Linking is a skill used to create a connection with an object or being.
This can be done:
- physically
- emotionally
- mentally
or energetically.
being more empathic.
being more telepathic.
through touch.
Can be used in many different ways!
Is kind of a link between the three of them.
Linking can be used for:
Just making connection with things and objects as well as to others not necessarily in the more physical sense.
Linking can also be helpful for things like readings, spiritual connection, as well as between people, and other constructs, you can also use it to sense energetic things around you.
Types of Linking
Physical Linking:
Connecting with an object or being through means of physical contact.
Relax and clear your mind.
Choose the object you would like to connect to.
Using your hand touch the object (just lay a hand on it).
Now in 3-D space visualize a cord (root, plant, electric bolt whatever you wish) going down your arm spreading out into the object.
Now with your link made get a feel for the object, without physically moving your hands.
(Might be easier if thinking in 3-D space)
Energetic Linking:
Connecting to an object or being by means of an energetic connection.
Technique 1:
Relax and clear your mind.
Choose the object you would like to connect to.
Now from anywhere in your body.
I typically use my third eye.
Some use heart, or hand.
Just depends on the person really.
Visualize this cord or:
- root
- plant
- electric bolt
whatever, shooting out towards the object at hand.
Now this cord can encircle the object or dig into it to get a feel for it.
Feel all around it AS IF you were touching it (don’t actually touch it.)
Technique 2:
Relax and clear your mind.
Choose the object you would like to connect to.
Now create a shield around the object, as if you were to make it around yourself.
Now from anywhere in your body visualize this cord shooting out towards the shield around the object.
From this shield can extend your cord into to multiple smaller cords all inside the shield and connect them to the object that way.
Now this cord can encircle the object or dig into it to get a feel for it.
Feel all around it AS IF you were touching it (don’t actually touch it.)
This technique can be good for linking to multiple objects, as you can group them together in the shield, and connect to them that way.
How to link with people:
You will simply energetically link, but instead of a construct it’s a person.
And you want to picture linking to specific part on their body (I say third eye, and heart is the easiest) and connecting it to the same part on your own body.
Exercises to do while linking
Try to pick up the object’s energy.
Try doing this with a simple construct.
Try linking to a person.
Try linking to multiple constructs.
A more physical form of linking to detect more physical aspects like:
- shape
- color
- texture
- location
and even a being in itself.
It can be used in tandem with linking to feel the emotions/energies of said object.
Technique 1:
Get comfy:
- breathe
- relax
- clear your head
Create a link to the thing you are trying to link to (if this is attached to the energies of another person until less you are physically present to the object – link to the person first.)
Create a shield around the thing you are trying to scan after you have linked to it.
Spread out your link cord to every inch of the shield and become one with it.
Focus on the object you wish to link to and feel it as if it was your own energy.
While you do this, picture the same object as you scan it in 3-D space, and it should slowly become clearer as the connection grows stronger and your get a feel for it more.
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