First published March 3, 2024, by Miles Mathis

Alex Jones is hitting this again, so I will, too.

Jones in 2024 10.2 MB View full-size Download

Alexander Emerick Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist. He hosts The Alex Jones Show from Austin, Texas, which was previously broadcast by the Genesis Communications Network across the United States via syndicated and internet radio. Jones’s website, InfoWars, promotes conspiracy theories and fake news,[27][28][29] as do his other websites, News Wars and Prison Planet. Jones has provided a platform and support for white nationalists, giving Nick Fuentes a platform on his website, Banned.Video, as well as providing an “entry point” to their ideology. In 2023, leaked texts from Jones’s phone revealed that he created the website National File to evade social media bans on Info Wars content.

Alex Jones Deep Dives Into The Key To 9/11 — WTC 7 (

My readers often ask me about this, even after all this time.

They know a lot of the conspiracies, but they still aren’t sure what it was really all about.

They want me to do my usual job on it, boiling it down to the basics.

So here I am.

The first thing we notice with Alex Jones’ coverage today is that he is still selling the planes hitting the towers.

He is rerunning his analysis from twenty years ago, but not making any corrections to it, that I could see.

In the very first moments of his building 7 analysis, he says,

“We all know the jets hit the two main towers; we all agree on that.”

Big record scratch.

Uh, no we don’t Alex.

Plus, his language here is a red flag.

Any time someone says,

“We all agree on that”

you should pause, because you are probably being yanked.

That is propaganda language.

Anyway, we will get to the planes, but let’s start at the beginning.

Why was any of this done in the first place?

You have to understand that to understand any of the facts of that day.

It all started with a call from the owners of the building * to someone high up in government.

The buildings no longer met fire and environmental codes, due to asbestos being sprayed heavily back in the early 70s, and to update the buildings would cost more than they were worth.

Plus, occupancy was down, and the buildings were white elephants in other ways.

They needed to be demolished, but how do you legally demolish two buildings of that size in lower Manhattan, buildings built to withstand hurricanes?

Not only would the costs to do it meeting environmental regulations be enormous, but the logistics would also be a nightmare.

You would have to evacuate all of lower Manhattan, perhaps the whole island, and depending on which way the wind was blowing, you would have to evacuate large parts of Long Island or New Jersey as well.

All life and business in the area would be brought to a standstill for weeks, maybe months. **

So, they were in real pickle.

Demolishing the buildings legally and safely simply wasn’t feasible, but it had to be done somehow.

So, they came up with this plan to do it illegally, creating a cover story for it.

It was decided to evacuate only the buildings themselves but let the rest of the city fend for itself.

Even emergency services couldn’t be warned, for the most part, since that would give the game away.

Which is why most firefighters didn’t know this was a planned demolition.

They didn’t use nukes, since there are no nukes, and they didn’t use DEWs either.

The Nuclear Hoax – Library of Rickandria

They used tons of advanced explosives, probably of the thermite/thermate category, and spent many months setting them.

But due to the size of the buildings, they didn’t have any way to guarantee an implosion into its footprint, as they do with smaller buildings, so they let that requirement fly as well.

The engineers were instructed to just bring it down as fast as possible, letting debris fly where it would.

Which is why we saw an explosion, not an implosion.

They were already doing this all illegally, so it didn’t really make any sense to limit it to safest or cleanest method.

Just do it in the quickest, most violent fashion possible; and knowing these people, probably the cheapest as well.

As for the cover story, they went with the old terrorist thing again.

These people aren’t highly creative, and they had been using the terrorist story to cover things for decades.

Due to years of previous blackwashing, Arabs were considered by Americans to be the scariest people, so the fake terrorists were said to be Arabs.

They needed something capable of bringing down the buildings, so it was down to missiles or planes.

Planes would make a better story, because you could then hire some people (think Naudet brothers) to make some fake films of planes flying into the towers.

Then all you have to do is plant some people on the ground saying they saw planes and you are done.

You get your puppets in the media to repeat your stories and call it a wrap.

Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria

Except that there never were any planes.

No plane was found in Shanksville, no plane was found at the Pentagon, and all the films in NYC were later proved to be fakes, with CGI planes and explosions pasted in.

Using serial numbers, the planes involved were later tracked by researchers.

They made secret emergency landings at other airports, Cleveland being one of them, if I remember correctly, and were simply warehoused until their numbers could be re-assigned and repainted.

