The following article is an excerpt from “The White Man’s Bible” by Ben Klassen.
Bernhardt “Ben” Klassen (February 20, 1918 (O.S. February 7, 1918) – August 6, 1993) was an American politician and white supremacist religious leader. He founded the Church of the Creator with the publication of his book Nature’s Eternal Religion in 1973. Klassen was openly racist, antisemitic and anti-Christian and first popularized the term “Racial Holy War” within the White Power movement.
Although the U.S.S.R. no longer exists as a communist state, this article which was written before the fall of Russian communism is very revealing:
USA not fighting communism.
One of the most flagrant and persistent deceptions that has been foisted on the American people since the Russian revolution of 1917 is that the American government is desperately but valiantly fighting a losing war “against communism.”
After more than six decades, most American people still believe this hoax, and remain perpetually confused as to why the United States, rich, powerful, morally superior to communism, is continually losing.
American Jews Power Center of Communism.
The brutal truth is that the American power establishment— governmental, financial and propaganda-wise (all dominated by Jews) has not been fighting communism.
The fact is communism is Jewish from its very inception.
Communism is only one of the many powerful tools being utilized in the Jewish program of taking over the world.
Not only has the United States not been fighting communism as most Americans are duped to believe, but on the contrary, the United States has been the chief financier, planner and promoter of communism, not only in Russia, but throughout the world.
Without the financial support and technical aid of the United States, the Jewish-communist outrage against the Russian people would have fallen flat on its face at its very inception, and many times over since then.
In fact, it would never have been inaugurated in the first place.
Trained and financed in New York.
It is a fact of history that the final push for the communist take-over of Russia was lavishly financed and carefully planned by wealthy Jewish capitalists right here in good old U.S.A.
There, on the East Side of New York, Trotsky and 3,000 Jewish cut-throats were carefully trained to deliver the final coupe-de-grace.
Jacob Henry Schiff (born Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847 – September 25, 1920) was a German Confederation-born American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. He helped finance the expansion of American railroads, and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.
The venture was financed to the tune of 20 million dollars by no less than (Jew) Jacob Schiff himself of the New York firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., an American branch of the Rothschild network.
When the time came, Trotsky and his trained Jewish revolutionaries were shipped by boat (in the middle of World War I) and arrived unhampered in Russia to do their job.
Once there they knew exactly what to do, and when it was all over 30 million White Russians had been murdered and the Jews were fully in the saddle.
Communism is a Jewish Swindle.
We must remember again and again that communism is nothing more than a horrible, vicious Jewish program to take over the world, camouflaged with deceptive “humanitarian” propaganda, as are most other Jewish programs.
Paid by American Taxpayers.
The Jewish-Communist-Marxist-Zionist blueprint is all part and parcel of the same program.
It is well financed not only with Jewish money, but more significantly with taxpayers’ money, of which the American taxpayer pays the overwhelming brunt.
There is no greater source of goods, wealth and productivity than the working American taxpayer, and the Jewish potential for looting this tremendous source of productivity seems without limit.
Behind it the whole Jewish Network.
The Jewish-Communist-Marxist-Zionist movement is tremendously powerful.
Behind it are all the Jewish power networks of the world.
This includes their vast world-wide propaganda network:
- television
- newspaper
- newswire
- magazine
- book printing
- education
and all the other accouterments that not only influence but decide “public opinion.”
Behind this Jewish movement also is the powerful “capitalistic” Federal Reserve System with its unlimited monopoly to print paper money at no cost to themselves.
In short, behind it is “the hidden hand” of world-wide Jewry.
American Policy Hostile to Tzars.
It is this power establishment that engineered the overthrow of the Romanov dynasty, a Viking dynasty that had ruled Russia for over three centuries and replaced it by an ironfisted Jewish tyranny.
In respect to American policy toward Russia it is interesting that prior to the 1917 revolution, United States policy was hostile towards Russia (as were the Jews).
It enthusiastically favored Japan in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904- 05, which the Japanese won.
