Story So Far:
King Anu of Nibiru sent his Daughter, Ninmah with female health officers to Earth to serve the astronauts mining gold there.
En route, she stopped on Mars, where found Alalu and Anzu dead.
She was able to revive Anzu and gave him twenty of the astronauts accompanying her to Earth.
She ordered him to build there on Mars the first way station for the gold freighters.
Ea says how he sees his love, his sister Ninmah, Chief Medical Officer for the Earth Mission.
He reveals his perception of his rival, their brother Enlil, Commander of the Earth project.
Enki and Enlil and Ninmah… Offspring of Anu the three leaders were, by different mothers….
Enki was the Firstborn Son; a concubine of Anu’s was his mother.

Enlil by Antu, the spouse of Anu, was born; the Legal Heir he thus became.

Ninmah by another concubine was mothered, a half-sister of the two half-brothers she was….

Greatly beautiful she was, full of wisdom, one quick to learn.
“Ea, as Enki was then named, by Anu to espouse Ninmah was chosen, thereby their offspring son the legal successor thereafter to become.
Ninmah of Enlil, a dashing commander, was enamored; by him she was seduced…. “
[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 112-113]
Ea dictates to his scribe.
(The rivalry between Ea and Enlil — the critical competition that still affects Earth, shows here, as Ea refers to the sexual connection between his fiancé Ninmah and their half-brother, Commander Enlil, as “seduction.”)
“A son from Enlil’s seed Ninmah bore, Ninurta…. Anu angered; as punishment he Ninmah ever to be a spouse forbade! Ea his bride-to-be by Anu’s decree abandoned; a princess named Damkina [Alalu’s daughter] he instead espoused; a son, an heir to them was born, Marduk.”
[Sitchin, 2002, op. cit.]
Ninmah gave Anzu twenty of the astronauts accompanying her to Earth.
She ordered him to build there on Mars the first way station for the gold freighters.
We return from our genealogical segue to Ninmah’s journey to Earth.
We left her on Mars.
Ninmah and Anzu finished Alalu’s monument on Mars; she rocketed on to Earth.
As soon as she made planetfall on Earth, Nimmah showed Enlil and Ea seeds she brought.
She tells them the seeds will bear a fruit from which a “euphoric elixir“ can be made.
Enlil lured Ninmah into his airplane and flies her to his house “by the Cedar Forest“ [Lebanon], as a perfect place to plant her seeds.
“Once inside, Enlil embraced her, with fervor he kissed Ninmah, ’Oh my sister, my beloved!’ Enlil to her whispered. By her loins he grabbed her.”
“Into her womb his semen he did not pour.”
[op.cit., 108]
He promised her a healing city and said he’ll bring their son Ninurta to Earth.
But Ninmah chilled toward Enlil when he raped Sud, an assistant she’d brought from Nibiru.
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