Maybe since they’ve been fooling around for thousands of years covertly, it would seem for the most part, that overt contact is not necessarily the endgame unless we as a whole wish to embrace it.
If on the other hand we fight it fiercely from ever becoming confirmed, then we may keep a tactical psycho-dimensional leverage.
ET cannot be verified and admitted on the overt mainstream scientific level.
ARC and ET cooperate here.
We must absolutely keep the lid kept closed tight on “Ongoing Active ET Presence on Earth” and find ways to transition societal institutions, if a general pseudo-invasion or covert invasion, as already appears in progress, and possibly inevitable, is in the works.
Uh, who is that talking?
Why none other than those that believe ET is something to be suppressed for reasons that are, shall we say, suspicious?
It’s no fun to just spell it out, but…
The aliens claim to be the progenitor genetic engineers of the human race, and to be involved with very existence of many spiritual leaders through history, like Jesus and Mohammed and Joseph Smith.
This makes it a real bitch for existing religious institutions to adapt to ET without handing their flocks of souls to these heavenly claimants, if and when they ever fully reveal themselves.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
But is this just a more complicated invasion ruse, to use our most precious symbols and beliefs against us?
The smoke and mirrors begin.
- What will the Islamic people think when a fleet of saucers with the star and crescent moon symbol appear over Mecca?
- What will the Jewish people think when a fleet of triangle UFO’s complete with Star of David symbol on their ships appears over Bethlehem?
- What will Christians think when a large fleet of star shaped and platform shaped UFO’s with the holy Cross symbols and a Jesus in the flesh appears over Rome?
- What will Hindu’s think when a fleet of Vimana ET craft appear over the whole length of the Ganges River and New Delhi and telepathically broadcast numerous religious Gods and Avatars and sacred symbols to the masses?
It could be religious holocaust operation for all of humanity if the whole thing were a vast worldwide Trojan Horse operation.
Or it could be a staged UFO pre-emptive event as means to trump ET’s religious invasion plans.
The only path to overt societal assimilation or integration of the ET presence on Earth, is to do everything possible to delay and avert the aliens, divine, or demonic or indifferent, from abruptly taking away the authority of major human religions from human authorities in the minds of their flocks.
Real assessments have shown we need time.
Hopefully the aliens will want to continue to wait until we are ready, as a whole, to cope.
Unfortunately, a covert invasion is well underway, according to some, if that is what it is.
Others think there is even more going on under even yet tighter lids.
Things such as time traveling future humans coming back to mess around.
Things such as the sheer exponential increase of different kinds of intelligent alien visitation happening.
If angels and devils of the heavens are all advanced good and bad ET races, then our Earth may be a combined multi-alien race petri-dish of evolutionary experimentation.
It is probably a labor of love to the good ET races, and probably a dark intentioned cold expediency to the bad ET races.
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