Once the Jews had clamped their vicious ironclad rule on Russia and its vast resources in 1917, United States foreign policy did a dramatic (but covert) flip-flop and became anti-Japanese and pro-Russian.
Benevolent after Commie Take-over.
Despite all the propaganda, camouflage and window dressing to the contrary, it has been strongly pro-Russian (really pro-Jewish) ever since.
It was America who shored up the precarious communist government in the decade of 1920’s with food and other aid.
It was American technical aid that built her dams and power plants, drilled her oil fields and built her refineries in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
When despite all this aid the Russian behemoth was about to collapse of its own weight and rottenness in the early 1930’s, it was Roosevelt’s official recognition and extension of financial credits that again saved it from oblivion.
When Hitler’s heroic armies stood at the gates of:
- Leningrad
- Moscow
- Stalingrad
again, it was American military aid and direct intervention that saved communist Russia from being wiped off the map.
Before the War was even over, the United States already began shipping vast quantities of aid, civilian goods— tractors, machinery, food, to the tune of 13 billion dollars.
This, again, was all done at the expense of the American taxpayers, who pay for most of the cost of the Jewish world-wide take over.
Saved by America Again and Again.
Since the end of World War II, it was the United States who encouraged and promoted the Russian-Communist takeover in Eastern Europe.
In fact, when Russia nervously hesitated in rolling her tanks into Hungary in that unhappy country’s revolt in 1956, it was President Eisenhower who specifically sent Premier Khruschev an encouraging telegram assuring him that the United States would not lift a finger to aid the Hungarians.
False, Deceptive Front.
This has been the modus operandi of the United States-Russian relations ever since 1917.
Officially the United States puts up a front of being “anti-communist.”
Behind the scenes it has aided, abetted, planned, financed and promoted communist take-overs throughout the world, whether it was in countries adjoining Russia in eastern Europe or whether it was in countries halfway around the world that were temporarily beyond the reach of Russian troops.
America aided Cuban Take-over.
A good example of the latter is the “Communist” takeover of Cuba.
Without propaganda aid of the American (read Jewish) press, Fidel Castro would have died an unknown bum, unheard of, and unsung.
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (/ˈkæstroʊ/ KASS-troh, Latin American Spanish: [fiˈðel aleˈxandɾo ˈkastɾo ˈrus]; 13 August 1926 – 25 November 2016) was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008, serving as the prime minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and president from 1976 to 2008. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Cuban nationalist, he also served as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from 1965 until 2011. Under his administration, Cuba became a one-party communist state; industry and business were nationalized, and socialist reforms were implemented throughout society.
It was the American press, especially the Jewish New York Times that puffed up Castro as a native hero, as a liberator, as the Abraham Lincoln of Cuba, the George Washington of the Sierra Maestra, as a non-communist agrarian reformer, and temporarily sold him to the American people as such.
At the same time our government put secret pressure on the then pro-American head of the Cuban government, Fulgencio Batista, to leave Cuba.
Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar (born Rubén Zaldívar;[2] January 16, 1901 – August 6, 1973) was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and as a military dictator from 1952 until his overthrow in the Cuban Revolution in 1958.
Having been betrayed by the American government and the skids effectively put under him, Batista fled the country and Castro walked in with the full support of the American government and the American (Jewish) press.
It was an interesting study in hypocrisy to see how we slowly “discovered” that Castro was a communist, a fact well known to the American government and the Jewish conspiracy, and the basic reason for the revolution in the first place.
Repeated Betrayal of American Interests.
It is not my purpose here in this limited dissertation to review the history of Jewish betrayal of American interests and communist takeovers throughout the world.
This would literally take a whole encyclopedia to cover.
I only want to point out a few historical events that even the naivest American reader of the daily news is familiar with.
In this regard I want to point the finger at only a few obvious glaring examples anyone can understand.
Betrayal of China.
The Jewish Takeover of China – Library of Rickandria
One of the most blatant swindles and of greatest world-wide significance was manipulated by the United States shortly after World War II, and that was the betrayal of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and the vast multitudes of China.