I don’t know if that research is still up on the web, but I studied it years ago and found it completely convincing.

It was much easier to believe than the mainstream story.

Remember, many people called nix on the planes story early on, including some prominent rich people like Lear of Lear jets.

He pointed out the obvious:

planes can’t fly at those speeds only a few hundred feet off the ground.

The atmosphere is too thick, and planes aren’t built to those tolerances.

Their wings would break off.

They can only reach cruising speeds above 500mph at altitude, where the atmosphere is much thinner.

And of course, aluminum planes don’t fly through buildings, or even punch holes in steel frames. 

The idea that their wings would carve out those wide airplane shapes— slicing through steel beams—is ridiculous on the face of it.

So, we knew from the start that either missiles were used, with planes being pasted over them in CGI, and plane shapes pre-designed by set charges; or. . . it was all CGI, with the:

  • holes
  • debris
  • explosions

and smoke all being CGI and only CGI.

The more researchers studied it, the more likely they were to end up at that final and correct conclusion.

Dozens of films were faked, and the fakers actually spent a lot of time and money on this part of the hoax.

They knew it was key to the whole thing, and they were right.

Most people didn’t understand what could be done with film fakery in 2001, and most still don’t understand 23 years later.

They could already do almost everything then, and now they can do everything.

Which means none of those people died.

I have already hit this in a previous paper, called “The 9/11 Passengers”.

9/11 Passengers – Library of Rickandria

They simply faked their deaths.

Some were already dead, some were old people about to die who wanted to cash their insurance policies early for accidental death, and others were CIA agents who just changed their names or went further under cover.

They admit all the flights were seriously under-booked, being in total at only 33% occupancy.

I haven’t studied all the names of those allegedly killed on the ground, but we know some of them faked their deaths.

I simply assume most of them did.

Of the nearly 3000 said to be killed, I would guess less than a hundred actually did, and those were the unlucky who dodged evacuation or otherwise got caught in the event, including firefighters and other emergency response.

Tens of thousands of others later got sick from all the toxins released, so that wasn’t faked.

Those who ran the event considered it collateral damage.

Once this basic plan about Arab terrorists and planes was written down and published among the top dogs, some of them jumped in and suggested the event be used to start new wars.

This is the PNAC angle, the cover of which has been blown for a long time.

This false flag, or one very like it, had been on the drawing table for years, and the Pentagon was itching to use it to start new highly profitable fake wars, where billions of dollars of weaponry could be deployed.

Once used it would have to be replaced, leading to trillions in new defense contracts.

Same thing we are seeing now in Ukraine and other places.

And a third leg of this hoax was waiting to be built as well:

the Department of Homeland Security.

Cheney and Rumsfeld’s baby, by which they and their pals could get into the Intel business, drinking freely from the treasury like CIA and all the other three-letter agencies.

As a tack-on to that was the rise of the security state, where these same bozos that terrorized us with fake events turned around and sold us security from them, in the form of airport body scanners and other pretend mitigation.

That too has become a trillion-dollar business, not only in regard to airport and event security, but in a general rise in “mitigation”.

Mitigation from climate change, mitigation from disease in the form of vaccines and other drugs, mitigation from cyber-attacks, mitigation from nuclear war in the form of bunkers and other bunkum, mitigation from the future in the form of prepping.

In a similar way, these fake events are a bonanza for the psychiatric profession, which has to be paid billions in mitigating neuroses, psychoses, and general dread.

They are a bonanza for the medical profession in general, as well as the hospitals they populate, who have to be paid billions to diagnose and treat millions of real and phantom complaints from patients suffering from this general dread of everything.

Fear has turned out to be the most profitable thing ever invented.

But let’s get back to the specifics of 9/11.

What about building 7?

You probably know it was pulled, since the owner Larry Silverstein admitted it on tape, but why?

Larry Silverstein appearing for the UJA-Federation of New York in 2014 1.23 MB View full-size Download

Larry A. Silverstein (born May 30, 1931) is an American businessman. Among his real estate projects, he is the developer of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan, New York City, as well as one of New York’s tallest residential towers at 30 Park Place, where he owns a home.

It doesn’t seem necessary to the story, does it?

Well, it was another tack-on by the PNAC people, since all of them were involved in major fraud and some of them were in some fear of being prosecuted for it.

