The story:
Alalu, who murdered King Lahma for his failure to solve the environmental crisis of the Solar System’s tenth planet, Nibiru–the loss of its atmosphere–pacified Lahma’s heir, Anu, marrying then his Daughter, Damkina (Ninti) to Anu’s heir, Ea (Enki) to breed the next King of Nibiru.
Anu [Sitchin Cards, King of Hearts]
Narrative resumes:
Alalu nuked the volcanoes, but this failed to re-establish Nibiru’s atmosphere.
He also failed to get gold for an atmospheric shield from the Asteroids; en route, the rocket of goldminers he sent crashed without survivors.
For nine more Nibiran years (nine orbits of Nibiru around Solaris), Alalu’s rule gave no relief from atmospheric degradation.
Anu, rightful king by Nibiran tradition, challenged Alalu.
“Anu gave battle to Alalu.
To hand-to-hand combat, with bodies naked, Alalu he challenged.
Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king.”
[Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki pages 24 – 39]
Alalu stole a missile-armed rocket and blasted from Nibiru to Earth. From Earth, he controlled the gold Nibiru needed to survive.
He positioned his nukes to blast Nibiru on its next pass by Earth.
Alalu dangled gold as a carrot and menaced missiles as a stick.
To Anu on Nibiru he beamed,
“On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found.
The fate of Nibiru is in my hands.
To my conditions you must give heed!”
[Sitchin, op.cit. page 60]
“Return my throne,”
Alalu demanded.
But Anu’s Foremost Son, Enlil, demanded proof of gold on Earth.
So, Alalu documented his proof and transmitted it to the home planet.
Enlil distrusted the proof.
He asked Anu to convene the Nibiru Council.
In the Council, Enlil and the counselors implored Anu to keep his kingship.
Enki Speaks: 03 – Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru (basecamp.com)
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