Chiang Kai-shek (31 October 1887 – 5 April 1975) was a Chinese politician, revolutionary, and military leader. He was the head of the Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) party, General of the National Revolutionary Army, known as Generalissimo, and the leader of the Republic of China (ROC) in mainland China from 1928 until 1949. After being defeated in the Chinese Civil War by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1949, he led the ROC on the island of Taiwan until his death in 1975.
Chiang Kai-shek had fought the Chinese communists in the early 1920’s and finally beat them at their game.
He assumed control of the Chinese government in 1926 and was undoubtedly the staunchest anticommunist leader in Asia.
He was strongly pro-American and fought the Japanese on the side of America in World War II.
As soon as this (Jewish) war was over he was treacherously betrayed by the United States.
Marshall a Communist Stooge.
George Catlett Marshall Jr. GCB (31 December 1880 – 16 October 1959) was an American army officer and statesman. He rose through the United States Army to become Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army under Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, then served as Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense under Truman.
General George C. Marshall, who had been accorded every honor that could be bestowed on a military man short of becoming president, was sent to China to do the hatchet job in November of 1945.
Although he was by now 65 years old, in poor health and ready to retire, he stayed in that miserable country for 14 months, selling out Kai-shek to the communists.
That he would make such a personal sacrifice at his age is an indication of the tight communist discipline he was under and had been for most of his adult life.
Not possible without American perfidy.
Mao Zedong (26 December 1893 – 9 September 1976) was a Chinese politician, Marxist theorist, military strategist, poet, and revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). He led the country from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976, while also serving as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party during that time. His theories, military strategies and policies are known as Maoism.
When Marshall left China, he had negotiated a “coalition government” between the Kai-shek Nationalists and the Mao Zedong communists, and disarmed the Nationalist army, which he later bragged he had done:
“With the stroke of a pen.”
Needless to say, with the Chinese Nationalists disarmed and betrayed by the United States, Mao Zedong and his communist gang of cut-throats soon drove Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists from the Chinese mainland.
By 1949 Mao was the undisputed communist master of China, the most populous country in the world. China, with its teeming 800 million people had been turned over to Jewish-communist control through American treachery.
And so, another country succumbed to betrayal, made in the United States of America.
Huge Bloodbaths Followed.
Shortly after the communists took over in China, huge bloodbaths followed.
It is conservatively estimated that at least 60 million Chinese were murdered in the Mao Tse-tung purge that followed in order to consolidate his brutal regime.
Died a Traitor.
General George C. Marshall, having faithfully done his treacherous duty to his communist masters, died shortly thereafter.
A few more recent examples should suffice to establish the pattern.
Let’s look at what has been going on in the Western hemisphere.
Betrayal of Chile.
By 1970, in Chile an outright communist government had been established, headed by Salvador Allende.
This had been achieved with the help of huge sums of American “aid,” and especially the connivance of the American C.I.A.
Then in 1974 the unexpected happened.
The people of Chile, led by army officers, revolted, killed Allende and took back their government.
Was the United States government happy at this triumph over communism?
On the contrary, it stopped all aid, cut off credits and has carried on a vicious trade boycott and propaganda campaign against Chile ever since.
Panama Canal given to Communists.
In 1979 the traitorous United States Senate and executive branch turned over the American built and owned Panama Canal to a tinhorn communist government of dope peddlers and thieves headed by General Torrijos.
Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera (February 13, 1929 – July 31, 1981) was a Panamanian dictator, as well as the Commander of the Panamanian National Guard and military leader of Panama from 1968 to his death in 1981. Torrijos was never officially the president of Panama but instead held self-imposed and all-encompassing titles including “Maximum Leader of the Panamanian Revolution”. Torrijos took power in a coup d’état and instituted a number of social reforms.
Not only did they hand it to these criminals free on a silver platter, but they paid them billions to take this, the most strategic waterway in the world.
This despite the fact that the mail of some senators was running 200 to 1 against this blatant and treacherous sellout.
Treacherous sell-out in Nicaragua.
While this treacherous sell-out was being promoted to the American people, the C.I.A. was already busy using Panama as a base to run arms and revolutionaries into nearby Nicaragua and instigate revolution.