Not just the fraud of 9/11, but:

  • bank and securities fraud
  • racketeering
  • money laundering

the whole laundry list of fraud going back many decades.

I Would Like to File a Suspicious Transactions Report on the entire 20th century – Library of Rickandria

The kind of fraud that partially came out a few years later with LIBOR.

Well, as it turns out, not only was building 7 the command center for the 9/11 event, but it was also the physical site of millions of pages of government records.

Someone probably suggested they move all those documents into the twin towers before they were exploded, but his cousin next to him no doubt said,

“Why bother?

That’s just more unnecessary work and expense.

Building 7 is also a white elephant, not up to code, so let’s just take it out with the other two.

That way we don’t have to move anything.

Insurance is paying for all of this anyway, so just add that to the bill.”

And so that was done.

What about Osama bin Laden?

Bin Laden c. 1998 551 KB View full-size Download

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (Arabic: أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن, romanized: Usāma bin Muḥammad bin ʿAwaḍ bin Lādin; 10 March 1957 – 2 May 2011) was a Saudi Arabian-born Islamist dissident and militant leader who was the founder and first general emir of al-Qaeda from 1988 until his death in 2011. Ideologically a pan-Islamist, he participated in the Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union and supported the activities of the Bosnian mujahideen during the Yugoslav Wars. Bin Laden is most widely known as the mastermind behind the September 11 attacks in the United States.

Just a scarecrow.

A dead one.

He was already dead by 2001, which is why the Saudis let us use him for this vaudeville.

He was a member of the “royal family” over there, which is just another name for “our stooges”, and he wasn’t even well liked by them.

He had been a CIA asset for decades, working for us in Afghanistan in the fake war over there against Russia.

Again, as with Ukraine now.

The Ukraine Crisis – Library of Rickandria

His family found working for the CIA so overtly to be beneath their dignity, which is why they didn’t like him.

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria

They preferred to be a US front covertly, pretending Saudi Arabia was independent, when it never had been.

It was created by us and is still referred to by our Intel as Theatrical East—along with the rest of that area.

So, like the rest of this, the movie Zero Dark Thirty is complete fiction.

Killing Bin Laden | Zero Dark Thirty (Chris Pratt, Jessica Chastain)

Chris Pratt is… well, a Pratt – Library of Rickandria

It is probably worth reminding you that Alex Jones has heavily sold the Saudi angle of 9/11 since the beginning.

But that is all just the usual misdirection, since the Saudis had nothing to do with it.

Neither did Mossad, although the Arab blackwashing in the event thrilled them.

We were and are completely capable of faking our own events with no help from:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Israel
  • China

or Russia.

With an Intel budget that is off the books but probably larger than the entire defense budget, that should go without saying.

By the way, Larry Silverstein, who had bought the Twin Towers at a discount just seven weeks before 9/11 and was paid $4.55 billion by insurers for their destruction, is still alive, age 92.

So, he could still be brought to justice.

He will meet his maker soon enough and have to account for everything down to the last farthing, but that doesn’t mean we should leave him be.

Because this concerned fraud, there is no statute of limitations on it, and his heirs should not continue to profit from his crimes.

Mentioning insurance should remind us there was insurance fraud involved here, possibly the greatest since the Titanic.

We can be sure that low-level dupes were made to pay the claims here, with larger members of the pool swimming, as usual.

See my paper on the Titanic for how that works, concentrating on what I tell you about Lloyds of London there.

The Titanic: The Fraud that Keeps on Giving – Library of Rickandria

These defrauded insurers or their heirs are also still alive, and they would be well advised to re-open class-action lawsuits, hiring the best investigators to pursue the insurance fraud angle.

All the people involved in this hoax and their heirs are still liable, and that would include of course. . . Dick and Liz Cheney.

It would include:

  • Bush
  • Obama
  • Clinton
  • Rice
  • Powell
  • Giuliani
  • Bill Kristol
  • John Kerry

and hundreds of others in government.

It would include the heads of all media, who pushed this while knowing it was a fake.

And bilked insurers aren’t the only ones who could be suing these people class-action.

Every citizen in the US could be suing these people for:

  • civil rights violations
  • fraud
  • extortion
  • illegal taxation
  • emotional distress

and punitive damages.

This monumental crime should have crashed the government and bankrupted all these old families years ago, before we hit another excuse for that:

the vaccine genocide.

