LOCATION: Top of the head
COLOR: Violet
NUMBER OF PETALS: thousand-petal lotus
PLANET: Jupiter
GENDER: Female
DAY: Thursday
FUNCTION: Enlightenment
INNER STATE: Bliss, intuition, psychic hearing and communication [along with the 6th chakra]

The Crown Chakra is known as the “thousand-petal lotus.”

The lotus is also known as a lily.

Lily = “Lilith.”

Lilith, Inanna and Hillary – Library of Rickandria

In addition to each Demon as an actual living being, each Demon has his/her own spiritual message.

Lilith rules the Crown Chakra.

Satan rules the Base Chakra.

The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria

Both the Base and Crown Chakras are a male and female couple and work together.

MULADHARA: The Base Chakra – Library of Rickandria

The crown chakra known as the Sahasrara in Sanskrit is at the top of the head, right on top. 

It is violet in color, and rules over:

  • the brain
  • the pituitary
  • the nervous system

In allegory, its symbol is the thousand-petalled lotus.

This symbol goes back to Ancient Egypt.

CIVILIZATIONS: Ancient Egypt – Land of Kemet – Library of Rickandria

The seventh chakra when fully activated and opened, induces bliss states.

Demons informed me it is ruled by the element of water.

This chakra rules over all of the psychic senses and is essential to telepathic communications.

This chakra, contrary to popular teachings contains the third granthi, which is often the most difficult for the serpent to break through.

When this chakra is blocked, one often experiences sensations such as the crawlies, as the serpentine energy is going around this chakra and not through it as it is supposed to.

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