Here again our perfidious American government ran true to form.
Whereas the Somoza family, which had ruled Nicaragua for more than 40 years was strongly pro-American and anti-communist, the same year as we gave away the Panama Canal, Anastasio Somoza was blatantly betrayed and sold down the river.
Anastasio “Tachito” Somoza Debayle (Spanish: [anasˈtasjo soˈmosa ðeˈβajle]; 5 December 1925 – 17 September 1980) was the 53rd President of Nicaragua from 1967 to 1972 and again from 1974 to 1979.[1] As head of the National Guard, he was de facto ruler of the country between 1967 and 1979, even during the period when he was not the de jure ruler.
With C.I.A. organization, money and arms, the country was thrown into utter chaos and turmoil, and finally with the United States telling Somoza to get out, he, too, fled the country.
The communist “Sandinistas” took over and another anti-communist country was betrayed and turned over to the communist behemoth with the help of democratic, “anti-communist” United States of America.
C.I.A. plays Vital Role.
At this point it would be useful to point out the tremendous importance of the Central Intelligence Agency in most of the Communist takeovers.
During World War II the Office of Strategic Services was organized as a super intelligence agency coordinating and superseding the different United States military intelligence agencies.
It was heavily staffed with Jews and was in reality a supra world-wide Jewish secret police.
Like its Russian counterpart, the Cheka, the O.G.P.U., the N.K.V.D., the K.G.B. and various other name changes in between, so, too, the name of the O.S.S. was changed to the C.I.A.
But essentially its character and purpose remained unchanged— it remained (and is today) a world-wide secret police and spy network in the employ of world-wide Jewry, with the American taxpayer again footing the bill.
Not only is the C.I.A. a spy network, but it also acts as a powerful army of intrigue and deception, a strong-arm that not only spies, but uses force to make things happen.
Awesome Power, Unlimited Funds.
The bill to the American taxpayer is enormous.
With almost unlimited funds at its disposal and a huge army of manpower in its employ, the power and influence of the C.I.A. in the world at large is awesome and frightening indeed.
Neither Congress nor the president really knows how many billions are spent each year by these powerful secret police agency.
Nor are they aware of what capers or machinations they are engaged in.
All this is cloaked under the guise of “secrecy,” “national security,” “protecting our agents.”
The C.I.A. is completely beyond the control of either the courts, congress or the executive branch.
In fact, the visible members of the government are themselves frightened of, and very much at the mercy of the C.I.A.
A Criminal Army.
Nor are there any limits to the tactics in which the C.I.A. may engage.
- Assassination
- planting false propaganda
- lying
- stealing
- murder
- betrayal
- planning revolutions
and “dirty tricks” of any nature are all in their routine arsenal of promoting the Jewish program.
Nor is that all.
- Setting up dummy corporations, false political movements
- printing a temporary newspaper
- rigging elections
- supporting political candidates and movements
- destroying others
all of this is also part of their bag of tricks.
Operate on American soil also.
Nor are their operations limited to foreign soil. Any American citizen who is loyal to his country, or is for the White Race, or wants to expose the Jewish conspiracy, or is anticommunist, is fair game for the powerful and treacherous C.I.A. right here in our home territory.
This they do in perfect collaboration with the F.B.I. Hand in glove with each other they will infiltrate domestic organizations, political parties and build up or destroy any group, faction or individual they see fit.
Tool of the Jews.
What they see fit is always in the best interests of the Jews and towards the destruction of the White Race.
Before we leave the subject of intelligence there are a few other arms of Jewish spying that I must bring to light at this point.
Mind police.
Since the Jews for the last several thousand years have been carrying on the most vicious conspiracy in history, namely the destruction and take-over of all other peoples— they have been fanatic to the point of being paranoid about spying and gathering information on their enemies.
And this is understandable.
Since the hideous crime they are perpetrating is all based on secrecy and deceit, holding the lid on their conspiracy is a highly precarious business.
So, they frantically enter into all kinds of devices, spy organizations and means of gathering intelligence that would stagger the limits of the Gentile mind.
