn’t Normal (bibliotecapleyades.net)
‘Take Off the Mask!’ – Thousands gather in London for ‘Unite for Freedom’ Rally, demanding ‘Back to Normal Now’ (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Cult of the Brave ‘New Normal’… (bibliotecapleyades.net)