You can now sue class-action a whole new set of people (cousins of the first set) for the same causes.

If you don’t get up off your assess and do something now, lawsuits or otherwise, you can expect another monumental crime—probably even worse—to hit you next.

The REVOLUTION IS NOW – Library of Rickandria

It won’t be a real nuclear war, but it may be a fake one, which will cause nearly as much emotional distress. *

The Nuclear Hoax – Library of Rickandria

We are told the Port Authority owned the twin towers before leasing them to Silverstein in 2001, but that begs several more questions.

That just means New York and New Jersey technically owned and ran the place, but even that is not certain.

Remember, the Twin Towers were a Rockefeller idea and construction, with David Rockefeller always lurking behind them.

Rockefeller Bloodline – Library of Rickandria

He and Austin Tobin of the Port Authority were the big dogs behind that project that started in the 1960s, Tobin being in the Port Authority since 1927, when he was just 24.

So, it must have been some sort of family business for these Tobins.

He became executive director just 15 years later, before he hit 40.

The Port Authority also owned and controlled the three big airports in the area, which you can see is not beside the point in this event.

During the tenure of Tobin, the Port Authority grew from 300 people to 8000.

Tobin is heavily scrubbed online, but the Tobins have been big Jewish bankers for centuries.

More recently they became linked to the Vanderbilts, which may be their link to the Rockefellers as well.

We may assume they are all banking/Phoenician cousins.

See Richard Tobin, who married a Vanderbilt.

image.png 94.5 KB View full-size Download

Richard Montgomery Tobin (April 9, 1866 – January 23, 1952) was an American banker and diplomat. He was a civic leader and philanthropist in San Francisco, California and served as United States Minister to the Netherlands.

His father was one of the banking founders of California through Hibernia Bank.

He was a knight of the Order of Malta, which is the Hospitallers, Saint John of Jerusalem.

So, if you are looking for the even bigger dogs behind people like Silverstein and Cheney, you have just found them.

You can add them to your lawsuit list.

The Tobins are related closely to the Conyngham Marquesses in the peerage, also linking them to the Barons Eveleigh-de-Molyns and through them to the Wauchopes.

Do you recognize that name?

You should, since we just saw it in my last paper.

The Wauchopes are close cousins of the Wallaces, linking the Tobins to Alfred Russel Wallace and Darwin.

Through the Stanhopes, the Wauchopes link us to Lady Caroline Fitzroy.

Do you recognize that name?

You should, since we just saw in the same series of papers.

A Fitzroy of this family was captain of the Beagle.

We also link to the:

  • Somersets, Marquesses of Worchester
  • Bennets, Earls of Arlington
  • Pagets, Marquesses of Angelsey

The Pagets link us forward to Darwin again.

They also link us the:

  • Villiers
  • Walpoles
  • Churchills

including Winston.

Also see Richard Tobin, a big business mogul, recently CFO of CNH (Fiat) and a bigwig at GTE and Alcan.

I would assume he is from this family.

Also, Daniel Tobin, head of the Teamsters before the war.

Also, James Tobin the famous economist.

Also, Peter Tobin, the fake Scottish serial killer, whose middle name just happens to be. . . Britton.

Tobin in 2006 271 KB View full-size Download

Peter Britton Tobin (27 August 1946 – 8 October 2022) was a Scottish convicted serial killer and sex offender who served a whole life order at HM Prison Edinburgh for three murders committed between 1991 and 2006. Police also investigated Tobin over the deaths and disappearances of other young women and girls.

As in Benjamin Britten.

Britten in 1968, by Hans Wild 1.65 MB View full-size Download

Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten OM CH (22 November 1913 – 4 December 1976, aged 63) was an English composer, conductor, and pianist. He was a central figure of 20th-century British music, with a range of works including opera, other vocal music, orchestral and chamber pieces. His best-known works include the opera Peter Grimes (1945), the War Requiem (1962) and the orchestral showpiece The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra (1945).

No doubt another cloaked peer pretending to be a murderer.

One of his victims was a Hamilton—no doubt a peerage cousin.

I encourage you to read his Wiki page for many laughs.


Which makes us wonder:

will we have to sit through one of these fake terror attacks everytime they need to bring down a big building in the future?

How is that going to work?

When they retire the Sears Tower in Chicago, will they manufacture another Osama bin Laden to get us through it?


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911again.pdf (

What Really Happened? 9/11 (

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