The Jews not only want to know what their enemies (everybody is their enemy) are doing, they also want to know what they might be planning.
In fact, as far as is possible they want to know what everybody is thinking before such thinking might be translated into action.
Network of spy games.
So, they have all kinds of spy and intelligence networks operating throughout the world.
- the C.I.A
- the F.B.I.
- the Russian K.G.B.
and others already mentioned there are two more that I want to point out, one in America, the other in Israel.
The A.D.L. The A.D.L., short for Anti-Defamation League, is in America.
Ostensibly, it pretends to safeguard Jewish interests and prevent the spread of “anti-Semitism.”
Why the Jews should find this necessary when the English, the Germans, the Italians or other ethnic groups find such safeguards unnecessary, they have never explained.
But in reality, the A.D.L. is much, much more than that.
Presumably an offshoot of the Jewish B’nai B’rith, it is really the main powerhouse of this Jewish outfit.
In reality it is a powerful, well financed spy operation inside our own borders that not only gathers information on politicians, civic organizations, diverse individuals, but on anything and everything that they so much as even suspect might blow the lid on the Jewish conspiracy.
They have huge files and electronic computers that rival the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. itself, and any information the F.B.I. or C.I.A. might have that is considered useful to the A.D.L. is readily fed to the latter.
Censorship Operation.
The A.D.L.’s activities extend much further.
They are extremely active in politics— promoting those useful to the Jews and destroying those that might be deemed uncooperative.
They also monitor all books, magazines, newspapers, all news media, movements or whatever— anything that might affect the Jewish conspiracy— and this includes just about everything of any significance that happens in this country.
Plant Propaganda.
They aggressively invent, if necessary, news stories and plant them into the mainstream of the news media— T.V., newspapers, etc.
They not only publish a great number of articles for dissemination, but they also publish a large number of books that are either favorable to Israel and the Jews or viciously attack their enemies.
The Mossad, super Spy network.
The other Jew spy organization that is of major worldwide importance is the one headquartered in Israel.
It is known as the Mossad.
It is the central Jewish intelligence gathering apparatus for the entire world.
It is the super-supra spy network of all history.
Anything the American C.I.A. knows that is useful to the Jews (just about everything) is funneled to the Mossad.
Everything the Russian K.G.B. knows that is useful is funneled to the Mossad.
Likewise with the intelligence gathering apparatus in:
- Germany
- France
- Italy
and throughout the world, it is all funneled to the Mossad.
There is hardly anything of significance that happens anywhere in the world but what it is shortly catalogued in the massive computers of the Mossad in Israel.
Deadly criminals.
But the Mossad goes much further than just spying and gathering intelligence from all over the world. Like the A.D.L., it is virulently aggressive and continually on the offensive.
It has well trained assassination squads that run rampant in most of the countries of the world, especially the United States.
It sets up paramilitary organizations like the Jewish Defense League, or Jewish gun clubs trained to skillfully kill Gentiles.
The members of Mossad have the run of the United States with little or no opposition from “our own” law enforcement agencies while they tap telephones, bug embassies, foreign diplomats, even the White House and any and every branch of the United States government.
In short, not only the United States but the whole world is their undisputed territory, and the White Man, (their main victim) not only gives them no opposition but pays the bill and hardly knows they exist.
Runs Rampant over World Governments.
Undoubtedly the Mossad is the most dangerous, cruel and blood-thirsty gang of international criminals the world has ever known, running rampant and roughshod over all laws and governments throughout the world, with little or no opposition.
Like the C.I.A., it is world-wide and parallels many of its operations with this difference:
Whereas the C.I.A. is headquartered in the United States, the Mossad is headquartered in Israel; whereas the C.I.A. is manned by a mixture of Jews and Gentiles, the Mossad is all Jewish; whereas the C.I.A. freely shares its information with Mossad, the latter gives nothing to the C.I.A.
It is strictly a one-way street, all leading to exclusive Jewish supremacy and tyranny over the “goy” of the world.
Before we leave this foul conspiracy of Russia, Israel, Jews and the U.S. government, there are two other aspects of this nefarious combination that I must clarify.
