The serpent race were the ones tempting Jesus during his 40 days fast in the wilderness.

This story illustrates exactly how these Serpent overlords work.

Upon refusing to subjugate yourself to the supposed base necessities of life, they begin to offer you more power.

Esau was a perfect example of failing to emerge from the matrix – he compromised his birthright from God for a meal.

Jesus on the other hand refuses, so the Reptilians up the ante and offer him supernatural abilities.

Many also fail here, such as Samson, because they forget God and start abusing their powers for self-glorification.

The final temptation is the foundation of the illuminati, Rothschild, etc.

Upon refusing to bow to prior temptations, the Serpents give their last offer to keep you in their matrix – a position of worldly power or governance.

These are all world rulers that are all very enlightened but compromise their soul’s ascent for a position of worldly dominance.

This is why so much satanic symbolism is associated with these groups, along with peculiar rituals and beliefs.

The US government and its sinister PSYOPS patches are no exception:

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“All your base are belong to us”

All Your Base Are Belong to Us – HQ Techno Remix


 ‘are a servant of ours’ or ‘serve us’.

It’s in reference to the mission being a spy satellite one which renders another country’s secret bases not so secret via imagery.

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“Never before, never again.”

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“Keep your distance, you who are unitiated.”

Many are stuck worshipping (giving primary concern for) the basic bodily requirements like Esau.

Others get caught up in self-glorification.

Others compromise their self for rulership positions.

But it is those who see the vanity in all the temptations that could potentially receive the crown of Life and emerge from the Serpentine matrix:

“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake will save it.” Luke 9:24

These are the same explicit directions given to the young man who is seeking eternal life:

Matthew 19:16-24 NIV – The Rich and the Kingdom of God – Just – Bible Gateway

“Whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

Do you believe this?”
 John 11:26

Those who die are like a fetal miscarriage.

Matrix, which means “womb”, is not our eternal dwelling, but a place that we emerge from.

The rulers/archons/Serpents are the arbitrators of this world and are a necessary force for our development:

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
 Romans 13:1

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he disputed with the devil over the body of Moses, did not presume to bring a slanderous charge against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

It is likely that all souls are eventually liberated, but many are currently stuck in the Serpentine feedback loop (ouroboros):

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John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw everyone to Myself.”


Details Concerning The Serpent Race – Extracts from Out of the Dragon’s Lair by Branton – File No. 010

“The Secret Doctrine”
Edens, Serpents And Dragons

BOOK: Flying Serpents & Dragons: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past – Library of Rickandria – by R.A. Boulay

Jung’s Ring and Serpent ID-Entities

The Story of the Serpent People and their Guidance
EXTRATERRESTRIALS: The Nagas – Library of Rickandria

Serpents in The Streets

Serpents of Wisdom

RELIGION: Stargates – Wormholes & the Bearded Serpent Gods of all Major Religions – Library of Rickandria – William Henry

Subterranean Kingdom of Shahmaran and the Land of The Snakes

Symbolism And Iconography of The Serpent

SECRET SOCIETIES: The Great White Brotherhood in Peru & the Serpent Masters from Venus – Library of Rickandria

“The SERPENT and the EYE” – Archeological Evidence Linking Reptilian Origins to Anunnaki/and Biblical History? – The Ubaid

The Serpent Code – The Sacred Past of Serpent Worshippers

The Serpent Knights Of The Round Temple

The Serpent of Life and Wisdom

The Serpent People


EXTRATERRESTRIALS: REPTILIAN: The Nagas – Library of Rickandria

The Serpent Race

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