Foreign Aid to Everybody.
One is the issue of America dispensing foreign aid (taxpayers’ money) to every sleazy panhandler in the world.
At present I understand that we are handing out foreign aid to 116 countries in the world.
This is one of the most insane pieces of piracy ever imposed upon any group of taxpayers in the history of the world.
The American taxpayers have never had an opportunity to vote or express their opinion upon this blatant piece of thievery, but this continues year after year.
For 35 years the American taxpayers have been bled white, and at this time there is no indication that it will ever stop or even lessen.
Supposedly to Bribe Countries out of Communism.
The gimmick in this whole fraudulent swindle is this: It was inaugurated as the Marshall Plan to keep countries from “going communist.”
Its noble objective seemed to be to fight communism.
In other words, we tried to bribe them, to buy them off, to wheedle them out of communism with cash, thereby supposedly winning friends for our side.
That supposedly, was the idea, we were told.
Actually, we are Subsidizing Communism.
The realities were somewhat different.
Actually, we were propping up faltering communist countries, including the big one, Russia.
Before World War II was even concluded we shipped over 13 billion dollars’ worth of domestic goodies, including tractors, refrigerators and what have you.
If we were trying to fight communism, why subsidize them?
Hostile to Anti-Communist Countries.
In practice we were subsidizing communism, not fighting it.
We used our tremendous wealth as a club to push countries into communism.
We used it as a wedge to get our C.I.A. into their midst and maneuver their politics in such a way that the Jews and the communists would sooner or later gain control.
In countries such as Chile where they did throw the communists out on their own (no thanks to the U.S. government) we would bear down hard on them, boycott them (as also in Rhodesia) and use economic pressure to get them back into the Jewish fold.
U.S. Betrays Friends, Rewards Enemies.
As a result of all this fantastic give-away amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars, most of the countries of the world have completely lost respect for America.
They intensely distrust us and never have we been hated so much by so many. And for good reason.
The United States (controlled by Jews) has repeatedly practiced treachery, to both its own people and its foreign friends.
It has consistently betrayed and punished its friends such as:
- Rhodesia
- Somoza
- Batista
- Chile
etc. and generously rewarded its communist “enemies”.
No wonder the rest of the world distrusts and despises the United States.
Germany under Military Occupation.
The other matter is the keeping of American occupational forces in Germany for the interminable period of 35 years after the defeat of a former enemy, something the United States has never done before in its history.
This, too, is a gigantic swindle.
We supposedly have the troops there to “protect” Germany from a Russian onslaught.
The fact is Germany could have protected itself very well from communist Russia and would have cleaned out that foul nest of vipers in the early 40’s had we not interfered.
Real Reason:
To Protect the Jews.
The real reason our troops have been kept in Germany these 35 years and undoubtedly will remain another 35 years is to keep the German people subdued so they will not revive the Hitler movement and again turn on the Jews.
In short, our troops are there for the sole purpose of protecting the Jews from the Germans and preventing the Germans from setting up a government of their own choice.
Yes, that is the real and only reason, not to protect Germany from Communist Russia.
Artificial Bandit State.
Now we come to that other nest of vipers, the bandit state of Israel itself.
This artificial monstrosity owes its very existence to the combined money power of International Jewry, the C.I.A., the news media and the facade known as the “United States” government.
Total Parasite.
We must remember that Jews are total parasites and do not really want to live in a country of their own.
Parasites cannot live off of each other and must live on a productive host.
For this reason, Jews do not want to, and could not even if they did want to, live in a country of their own.
For thousands of years they, more than anyone else, have had ample opportunity to get together and build a country of their own.
They never have wanted to, and they never will.
They remain eternally what they always have been— parasites.
Reasons for Set-up.
So why did they go to such great pains to steal Palestine from the Arabs and set up this artificial monstrosity called Israel?
The reasons are manifold, all designed to aid and abet the Jewish program for the take-over of the world.
1. Probably the most important reason was to Bolster and Unify the sagging ideology of the Jewish rank and file.
So successful and so affluent have the recent generations of Jews become that many of the younger Jews were fraternizing with and marrying Gentiles.
We must remember that enmity, hatred and struggle have historically been the foundation that built the Jewish race and religion into the solid battering ram that has brought them the phenomenal success that they now flaunt.
In too much success can also be the seedbed of its own disintegration.
With Zionism, the Israeli “Homeland” and the struggle to defend and expand Israel the Jewish people have created new enemies and thereby regained a tremendous boost of fervor and solidarity that has seemingly “confirmed” their religious myths and turned them into a tangible reality.
2. Israel was designed to become the center of World Government.
It is their plan to move the United Nations to Jerusalem and rule the world from Zion.
“The law shall go out from Zion.”
It is their intent to rule the goyim from “Zion” where they can do so without any interference from alien surveillance or disturbances.
3. Having “Israel” and Jerusalem as their home base has given a religious and mystical quality to their movement of taking over the world.
It convinces many of their own people as well as millions of goy yokels that “God” is on their side and that the Jews are “God’s chosen people.”
This is what is called a self-fulfilling prophecy which the Jews have been shrewd enough to turn into real power and into billions of dollars and cents.
4. It provides a safe and unmolested haven for that murderous supra intelligence agency, the Mossad, which we have already described.
5. There are a number of other reasons that have been advanced such as (a) the tremendous wealth of precious minerals contained in the murky waters of the Dead Sea, (b) the Jews (with the help of United States power) will expand and take over the Arab lands and rich oil fields of the Persian Gulf, (c) it is a place of refuge if world conditions become too hostile for the Jews, (d) other minor reasons.
It is my opinion that the first four reasons stated are by far the most important and the fifth category is comparatively minor, especially No. 5 (c) that it could be a refuge in a crisis.
The fact remains that the Jews will always be a deadly parasite on the backs of the productive nations of the world, or they will be nothing.
Once they are driven from power in the White nations of the world their whole power structure will rapidly collapse.
Israel will rapidly collapse with it.
In fact, the Arabs themselves would soon make short shrift of the bandit state of Israel as soon as the Jews lose their grip on the control centers of the White nations of the world, especially the United States.
Israel short lived without subsidization.
The plain fact is that inside Israel itself there is turmoil, dissension, hatred and disintegration.
The Jews have not proved they could build a nation of their own or live with themselves.
On the contrary, without the continual financial blood transfusions from Germany, the United States and other “goyim” countries, Israel couldn’t last six months.
Even with all this tremendous aid from the outside it has one of the highest rates of inflation in the world.
The United States alone in 1979 subsidized Israel to the tune of $10,000 per family of four in Israel.
On top of that Germany is paying reparations for the phony “holocaust” to the tune of a billion dollars a year.
The Jews in New York, Miami Beach and elsewhere raise $300 million each year for “Israeli bonds” (a swindle) and send it tax free to Israel.
Yet despite all this tremendous outside subsidization Israel the parasite is in a continual turmoil politically and in a precarious and faltering financial situation, a true parasite with no future of its own.
In summation we can safely conclude:
1. That Communism, Marxism and Zionism combine with capitalism to accomplish one and the same goal— the Jewish take-over of the world.
2. That the United States is not fighting Communism, but on the contrary, is firmly in the grip of the Jewish network using the wealth, power and prestige of the United States to betray and take over one country after another, all in the sham battle of “fighting Communism.”
3. The C.I.A. and the F.B.I. are both the Secret police and the strong arm of the Jewish network.
Never, never trust their agents nor collaborate with them in any way.
4. We need not look to Russia as the real enemy of the United States.
The Russian people would like to get the Jewish-Communist monkey off their back as much as anybody and would have succeeded long ago if it had not been for the machinations of the United States.
The real enemy resides right here in our own country, especially in New York and Washington.
5. Only by rallying the total power of the White Race and organizing it under a powerful racial religion such as CREATIVITY can we ever hope to break the back of the Jewish Marxist-Communist-Zionist tyranny.
How Jews Take Control of Opposing Sides to Advance Their Communist Agenda
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